
Single Opportunities

After conferring with Father Time, the warrior peruses the list provided by the timeless entity, revealing the primary targets of the era – the Wathcer brothers. In historical accounts, these siblings successfully defended a sizable region with a meager force. The invader's extensive historical knowledge quickly identifies them, but their current whereabouts remain a mystery, except for a vague notion that most inhabitants dwell in the northeast. Armed with this information, the warrior shifts his course in that direction, entering the forest.

Maintaining composure, Leto contemplates myriad strategies to overcome these names erased from history. As seconds tick into minutes and minutes into hours, the forest yields few surprises, apart from a few plant species. Finally, emerging from the unfamiliar woodland, the warrior arrives at a small town, as anticipated.

The town's sparse populace confirms his outsider status, but the warrior endeavors to remain inconspicuous. Discovering a communal eating area, he approaches cautiously, keenly observing the surroundings.

To avoid confusion and secure definitive information, the warrior searches for the village leader. After brief scrutiny, an old man seated on a stone-made, throne-like chair captures his attention. Engaging the elderly figure, Leto opens the conversation calmly.

"I'm searching for a few people."

The old man remains silent momentarily, then turns to Leto and responds, "Who isn't?"

Undeterred, Leto elaborates, "The individuals I seek are three brothers, the renowned Wathcer brothers. I'm sure you've heard of them."

"There is no one in this village unfamiliar with their names and the pledges they made."

"Their pledges?"

"They arrived here long ago, promising to rid us of goblins. However, the goblins persist, taking our elders, women, children – the vulnerable – to their caves for consumption."

The invader, hearing of these creatures for the first time, suspects the villagers may be withholding information. Seeking clarity, he probes further.

"What do these goblins look like?"

The old man responds with slight surprise, "Even with a sword, I couldn't discern your warrior type. There's not a soul unfamiliar with goblins in this era. Every warrior knows of their savagery, lethality, and aggression."

A child, drawn by the conversation, approaches Leto excitedly, pleading for assistance in rescuing their mother from goblins. The village leader scolds the child, cautioning against soliciting help from strangers. Despite this, the child insists, revealing to Leto that he knows the location of the Wathcer brothers.

Intrigued, Leto listens as the child offers information in exchange for aid. The child reveals the brothers' antagonists, the Juton race, and discloses that he can guide Leto to them. Though tempted to employ threats, Leto refrains, unwilling to betray his principles or exploit the vulnerable child. Proposing a deal, he assures the child that he will investigate the cave and rescue any survivors, provided the child guides him to the Juton race.

The village leader, the child's grandfather, intervenes and accepts the deal, recognizing it as the best offer amid difficult times. The old man acknowledges the warrior's intent and willingness to help, expressing gratitude with the promise of aid if Leto succeeds in rescuing the village survivors.