

A college boy had a completely ordinary life, just like any other, but one event would turn his life upside down in a sleight of hand. Everything changed after Souta was accused of murdering a famous model, without knowing what to do he will try to prove his innocence to avoid being unfairly convicted.

RexxDrink · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Chapter 26

In a completely devastated hall, where the only thing that was found was three people and a dead body, you could hear the noise of something running towards those people.

-Folks!! You guys are fine!! (Marie)

-Marie! Where were you? (Souta)

-Kyaaaa!! This is... (Marie)

-Yeah... the monster attacked her just now, there was nothing we could do. (Akemi)

-What happened? I was talking to the leader. What happened while I was gone? (Marie)

-You must have noticed that you hear a blackout in the mansion, after that Akemi lit a lighter and lit the place, however the monster took advantage of the lack of light to attack. As Akemi was with the light source, I think this caught the monster's attention and made him try to attack her. (Souta)

-Yes, luckily I managed to dodge the attack and fled with Souta under a table, but unfortunately this girl ended up being killed in my place. (Akemi)

-I see... (Marie)

-Things are getting more and more complicated. (Akemi)

-I think we have no other choice! (Marie)

-What do you mean? (Akemi)

-Things are over the limit, we can't wait any longer, so I'll show you our leader. Please follow me. (Marie)

The three followed Marie down a long upstairs corridor.

-Aren't you a little sudden? (Akemi)

-Yeah... what if he doesn't want to talk to us? (Souta)

-Don't worry, I was already setting up this meeting. A little earlier I had told him about you, who were here at the mansion. At first he was a little surprised and said he would think a little bit first, so he asked me to sort out some tasks that needed to be completed in the library while he thought about it. (Marie)

-So, you mean that in the end he accepted? (Souta)

-I still haven't heard your answer. (Marie)

So he's really going to be pissed at you for us to take him to him. (Akemi and Souta)

-I think he'll love meeting you, so don't worry. (Marie)

Souta as he walked looked suspiciously at Marie.

A little earlier, before Marie found the three of them in the lobby.

-Ryusaki, I know this is not the best time to say this. But you still have suspicions about Marie, don't you? (Souta)

-Forgive me... if you want I stop distrusting her! I can try to accept it without any fear... (Ryusaki)

-It's not that. I think from that point on there's no denying that she's our prime suspect. (Souta)

-Eeehhh... everything happened in a very strange way. First our hotel and now this meeting she arranged with the association staff, on all those occasions he's shown up and tried to kill us. (Akemi)

-Yes, whatever is happening, Marie is not a poor thing, she has something to do with this whole story. That's why Ryu, I want you to watch her steps closely, even more than you've watched so far. If at the end of it all you tell us it's her, I'll take your word for it a hundred percent and I'll arrest her right away. (Souta)

-OK. (Ryusaki)

Back to the present.

-We're here! This is the door to the leader's room. (Marie)

Marie goes to the door and knocks three times.


-In between. (?)

-Excuse me, I brought a visitor. (Marie)

-Oyahoo! Good night boss! (Ryusaki)

The old man who was sitting in the chair looks at them.

-Are these people by any chance? (leader)

-Yes, they are the people I spoke of. (Marie)

-I understand. Nice to meet you, I'm Kevin Orlando Rola, I'm from the 12th generation descendant of the founder of this city. (Kevin O. Rola)

As I thought, this generation title seems to be something extremely important to these people. (Ryusaki)

-My name is Ryu. Only Ryu himself is great. (Ryusaki)

-Nice, I'm Akemi. (Akemi)

-Nice, my name is Souta. (Souta)

-So, first of all I have something to ask you. (Kevin)

It was too complicated, he didn't seem happy with our presence. What will he ask of us? (Souta)

The gentleman gets up from his chair, at that time the three were extremely surprised by his height and his bearing, he didn't look like he was sitting, but he measured about 1.93 meters and, despite his face looking old, his body was in excellent condition. He faces the three of them and suddenly makes his move.


Aaaaaaaa???... (Ryusaki, Souta and Akemi)

-Papa! Don't kneel down like that suddenly, you could burst your spine. (Marie)

-That's right Dad, you're pretty old, any slip and you're fu... wait Marie, what did you call him? (Ryusaki)

-Ahhh. Hahahahahahahaha. (Marie)

Marie and Kevin sit together with the three of them on the sofa and explain the situation.

-I see, so you are really father and daughter. (Souta)

-It makes a little sense now for a person so young to take care of such important matters. (Akemi)

I don't think you can say that, as you are also young and have one of the biggest companies in Japan in investigations. (Souta)

-I'm sorry for not having told you before. It's just that I didn't find the right time for it, I also have to keep as much secret about it. Because no one in this town can know that my father is the leader. (Marie)

-And why couldn't they? (Souta)

-Because of my past. (Kevin)

-Father, no! You don't need to force yourself into anything. (Marie)

-It's okay Marie. After all, they are people you trust a lot, aren't they? So it's okay for me to tell them that. (Kevin)

-OK. If you say pope. (Maire)

-Please sir, if it's useful information in our investigation. Please explain all the details without missing anything. (Akemi)

-Very well, you may have already heard about the former mayor of the city who made frightening measures for the tourists who passed through here so that none would be left... (Kevin)

I think I was a little wrong about this little gentleman, I thought he was grumpy and a terrible person, but he is extremely good people and is even helping us by telling us about his story. (Souta)

-That mayor who abolished all tourists... it was me. (Kevin)

I have to stop judging people so quickly! This little gentleman is not at all kind!! (Souta)

-I can't believe why you who did all that and are now leading a revolution against the system you installed yourself? (Akemi)

-Out of regret. At the time I was very young and didn't really understand how the world worked, but after kicking everyone out I could see society changing, but not in the way I expected. I thought that all things would improve and fix themselves, but I was wrong, I was very naive to believe that, not only were some things not resolved but others were getting worse and worse. (Kevin)

-How the economy? (Souta)

-Yes, that was the first thing I realized. I was totally baffled by the whole situation I created. However, the people could not see these things, for them it was a complete victory, they were euphoric and could not see around them what was really happening. Not knowing what to do I decided to run away from all that, I stayed hidden inside the house, I was already quite grown up at that time, but it seemed like I was a scared child. The way I saw the world and swore it was reality was completely wrong, at that moment I was just a lost child not knowing anything. That's when she appeared, a traveler who became interested in the history of our city. She came to my house first, as she was lost and didn't know where the city was. (Kevin)

"-Can you tell me where she is? (?)

-I think you better not go there. They hate and despise all tourists. You will not be welcome. (Kevin)

-I know. (?)

-If you know why you still want to go there? (Kevin)

-To meet the man-eating monster! (?)

-Are you crazy by any chance? Do you want to die? (Kevin)

-But aren't you curious too? (?)

-Curious? (Kevin)

-Yes! Curious, in seeing the beast up close, they say that it is the very hatred that the former mayor had that ended up taking the form of a demon. (?)

-This is ridiculous. You are crazy. (Kevin)"

-And that's how I met the woman who would later become the mother of my daughter, she was very naive and carefree, but it was this side of her that attracted me and made me be enchanted by her. (Kevin)

-So you mean your mother was a tourist Marie? (Souta)

-Yes, but no one in town knows about it, just me and my father are the only ones who know about it. (Marie)

-And where is she right now? (Akemi)

-Unfortunately... she ended up dying of an illness shortly after giving birth... that day, I still remember... how beautiful her face was. (Kevin)

-My condolences... (Akemi)

-But now that you know my story, let's get to the main subject. What is your goal and how can I help you? (Kevin)

-Our objective is simple, we are investigators and we are here to unmask the person dressed as a monster. (Souta)

-Unmask you say?... so let me ask you something, what would happen if this monster actually wasn't a fantasy person but a real beast? (Kevin)

-Do you really think that's not a human being? (Souta)

-Of course not, that is really a demon. (Kevin)

-Wh-wh-what nonsense. Monsters don't exist. (Ryusaki)

If you really believe that why are you shaking with fear? (Souta)

-Anyway, we will arrest this creature and prevent it from causing more damage to the city. Unfortunately we are not politicians or anyone of importance trying to help you convince others that tourists should be accepted. Forgive us. (Akemi)

-No, actually you are already helping us a lot trying to defeat the devil. (Marie)

-I understand, anyway, if it's the real monster or not, you'll capture it. I can really help you with this, so ask for whatever you want, I promise to do my best to put an end to this terrible beast. (Kevin)

-So let's go straight to our plan... (Akemi)

-Do we have a plan? (Souta)

-No idea, I was being excluded until now, how would I know if we have a plan or not. (Ryusaki)

-Then let's go to my plan. (Akemi)

Marie takes a map of the city and opens it for Akemi to show them what she was planning.

-We are here and the city center is here, this is the place we passed this morning, where a victim ended up being attacked and killed and this is my friend's clothing store. (Marie)

-Thank you Marie, now let's move on. When we were walking around the city I noticed an excellent place to ambush the beast and it's this one, between this mansion, Marie's friend's store and the center, it's wide open and surrounded by some buildings, that is, it's perfect for us to see well what happens around if we position ourselves on top of these buildings and at the same time to limit the view of the monster and its escape route. (Akemi)

-I understand, but to attract us we will need a bait... (Souta)

Souta and Akemi look at Ryusaki who was white and transfixed with the idea that someone would serve as bait.

-If you want, I can serve as a... (Marie)

-It's not going to work. (Souta)

-The monster will only appear if the person is one of the three of us. (Akemi)

-It's okay... I'll be the bait. (Ryusaki)

-Ryu... you don't need to force yourself, it doesn't necessarily have to be you. (Souta)

-It is not alright. Plus I feel like she really wants to taste my meat, so if so I'm sure she'll be attracted more easily. (Ryusaki)

Ryusaki looked at Akemi, she looked deep into his eyes and saw that he was really serious about being the bait.

-So it's okay, you'll be the bait. (Akemi)

-That's it? There is nothing else? (Kevin)

-We are dealing with something that acts impulsively, the simpler the plan, the more chances we have of it being successful. Because the issue here is time and we don't have much time to waste planning something more elaborate, we have to act as soon as possible. (Akemi)

-I see, the faster we put it into practice, the better. (Kevin)

Akemi goes to Souta and speaks in a low tone in his ear so that only he could hear.

-I need to talk about something. (Akemi)

Leaving Ryusaki with Marie and her father, Souta and Akemi went outside.

-So, what did you want to talk about? (Souta)

-It's about Marie, we can't let her be alone. If that happens our plan could be ruined. (Akemi)

-I understand, if she stays out of our sight, there is a possibility that she will meet the person dressed as a monster and give away our movements. (Souta)

-So you understand. The important thing is always someone to keep an eye on her, we've been deceived for a long time, if we let her lead this game it will be our end. (Akemi)

-Yes. The time she was in control of the situation is over, now it's our turn to take the lead. (Souta)

Akemi nods in agreement with what Souta has said.

-Now you will tell Ryu about what we talked here, while I watch over Marie. (Akemi)

-OK. (Souta)

Souta and Akemi return to the room. Marie looks at them entering. Akemi sits in the armchair across from them, while Souta goes to Ryu and leads him out of the room this time.

-Did something happen? (Marie)

-No... we were just getting ready, after all... we're facing a monster, aren't we? (Akemi)

-So you understand? (Souta)

-Yes. (Ryusaki)

Ryusaki looked very thoughtful and Souta noticed this.

-Hey Ryu! Tell me, do you know who's the culprit behind all this? Not that I want to defend Marie or anything. I just don't want to regret it in the end, distrusting a person who was so kind to me. (Souta)

Souta begins to remember the first day they found her and how she went out of her way to help them.

-Ahhh. A person who just shows up out of nowhere and is in favor of helping you with everything, because "he also thinks this is the best way", who gets along with you from the start and doesn't seem to be any problem. There's no way a perfect person like that appears right away. We were attacked in the hotel she prepared for us, we were attacked in the mansion she made available... after all that, I have no doubt who is the culprit behind this. (Ryusaki)