

OATH BREAKER: Magic and Death In a world where light is a haunting illusion and shadows conceal unspeakable horrors, a boy awakens with no memory, clutching a cursed sword in a place known only as the Abyss. Isaac, a name pieced together from the fragments of his past, is a lone wanderer through a desolate, twisted landscape where every step could be his last. He wanders under the watchful glare of a colossal, ghostly star that never sets. Isaac’s journey is one of survival against the harrowing void. With the *Sword of Rot and Rust*—a blade that saps the life from flesh and steel alike—his only companion, Isaac faces a relentless climb through this forsaken realm. The cursed weapon binds him to its will, forcing him to confront both external threats and his own burgeoning power. Isaac grapples with the mysteries of his own strength and the fragmented memories that hint at a dark inheritance. Each step brings him closer to the horrifying secrets of the Abyss —

Enigma_Elysium · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 1: The Abyss


He awoke to an overwhelming darkness, a suffocating veil that pressed down on him, muffling his senses and stifling his breath.

The ground beneath him was harsh and unyielding, jagged rocks tearing into his flesh, and each movement sent waves of excruciating pain through his battered body.

He groaned, a dry, cracked sound that barely broke the oppressive silence.

"Where… am I?" he rasped, his voice a hollow echo in the suffocating gloom.

He forced himself to sit up, every limb screaming in protest, his fingers scrabbling against the wet, slimy surface around him.

The air was thick with the stench of decaying vegetation and a faint, unsettling metallic tang that clung to the back of his throat.

As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he discerned the twisted, nightmarish landscape around him.

Grotesque tree-like structures loomed overhead, their gnarled branches stretching out like skeletal hands, casting sinister, wavering shadows in the weak, cold glow.

They writhed and twisted in the faint light, like tortured souls frozen in their agony.

"What are those… trees?" he whispered, dread curling in his stomach as he took in the distorted silhouettes.

They were unlike anything he had ever seen, their forms grotesque and unnatural, as if shaped by some malevolent force.

High above, piercing through the murky gloom, hung a solitary, unnerving light.

It resembled a colossal star, smaller than the moon but with an eerie, ghostly brightness that made it seem unnaturally close.

Its cold, spectral glow bathed the desolate landscape in a pale, sickly light, creating dancing shadows that seemed to pulse and writhe like phantoms across the ground.

"Is that… a star?" he murmured, squinting up at the distant, unsettling light. "Or something else?"

He glanced down at himself: a black and red hoodie clung damply to his frame, heavy with moisture from the cloying air.

His black sports pants were similarly soaked, and his sturdy black shoes were smeared with mud and grime.

Beside him lay a rusted sword, its blade a dull, tarnished gray and black. It was shaped like a katana but larger and wider, its edge dull with age yet alarmingly sharp in places.

He picked it up, surprised by its weight and the strange, old engravings that marred its surface, barely visible through the layers of rust and decay.

Despite its worn appearance, there was a menacing gleam to the blade, a reminder of its deadly purpose.

"Where did you come from?" he whispered, tracing a finger over the faint, ancient symbols on the black blade. They hinted at a forgotten story, a history obscured by the corrosive touch of time.

The engravings, though barely legible, seemed to whisper of past glories and untold horrors.

Next to the sword was a battered school bag, an incongruous sight in this grim place.

He opened it with trembling hands, discovering a thermos full of water, a lunch box with three sandwiches, and a pencil case.

The pencil case bore initials scrawled in black marker: *I.S.C.*

"*I.S.C.*… Who am I?" he muttered, staring at the letters. The name "Isaac" surfaced from the haze of his memory, a fragile anchor in his sea of confusion.

"Isaac," he repeated, testing the sound of it, clinging to the name like a lifeline.

He rummaged through the bag further, finding school books and notebooks labeled with the same initials.

The pages were filled with equations, essays, and sketches, mundane remnants of a life that now seemed impossibly distant.

Beneath the books lay a small sports bag containing a pair of shorts and a shirt, also marked with **I.S.C.** stitched into the fabric.

"Must be for gym class or something," he mumbled, pulling out the neatly folded sport clothes and a towel.

He decided to keep the books; in this forsaken place, they might serve as fuel or a source of grim amusement.

With the sword in one hand and the bag slung over his shoulder, Isaac turned his gaze back to the unnerving star.

Its ghostly light painted the landscape in stark relief, revealing the rough, uneven terrain littered with grotesque tree-like forms and casting deep shadows that seemed to shift and flicker with a life of their own.

"Maybe if I get higher, I can see more," he thought aloud, eyeing the steep slope before him.

The ground was uneven, strewn with jagged rocks and sparse, wiry plants struggling to survive in the harsh environment.

Isaac began to climb, his every step a wary negotiation with the treacherous ground.

The fog clung to the mountainside like a shroud, swirling around the twisted trees that loomed ominously overhead.

"I have to be careful," he murmured, his grip tightening on the sword. "There could be anything out there…"

Each step was a laborious effort, his body protesting every movement, the cold air biting into his skin and making his headache throb more painfully.

Shadows flitted at the edges of his vision, and distant rustling sounds kept him on edge.

But he pressed on, driven by a desperate need to understand where he was and what had happened to him.

After what felt like an eternity of climbing, he paused to catch his breath, leaning heavily against a jagged outcrop.

Below him, the twisted, nightmarish landscape stretched out, the grotesque tree-like forms casting long, sinister shadows.

The eerie star above cast its cold light, revealing just enough to make out the outlines of his surroundings while leaving much hidden in the oppressive dark.

"Where am I really?" he whispered again, his voice barely more than a strained breath.

The question hung in the frigid air, unanswered, as he stared into the unyielding darkness, determined to find some clue, some direction in this hellish abyss.
