
Odd One Out

"When everything is extraordinary, everything becomes ordinary." What would happen when you aren't ordinary like everyone else? When you lack something that everyone else had? Would you be lesser than ordinary? Doll was such a being. A lesser person in a world of normal people. Normal people were more able because they could host parasite system intelligence. Accelerated learning, defined jobs and occupations, daily mission achievements and advanced knowledge already propelled humans into the future. He couldn't be like them. What can he do with body that couldn't be a host? Was there any worth to him? ...

WidestGrin · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs


Chapter 9:- Procedures.

"An Odd," mumbled Rik, "What if I really have no choice but to take him in?"

The Head Nun stared at him impassively. "Why do you want him? There are many other kids too."

Rik decided to not hide anything. "He is a part of my C-type mission."

Her wispy, grey eyebrows rose. She sighed. "So it seems."

There was a tiny flicker of pity in her dull eyes but it soon disappeared. "You are from Darkot, right?"


"A journalist."




"Are you single? Or are you married?"

"U-um.... single?"

"Do you have any experience of taking care of kids?"

"Uh... ,no."

Her stare was piercing. "So you plan on hiring a babysitter?"

"Do you think you are able to take on the responsibility of taking care of a child? Not to mention that he is an Odd and is incapable of normally carrying out basic tasks like memorizing a theory and has no skills?"

"Simple things like learning how to talk took him five to six years. He was unable to use the washroom properly for four years. It took three of our Nuns to get him potty trained."

" Everything needed to be drilled into him painstakingly. Most ten-year-olds can already have proper conversations about quantum theories but he still struggles with fractional division."

Rik never expected it to be that bad. He was at a loss of words.

"If you take him in, you will be burdened. The only reason Doll could learn anything was because of our team of Nuns."

"Why don't you try some negotiation with your system?" she asked.

Rik told her that he already did. He decided to make his mission particulars visible to her. She glanced over it and tutted.


The processing of the adoption papers had to go through the embassy as well as many levels of the global system governing body. It was an unprecedented case. Just the submissions itself took several hours.

No one had ever wanted to take in an Odd. An unwanted existence; it was like trying to adopt a rock from the side of a road and crown it a prince.

The personnel even had to check Rik in person and inspect each aspect of him including his mental and physical health as well as checking the air quality of his room. He was almost rejected many times. It wasn't until his system stepped in that he received approval.



Three days. In this day and age, three days were a lot for something like getting a few documents signed. Even building a house took no more than an hour.

Rik was somewhat pleased and also nervous. Today he would be officially breaking the news to Doll. His new house in Riverendale was cleaned and decorated. New suit, tie, polished shoes.

"Deep breaths, Rik. You are going to become a father. You gotta look your best."

It was about time for the cabbie to arrive.

The time ticked away.

Ten o'clock.

He got up from his seat.

And fell back down looking up in fear at the shadow cast by an angry demoness.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Fer asked as her eyes morphed into serpentine slits.

Me sick. Wedding of relative. Indian Wedding. Too many relatives. Me more sick. Need more time!!

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