

Armed with a super system and the knowledge of his previous life our hero will reign suprem over the univers and the other dimensions

Ramling · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

The forest of the void

He first killed a level 3 monster who was more than 60 ft in height and a few tons in weight and brought its carcass towards the outskirts of the forest, this obviously attracted the monsters that were nearby, he waited and then killed his first level 4 monster

compared to  level 4 monsters , low levels monsters are frail and stupid  which makes it easy to kill them, so before, our  hero didn't use his necromancer spells because he didn't want unwanted attention but now that he has to face a difficult opponent, he can no longer be cautious 

Alexander: reanimation

Reanimation spell: reanimates monsters of level 4 or below, depending on the condition of the corpse grant  up to 75% of the monster's power ( vitality , strength )

Alexander could revive up to 20 monsters because he was a level 5 magician , 50 at level 6 and 100 at level 7.

  at level 8 his monsters could summon other monsters and he could revive up to 200, at level 9 he could summoned up to 500 summons

He therefore began to summon his first level 4 monster

The monster was a ball of flesh with several tentacles called the swallower because it ate everything 

it had a very developed sense of smell which made it the first one to spot the corpse 

The swallower was level 4 monster both good at offense and defense , he asked the monster to take the corpse of the level 3 monster and went even deeper into the forest

50 miles in the forest , alexander  felt that a  lot of monsters were in the vicinity , the swallower  put down the carcass of the  level 3 monster and walked away, a bloody fights ensued to find out who the corpse belonged to, once a monster was weakened by the others, Alexander finished it off and transformed it into another summon 

Now with  2 different monsters listening to his orders , things were simpler

Alexander continued like this, using the carcass of level 3 and soon that of a level 4  who wasn't that strong to attract other level 4, the summons  pretended to be a corpse and surrounded the bait 

  when one monster came to eat the bait or the other summons , he was killed and transformed by Alexander into another summon 

different groups worked to kill the level 4 monsters as the  fights took time and Alexander wasn't willing to draw to much attention 2 monsters per group and Alexander would come at the end of the fight  to transform the monster into a summon.

a real massacre followed, lots of monsters died , having a low intelligence , the monsters didn't understand that it was a bait.

the system notifications did not stop

Ding 5,000 experience points acquired

Ding 5,000 experience points acquired



Name: Alexander Davis

Class: necromancer

HP 150,000 Mp 45826,000

Strength 15,000 Agility 16,000

vitality 15,000 intelligence 15,000

Exp: 50,000,000/100,000,000

Alexander attacked every level 4 he found but he couldn't stay too long because higher level monsters would come

He therefore fought for 3 days in the depths of the oceans, at the end of the third day, 40% of the level 4 monsters had perished, then Alexander headed towards the level 5 area,

he then killed level 5 monsters with the help of his army of 20 level 4 summons , he killed 5 level 5 monster and he left the forest.

He sold  all the level 4 corpses in one of the big cities, he also bought a lot of information from the merchants ( like who was the leader of some cities , which family ruled over a certain area ect ... )

Since ancient times, the gold coins used on the surface are the same as those used in the oceans but at a higher level, stones of elements of level 6 (middle quality ) and above are  used as currency.

So he took his new elemental stones and headed towards another place of the oceans, close to another town , in the north 

it was a vast forest were the heart was located in the center of the ocean but it has some ramifications in a lot of places , the plains  were the birthplaces of different monsters in the ocean , some monsters came from the plains of the west , some from the east ecetera …  they would evolve to level 6 and gain intelligence then join the society 

  the council of the ocean  ( who was represented by all the powerful families in the oceans ) couldn't  exterminate them because they were the future level 6 life form of the ocean but at the same time, they  could not do nothing because if the were a lot of them in the forest , some of them would leak in the cities

so  expeditions were often organized to control the population of  the biangos

Alexander was therefore doing a service to the council but he was still cautious to not be spotted by them because the monsters that the council killed were selected, for example weak races would be killed to allow strong races to evolve, so no level 5 will be killed because they only had a few steps left before reaching level 6 and acquiring a consciousness , thus becoming members of the great families

Alexander followed  his plan, staying three days in a town  and then selling the corpses of the different level 4 he hunted , the merchants had no scruples buying the level 4 corpses 

He had to face some dangers, because the plains were sometimes monitored by different families but thanks to his dark affinity and the fact that he is 3 to 4 times stronger than other mages of the same level Alexander always managed to escape. 

There were multiple cities in the northern part of the forest of the void , Alexander decided to head to luminia first , he selected this particular city because it has a branch of the Lotus company , were the merchant followed only the profit , they were willing to buy corpses of the level 4 biangos 

Alexander needed a lot of experience to level up so he didn't stay in one city more than 15 days and always selected cities with the branch of the lotus company in it 

with a strong mount , a level 4 mount that he acquired through the lotus company ( an evolution of the blue scaled fish mount ) 

the mount  could travel between the tow cities luminia and brazia  in 1 month allowing Alexander to save a lot of time  ( it would take 4/5 months of travel for a normal mount  ) 

After 10 years  of wandering the depths of the oceans Alexander was finally level 6, he and the council could finally breathe a sign of relief  , Alexander because his level up was finally over and the council because the biangos would stop disappearing

disappearance which  alerted the powerful families and some members were dispatched to investigate 

Alexander's pockets or more precisely his rings were now full of level 6 elemental stones ( each corpse sold for 10 elemental stones ) he had now acquired 400,000 elemental stones ( selling corpses , herbs , other materials ) 

Each stone of level 6 could be  exchanged for 100,000 gold coins, he had acquired 40 billion, it is unfortunate that all this could not be repeated because the number of biango represented the strength of a kingdom and no kingdom was  going to let a foreigner play with their future

Alexander decided to return to Agartha, it was time to buy his magic weapon, the scepter of oblivion and some  armors and boots

now at level 6, Alexander could afford to resell nectar since he was at the same  level as magic jhonson

he was 3/4 times more powerful than a level 6 magician at the same level , so he didn't fear magic jhonson anymore 

This time he bought several level 3 slaves, level 4 were too expensive even for him, each team made up of 10 level 3, 1 healing mage, 3 earth mages and 6 fire mage or other

Each level 3 mage sold for 1 billion gold coins and the healing mages for 3 billion, this time he asked for an explosion seal to be placed on each mages he bought  instead of the usual  poison 

He continued his lucrative business of selling nectar and at the same time selling mounts, minerals , animals , food , herbs ecetera 

the acquisition of different mines of elemental stones  allowed Alexander to be rich again, it was the ultimate money making machine 

then came the herbs , the mounts and the food ( catle , vegetable )

this time Alexander bought a lot of land , he will then scout the land for elemental stone mines, the formation of elemental stones was linked to the concentration of elements in the region

a land with a concentration of a level 6 and above would mostly give birth to stones of elements in different quantities or other rare minerals but most of the land with a high concentration of elements was already acquired by the other magicians 

most of the magicians and known life form where level 6 , Oberon was vast , so vast that even the other level 9 magicians couldn't know of it's vastness ( not that they couldn't travel all of oberon in their lifetime but because other level 9 life form wouldn't let them pass their territory ) 

so Alexander bought all the land available with a concentration of level 6 and below, if he didn't find some valuable stones , he would plant herbs ( he would plant herbs in the land with a concentration of 3 and above ) and use the land with a concentration of 1 and 2  to raise cattle, mount and plant vegetables

the groups of subordinate were constituted of  level 2 magician  with a level 3 who would monitor the operations

for higher level mount , he used some level 4 to monitor the operations 

level 5 mount were impossible to be raised in groups  because they had a strong will and level 5 magicians slaves where hard to find because a level 5 magician was already at the peak of some regions 

Alexander  would  use his level 5 invocations to go to the different sale points and deliver the products (mount , herbs , mineral , food ecetera … ) and thus showing that the business belonged to different level 5 magicians , thus making people fear him 

he invested in multiple restaurant and inns as well as brothel , mostly to gather information and sell it , with multiple level 5 magician guarding the place , no one ever bothered him 

He therefore decided to continue his business in the northern cities,  Alexander was going to use a level 5 summon and put him at the head of his organization, he will work in the shadows because it's always good to be cautious , it's his cautiousness that allowed him to rise to the sixth level 

one of Alexander goals was to have build a powerful group 

For this he would have to find several alchemists, he himself was going to get into alchemy, he was also thinking of  becoming a blacksmiths because from level 6, it will be  difficult to increase his level because he couldn't find multiple level 6 magician to kill

So he went to buy books on alchemy and blacksmithing 

The first books mainly contained information on the different plants that existed and the different metals, their melting points, etc.

For a level 6 whose brain was far superior to that of a human, Alexander had no problem memorizing all of this.

The real difficulty in alchemy was in the manufacture of potions, you had to mix  the necessary ingredients, have the right quantities

most of the time,  to improve a profession level took a lot of time and energy 

the rule in oberon was that a level 6 alchemist could only create a level 6 and below potions because the master needed to use his mana to create the potion and a mana of level 6 couldn't create a level 7 potion  , the purity of the mana was also important 

it took also a lot of ingredients to create a potion , in most of the recipe , close to 1,000 

to speed up the process , Alexander  chose to go to the city of Argartha where he would take two masters to learn from , one  alchemist and one blacksmith.

He would first select the different alchemists, he would then use one of his invocations to ask the master alchemist to take him as his apprentice 

So he searched everywhere in the city, there were several great master alchemists, 10 to be more precise who were level 5 and below and were qualified to teach him 

  6 of them had contracts with large clans, 1 had a close relationships with high level magicians so 3 remained.

only two of them had a bad relationships with mages or powerful clans ( meaning they get persecuted , threatened or had a bad history with them )

The first was a young man who had just acquired his level 5, he was still being tested by the other alchemists and his clients

the second was an old man with a white beard,he had a very bad character and as a result no one wanted to work with him, Alexander obviously chose the young man, he was a person who had a good heart, as a child his mother died of illness, he therefore choose to become an alchemist to help the  people around him , his talent helped him reach level 5, that of master alchemist ( 0- apprentice alchemist , 1-3 alchemist , 4-6 master alchemist , 6-9 grand master alchemist ) 

he had managed to overcome his condition and often helped  people around him, unfortunately he could not find people to protect him from the bad intentions of higher levels magicians 

Alexander presented himself one  morning with his invocation at the doors of the young man's home, the alchemists were rich, usually  master alchemist lived in  beautiful and large villas, the young Germain was polite and friendly

Alexander hid his powers and used the level 5 invocation , his invocation acted as the person in charge as for himself , he exuded the aura of a level 1 magician 

Alexander payed him  1 billion elemental stones ( mid tier / level 6 elemental stones )  and  he directly accepted him as his disciple but told him that he could not teach him all the time, that he was also busy concocting potions, despite the insistence from level 5 invocation , he refused to give him  face and was determined to reach the heights of alchemy 

Alexander didn't know what to do, he thought for a moment about kidnapping Germain, taking him and hiding  somewhere and extracting all his knowledge and that's what he will probably do if the second alchemist doesn't agree to help him and this is why alexander choose a master alchemist instead of a grand master , he can take care of germain easily but if he was level 6 germain could run away 

This world is cruel, he could not afford waste time , who knows, maybe a level 7 magician will attack him the next day 

  he still decided to go see the second alchemist first because kidnapping a master alchemist would draw attention.

The second master alchemist did not want to take apprentices, he thought that Alexander was too young, that he was just a kid and despite the words of the invocation,  he simply rejected the proposal.

Alexander therefore kidnapped Germain and took him to the territory of the harpies, he was going to teach the entire Davis family and Alexander's previous subordinates who were still studying alchemy.