
Obey And Serve

On his way home for work, Jack was stabbed on the street and robbed for what he had on him. Despite the fact that there where a few people around no one tried to help. Jack was left to bleed out under the gazes of everyone around him. His death was one of pain and anger. A cold grasp took over him and blackness struck. When Jack awoke he was in a forest. “Kaz! Krazis! are you okay?!” A burly man screamed. Follow Kaz on his journey in a distant and magical world. His road isn’t an easy one but Kaz do anything for power.

NecroManFan · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Escape (Edited)

As the realization set in, I stopped resisting. I had completely given up hope and resigned myself to my fate.

It was a sad realization. My life was cut so short in my first life, and now, before I'm even 14 I will die.

'What will come after?! Will I get put into another world? Was this just a stroke of luck?'

I was honestly afraid for the second time since I died.

'Ironic, a death elemental is afraid of death. Death should be my domain dammit! I don't want to die!' I had dreams of conjuring strong magic and becoming truly powerful. All those dreams are gone now

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a metal door opening.

The guard turned with wide eyes and stared for a second before pulling out his sword.

"Stay back fiend!" He yelled before taking a defensive stance. He stared down whoever just entered the prison. "You filthy humans. So weak and fragile." A middle aged male voice spoke. Hate and disgust could be heard in his voice. Blood started flowing out of the guards eyes, ears, and mouth.

"Argh!" The man yelped in pain as blood poured from everywhere.

Within seconds the man turned into a raisin. His skin was stuck to his bones. A pool of blood lay as proof that the man was once alive.

A tall man with black hair, red eyes and a nice suit walked towards me.

"Look at yourself. Red eyes, like you've been crying. ragged hair. Don't you have any pride?" The mans voice was booming.

"…" I was left speechless at what I just saw. This was my first time seeing a human die and it didn't even faze me. But if I saw correctly, that was a blood spell! This mans illegal as well! If I play my cards right, I could get out of here.

"Would you like to come with me? A death elemental is too valuable to die to the church in this rotten city." The man had a neutral expression on his face.

I steeled my resolve and spoke.


"Allow me to drop your blood on this parchment. If you agree you will serve my family. If not, you will rot in this prison and likely die to some disgusting priest." The Blood Mages words were my only hope. I didn't have to think much before I stretched out my hand.

'I don't want to be a slave my whole life. But I won't have a life to live if I don't sign this contract. I have nothing to barter with here.' My reasoning was pretty sound proof. I don't have anything to offer other than the clothes on my back.

As soon as the blood hit the paper it was sucked up.

"Alright let's go young one" The Blood Mage spoke in a neutral tone.

"Yes Sir!"


I looked down with a pale expression on my face.

After I agreed, the man revealed he was a vampire. Large wings sprouted from his back and we flew into the air.

'It sure looks like a long way down…. I wonder how long I've been flying for. It feels like a couple of hours at least. A few minutes ago we passed some mountains.' I was observing out surroundings. Any information is useful at this point.

"Here we go. When we get down, follow me."

Soon we got down. Before we could move the vampire turned to me.

"My name is Darius Blackrain. You will call me Sir Darius is this understood?" Darius told me in a stern voice. Since he has a last name, that must mean he's a noble.

"Yes Sir Darius." I calmly replied.

"What's your name boy."

"Krazis Sir."

With that we began our journey.

It didn't take long for me to recall something. A message when I got my element.

'It seemed so odd. Out of this world really. Like it didn't belong… a system of some sorts? I wonder if everyone has this system.' On the second thought of "system" a dark purple screen appeared in-front of me.

[Krazis, Human]

[Level - 1]


[Strength - 8]

[Recovery - 8]

[Authority - 10]

[Intelligence - 12]

[Magic Regeneration (Scales With Recovery) - 10 Per Minute]

[Magic Capacity (Scales With Intelligence) - 120]

'How convenient. A perfect tool to record my strengths and weaknesses. Judging by the fact that I've never heard of this until now, it should be safe to assume this is a me only thing.' This was good. An advantage in a cruel world like this can save my life.

I didn't care to think to much about how it's possible. In a world we're teleportation is possible, it's not too far fetched for something like this to exist.

With the way things are, any advantage is a welcome one.

We walked for hours until we finally reached a red circle with engravings on it.

Darius took out a red crystal and placed it in the middle of the circle. Then, the circle light up in a crimson red colour.

"Come Kravis. Stand in the outside of the teleportation circle."

'Teleportation! Amazing!' I was amazed by the circle but quickly took a step inside. A work of fiction in my original world and now I get to first hand experience it!

Darius did the same and picked up his crystal. Soon, my head began to hurt and my vision became blurry.

*Cough* I coughed hard. It felt like my chest was crushing. My head hurt and it felt like my whole world was spinning.

Soon enough I opened my eyes, Darius stared at me with disdain. "Weak human." He muttered. I soon turned my attention to my surrounding. A large amount of people with red eyes and wings were around me. A women was laughing far off with large fangs.

A boy walked around with a cup filled with red liquid. He stared at me before smiling and walking off. He had fangs and red eyes like Darius.

'This must be a country of Vampires… I know this may be a little bias, but should I be worried? I am a human after all.' I was a little worried. But all my biases are simply based on the fictions of my past world.

"Follow me." Darius' voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes, Sir Darius." I replied in a calm voice.

Soon we were infront of a castle. Two guards in black and red armour were sitting at the front.

"Open up." Darius said.

"Yes master Darius." The two guards tone had upmost loyalty inside of it.

Soon the gate opened and a massive black stone castle was revealed. It was much like the human castle except archers were using arrows made of blood, and there were less armoured guards.

"Welcome to the Blackrain Castle."