
A Divided Path

When the Princess grasped the Warrior's intention, she voiced her concern about the potential danger.

"I understand what you want to do, Warrior, but this is very risky."

"It's the only way we have."

The Princess continued to express her hopelessness, trying to convey the difficulty of the situation to the Invader.

"Many people have tried to enter before, but no one succeeded."

"To die without fighting is cowardice; to die fighting is to show heroism. If you want to die doing nothing at all, I leave the choice to you. But if the others catch up with us, you won't even have a chance," said the Warrior.

"I know there are different kinds of creatures there."

"You don't have to fear and cause more trouble to yourself. I've encountered the creatures and noticed that they are sensitive to sound. If we stay quiet, we can make it to the point we need to."

The trembling in the Princess's eyes revealed her extreme fear. With a shaky voice, she pleaded not to use the labyrinth. "Let's find another way, please."

These words held no sway over the Warrior, for determination and the labyrinth were the only options in his mind. With an indifferent attitude, he turned his back and commenced walking towards the labyrinth.

After a few steps, the Princess called after him.

"Don't leave me here alone."

The Warrior ignored her pleas and pressed on. Realizing she couldn't convince him, the Princess reluctantly followed, her reluctance palpable.

The Warrior entered the labyrinth with unwavering determination. Its towering walls were adorned with incomprehensible symbols and ancient writings. The Princess nervously scanned her surroundings as she trailed the Warrior, the labyrinth's silence heightening the tension.

The atmosphere inside the labyrinth differed from the outside, as if it were a wholly distinct realm.

With focused eyes, the Warrior navigated the labyrinth's intricacies. He hadn't had much time to examine it on his initial entry, but now he took the opportunity to comprehend and strategize.

The ancient writings and symbols seemed to convey a message, though deciphering them proved challenging. The Princess scrutinized the inscriptions, attempting to discern their meaning.

"This is a really complex labyrinth. But there is something in these writings. Maybe the key to this is hidden here," the Princess contemplated.

Indifferent to the obstacles, the Warrior pressed forward. As they delved deeper, the writings on the walls grew more intricate. The Princess struggled to keep pace with the Warrior, her inner fears subdued.

"I don't understand anything from these writings. But I feel like this labyrinth is putting us through some kind of test," the Princess anxiously remarked.

The Warrior maintained silence, resolute in his advance. Despite the labyrinth's complexity, he navigated it with determination. The Princess, feeling lost yet compelled to follow, struggled to keep up.

As they penetrated the labyrinth's depths, various creature sounds echoed. The ancient writings and symbols not only served as a language but also guided them through the labyrinth's secrets.

The Princess oscillated between excitement and fear until she stumbled upon an area in the heart of the labyrinth that demanded attention. The inscriptions on the walls were clearer and more understandable here. Carefully studying these writings, the Princess sought clues to unravel the labyrinth's mysteries.

"These symbols… these writings… they seem to mean something. Maybe we found the right way," the Princess said hopefully.

Though the Warrior continued his unwavering progress, he must have sensed the Princess's excitement as he paused for a moment. She continued enthusiastically.

"These symbols seem to show us the right way. There seems to be a door here. Maybe this door is the exit of the labyrinth."

The Warrior listened to the Princess but remained vigilant, scanning their surroundings. The Princess tried to discern the relationships between the symbols and took steps toward the mysterious door at the labyrinth's center.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to open the door with the excitement of unraveling the labyrinth's secrets and finding the correct path. However, a significant challenge still loomed before them — they needed a key for the door.