
Oasis: The elements

Rated17+ As the title goes this story is about the five elements and how they learn about their powers and grow to become guardians of the earth. but BTW this is a fantasy which means you would see a lot of things :). Will they eventually find their soulmates even though they're different. Find out more..

Ella_fantasy33 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chap 3: River

Flame froze and stared at the woman who stretched forth her hands. "Are you THE guardian" she said in a lowered tone. The woman said "Yes and we have leave so take my hands and Follow me" Flame took her hands and the woman pulled and within a sec Flame was in a place which was like a field but a small house was present on the field. She looked around in awe the leaves were of different colours and the sky was very blue and the present of the clouds were less.

Flame finally woke up from her dilemma then She stretched out hands for a handshake which the woman noticed and accepted cheerfully. "I am the fire element and my name is Flame" before she could say anything else "I'm the guardian of the elements but you can call me Theresa or Terri" She smiled and Flame could help but admire her beauty Theresa had waist length silver hair and the lightest of brown eyes almost golden and a pointed slender nose which made her look out of this world.

Theresa then turned and said "I'll be back shortly I know you have a lot of questions but I'm a little behind schedule so I'll be back" "where are you going to?" "I'm going to find the rest of the elements. The activation of your element took a lot of time so I'm a little behind schedule. Don't worry you're not only here. The water and the air element are here just going around the back and you'll find them, in the meantime byee" and immediately another portal open and Theresa crossed over and left. Flame was standing there speechless after she regained her composure she decided to search for the other elements when she went to the back of the house she saw two people by laying on the floor seemingly talking about something.

She walked closer then said "Hello" they turned and one in particular caught her eyes he was African american and had a brown curly hair and light skin with deep blue eyes and a tall and built body. While she was admiring his body and facial features, The other one shouted "Helloooo can you hear me" she snapped out of it and said "Yes I'm not deaf quit shouting" "Oh sorry I didn't know, by the way I'm Jonathan or Johnny the air element". The other one said calmly " I'm River the water element and you are?" "Well I'm Flame the fire element" Johnny then said in amusement "so your the fire element and your name is Flame and he's the water and his name is River. What a weird ass coincidence, I guess I would have been named breeze or breathe or something related to air" Flame looked gave johnny a glare mixed with playfulness and then she said "or your name would have been fart" then almost instantly River began to laugh and so Flame joined in and finally Johnny began to laugh then river said after " Flame come on we'll give you a tour of the house we'll stay at. She looked at him with a confused expression "where" he pointed at the small house "there" "just follow me, Johnny are you coming?" and johnny went back to lying on the ground and he then said " naa I'm good besides you've got it under control" River went to front door and gestured her to enter, Flame entered the house and when she got in her jaw dropped.

The house looked like a mansion, It contained a lot silver furniture and gold doors which made the house look grand and majestic. On the door lied different animal themed handles.

River said "Welcome to Theresa's home and I'll new place". She was looking at house and she then said " this feels magical". River said "Yes it is, Theresa said her home was made with magic.

He brought her to the second floor and said " this is our floor and those are our rooms" he said pointing at doors which were opposite to each other with different symbols on them. She pointed at the door with the burning fire wood sign opposite the door with an ocean sign and said "this must be my room" "yes it is the room of the element of fire". She the noticed a door with an upside down question mark so she asked "what's that?" he replied "that is the room of the fifth element. According to Theresa the fifth element isn't always constant so there is big question mark because she doesn't know yet. But when we finally meet the fifth element we will know what element he or she really is. The question mark means mystery"

Flame then added "so even if the guardians know a lot about the elements the fifth is always a surprise" "yes that's right, I'll leave you to freshen up. When you're done we'll be and the back." River said then left.

Flame looked at her door, took a deep breathe and was about to enter but stopped and noticed there was no key hole, only a dragon themed handle of which she placed her hand on and it began to glow red and like magic a key hole appeared, and a key on her palm. She put the key in the key hole and the door then opened. She looked at her room with amazement it had few artifacts and warm temperature but above all it's artistic nature, they were painting on the wall all related to fire and dragons and the room had a queen sized bed with a dressing table and a large mirror embedded with red crystals.

The wardrobe had black training like suits with a symbol like the one on her door on it.

She saw another door, she guessed it must have been the bathroom door. And she was right. Once she opened it she saw a cream colour big bathtub and a shower. It also had a cabinet for her toiletries and a toilet of course. She got undressed and got into the bathtub she then filled it with hot water which can make a normal person scream in pain but as she touched the water it felt just right.

When had finished with her soak she dried her body with the towel and took out a shirt and a pair of baggy shorts. She wore her clothes and then wore her black slides. She then let her hair loose.

She left her room and took the stairs down. She left the house and couldn't help but be amazed by how small the house looked from the outside. She then went to the back and met Johnny and River talking to two women who looked like they were in some of of uniforms.

Who else thinks Flame has a thing for River.

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