
oath of a knight

lancelot a knight that vows to protect his family from dangers, slaying enemies and making allies that can be called friends along the way of protecting his family.

oedius · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

vulcan magic

"Now that you've done your evaluation let's continue with the written portion," he said to the testers

"the written portion is divided into two parts, first being the spell writing and second being an interview." he continued

"participant 1-0-0-1" a monotonous voice called out, as i stand up and walk to the door i was filled with emotions such as anxiety, excitement and worry. "now let us begin, first write the spell for light," the instructor ordered.

As i write the spell the instructor watched me carefully "done," i shouted he checked my paper and said with a little bit of satisfaction "you may go to the next examination."

[9 minutes later]

"Lance congratulations for passing he test and you have been ranked A and your magic attribute is vulcan," the instructor told with happiness in his eyes as vulcan magic was a 1 out of 100 magic.

"and since you have the highest rank we can recommend you to an academy" the instructor said to lance

"then can i join the drax academy"

"sure, just let me ask the elder."

[5 minutes later]

"he said yes and you can join 1 month from now."

"yes, yes, yes," i shouted as i pump my fist up and down

as i went home i bought a greatsword, the greatsword was 1 meter and it's mass being 1kilo and 10 grams and with a gem embedded . mana stone with it's colour being red meaning the 3rd to last mana stone being grey and best violet.

With a mana stone embedded in the greatsword it can let mana flow through easily. I tried putting mana into my sword and it showed a dark reddish with some dark spots and as i cut a piece of wood like hot knive cutting through butter but there was also an after affect of burning.

"MOM, MOM i passed, i passed," i shouted with excitement and happines as my mom hugged me and twirled me around though slowly since i am a 14 year old. "oh, and mom i can go to drax academy next month," as i continued to tell my good news to my mom.

[1 month later]

As he walked to the academy gate he was shocked by how beautiful the academy was it looked like a castle like in stories with students happily chattering.

As he passed by girls looked at him with a tinge of lust as he looked handsome he had hair as white as snow and as long as his hips tied into a ponytail and eyes as green as emeralds.

As i walk to the headmasters office i questioned in my mind 'why are those girls looking at me like that.'

As i approached the door that led to the headmasters office i started to sweat from the aura coming from the room. When i entered i heard loud shoutings from the headmaster and seemingly a professor. As the headmaster saw me he welcomed me "welcome, you must be lance."

"yes, i am and i-" he cut me off before saying

"i know why you're here, you want to enroll through the recommendation of the elder and i agree but you have to pass my test, follow me."

As i follow him i saw the other students chatting and doing magic i was intrigued because i saw different and unique ones.

"we're here," he said with a bit of pride from the room.

The room it self was 30 meters tall and 2km wide and 3 km long and state of the arts materials such as the platinum armoured elephant it's skin is tougher then an A-ranks punch and it was as expensive as power 3 city's for 2 weeks.

"Wow!" i was impressed and shocked by how much it would cost

"Wait, until you get to the good part," he said while stroking his beard with a tone of proudness in his voice.

"Now let's start your test is to spar with me and last at the very least 1 min 20 sec."

I dashed forward with my great sword he looked amused by how fast i was even though i was holding such a large sword.


i slashed and an invisible object hit my sword making me stop in my tracks.

i ran to his blind spot i jumped and slashed downwards


it was like there was a barrier surrounding him i attacked in different directions but all of them didn't land.

"now that you're done attacking try defending yourself,"

"chain fire," he said with mana surrounding him

chains of fire erupted from the ground attacking him from multiple directions.


"aaaarrrrggggh" as one of the chains wrap around my body, "it burns, it burns," i shouted out of instinct but there was no pain nothing

"wait, wha-"

"you have vulcan magic fire, lava and all that stuff, of course you're immune to 2nd ranked fire,"

dazed i realize how stupid i had been.