
Chapter 35

Chapter 35: New Appointments and the coming Winter

Rickard Stark, 278AC, Kings Landing

The stands were filled with the cheering smallfolk as knights trotted back and forth, readying themselves for the many events of the day. Rickard could see houses from throughout the Seven Kingdoms, all have come for a chance to compete in the tournament and win prestige for their house. In the North, such events were rare outside of White Harbor or Barrowton as the likes of jousts were primarily a thing of the South.

Since the Defiance of Duskendale, as the courtiers were calling it, the realm is at peace, though the Crownlands were still dissatisfied with the dismissal of several of their Lords from the Small Council. Rickard didn't expect any trouble from them after the example made of Lord Darklyn on top of the taxes being lowered as the roads were completed within the Crownlands themselves. With the new roads, many were seeing the advantages of increasing trade over land where there hadn't been much before.

Rickard was well aware of the fact that the Crownlanders weren't the only one's dissatisfied with his continued presence on the council. Tywin himself was one who had spoken against his appointment as well as many others in the South felt that a Northerner didn't deserve such a place. Regardless, the Council worked with him and he disregarded those that were wary of the North's entry into politics. They continued to look down on the North, but they had been absent from the politics and power of Kings Landing for too long. His people have been finally given a voice and Rickard ensured that his bannermen were awarded, giving many of the houses of the North the opportunity for a position in the many minor roles he could.

He now has to deal with the newest member of the Small Council who replaced the previous Master of Whispers. The man seemed to pride himself at trying to get under the skin of the other Small Council members, Rickard included, though he hadn't humored the man. The Lord of Winterfell kept his cool, as long as the hot headed Dornishmen kept toeing the line. Rickard wasn't one to be baited easily, but he always prided himself on finishing a fight once it was picked. The Red Viper maybe known for his prowess with a spear, but he would rue the day he was born if he ever decided to cross the North if it came down to it.

The appointment of Oberyn Martell had come as somewhat of a surprise amongst the Council. King Aerys decided to extend the offer of the vacant position to House Martell at the urging of Prince Rhaegar. Eager to mend their strained relationship, the King agreed to his son's request, leading to the appointment of the Prince of Dorne's younger brother.

Rickard kept his thoughts on the matter privately, though he believed Prince Rhaegar to be an idealistic fool for feeling his father was too harsh on Lord Darklyn. If it was Rickard, he would have seen his house reduced to nothing but an heir and an arranged marriage to one of his own loyal bannerman that he trusted to ensure no more issues arose. If a Lord was willing to abduct the heir to the king, he deserved everything coming to him and more, along with his family. The King cared deeply for his son, thus the King extended the olive branch to him, no doubt in part by the urging of Queen Rhaella as well.

Oberyn Martell was a renowned womanizer and a lusty man, something Rickard didn't need to see with his own eyes to know. While his own son, Brandon, was known to bed the occasional maiden, he certainly looked like the Maiden reborn next to Oberyn. In the Red Keep, it was well known that the tensions between House Martell and Yronwood arisen over the man's actions that had ultimately resulted in the death of the Lord of the house in an honor duel. From what Rickard could gather, this led to the man's temporary departure from Dorne, where he had studied at the Citadel and fought in the second sons and others.

Despite his many flaws, he filled the position effectively and managed to bring all manner of secrets to the Council. He enjoyed regaling the Council with stories of various nobility and their exploits among the brothels, places that the Dornishmen frequented quite often. Nonetheless, he had done his part in keeping the King well informed on the realm as a whole. He certainly had a charisma and was close to the Prince, no doubt passing along all of his observations to the heir to the Iron Throne.

"Lords, Ladies, high and low, welcome to the Nameday tournament of Princess Aerea Targaryen!" The Herald announced in a booming voice as the crowd clapped loudly, looking up towards the high table of the King, where the young princess was seated beside her father, smiling and waving towards the crowd as the King whispered something in her ear with a fond look on his face. It was obvious to all people that was present that he was quite close with his youngest daughter and if truth be told, they shared many of the same personality traits.

"On this occasion, we both celebrate the Princess's nameday and mourn the loss of Ser Gwayne Gaunt, a true knight of the realm and a faithful Kingsguard member." The Herald said bowing his head as the crowd remained silent. Ser Gwayne died during the capture of Prince Rhaegar at Duskendale and a new appointment had been postponed until now, so that the greatest of knights could come to compete for the position during the princess's nameday.

"The King decreed that the winner of the joust shall be offered the position of Kingsguard, if he so chooses, along with the prize and glory of winning the tournament." The Herald informed the eager crowd, going on to explain the stipulations that Rickard only half listened to. It wasn't expected of a Lord that is the heir to a house to lay aside his claim to join the ranks by winning, only that he be given the opportunity. It wasn't unheard of that a Kingsguard member did lay aside his claim, Ser Barristan being the living proof of such a thing, though the King would leave that choice to the contestant. Should the contestant turn the opportunity down, the King may extend the offer to another runner up and knight of great talent to fill the position instead. It was certainly a means of ensuring that a great amount of knights from all over the realm attended the festivities, many vying for a chance to serve in the Kingsguard.

Rickard didn't truly hold much of an interest in tournaments, never having ridden in one before, though he was expected to attend, not to mention the politics of gaining a Kingsguard slot and having a member of one's house at the King's side. It was a matter of prestige to have a member of your house serving under the king, and Rickard was keenly interested on who would gain the position that day. Few Northerners were knights, and thus few had ever served in the ranks of the Kingsguard, mostly originating from the southern reaches of the north.

Tournament favorites made themselves known through the first couple of rounds as the lesser skilled knights were weeded out. Prince Oberyn rode down a knight from House Toyne, with a certain flair that seemed to make him popular amongst the smallfolk, the man was clearly enjoying the rush of competition. Prince Rhaegar likewise rode well, unhorsing Jason Mallister and Lyton Hightower, before being defeated by Ser Barristan in lengthy match that left the crowd cheering. Lord Baratheon, Ser Barristan, Ser Gerold, Jon Connington and a number of others made a good show as well while the competition dwindled.

"My Lord." Ser Grant spoke, drawing his attention to his old friend and appointed Reeve here in Kings Landing. Ser Grant served well in his duties, ensuring that the Night's Watch was well provided for and his duties were carried out in a manner that none could complain about, except perhaps those looking for corrupt officials to bribe.

"News from the Justicars in the North." Ser Grant informed him in a soft tone as Rickard motioned him towards a seat beside him. Sometime ago, he set out the Justicars to watch a number of problem Lord's in his capacity as Master of Law, among them were the Freys, Boltons, Brackens, Blackwoods, Florents and another number of houses that were prone to disputes. He even sent them north to Skagos, to maintain eyes and ears within the lands, not that he didn't trust Baldur, the man had more than proven himself at this point, but that didn't mean the houses of Stane and Magnar wouldn't still be tempted towards their old ways.

"What news have they brought you? More squabbles between the Reeds and the Freys?" Rickard questioned. Though he had yet to directly link anything to Walder Frey, bandits were certainly still a problem, though they had dwindled much in recent years. Much to the Frey Lord's ire, Rickard maintained the presence of known Justicars and a few more hidden ones to keep watch.

"No, my Lord. It's the Boltons." His loyal knight informed him, leaning in to explain in a quiet tone. According to the Justicar's reports, they seen Roose Bolton, heir to the Dreadfort practicing the banned tradition of First Night. The Justicars had saw him from a distance while hunting along the Weeping Water near the Dreadfort, where he and his men had stopped at a mill, where the Bolton Heir had proceeded to hang the miller and then rape his wife. It seems that in Rickard's absence, the Boltons have forgotten who ruled the North and who they had conspired against in an effort to overthrow him. He may not have the sufficient evidence back then to prove his crimes other than threaten them and raise taxes, but now he certainly did and with viable witnesses to the crime. He would be hard pressed to slither his way out of this one.

"Winter is Coming for the Boltons." Rickard promised. "Summon Lord Bolton and his heir to Winterfell and send word through the North that a Trial will be held during the Harvest festivities. Alert my household guards that I intend to travel North at the conclusion of the tournament." Rickard ordered as Ser Grant inclined his head and immediately set off. He would also need to alert the Small Council of his absence and summon Lord Manderly to fill his position during his absence. If he was to return home, he would spend some overdue time in the company of his wife and family. Rickard seldom got to visit his ancestral home, so he would make the most of it while he was there.

On that evening, he would need to ensure his good - father was appraised of the situation and knew to have the guards and patrols out in force. One should never trust a Bolton, especially in terms of honor. Starks in the past have been flayed alive by them for lapsing in their judgement, and Rickard surely wouldn't add his name to the list. If he had it his way, he would stamp out the house and place one of his son's as the new Lord. Unfortunately, that would cause alarm among many of the other vassals and risk rebellion to do so. If the house died out naturally though, Rickard could make his move, without appearing tyrannical. Hopefully, the aged Lord Bolton didn't have it in him to reproduce again because it would certainly shatter any alliance he had with the Dustins to do so, as he would be forced to set aside his wife for a fertile one.

Lost in his thought, Rickard missed much of the tournament as he pondered the many scenarios that could happen as a result of this. Though he didn't rule out rebellion, it was unlikely. House Bolton had no standing room to dispute the crime and their name was dirt in the North. None would rise to defend them, especially when it was the King's own Justicars that had seen it. It was best though to never rule out any option, so he would prepare for it, just in case. If it came down to rebellion, he would see the house decimated to its roots and his son Eddard creating a new seat over the prosperous lands and perhaps a distant relation to House Bolton to lay blood claim through his children.

The cheering of the crowd alerted him to the fact that the last joust was underway as he drew his eyes towards the two competitors taking the field. Garbed in the white of the Kingsguard on one side of the field was none other than Ser Barristan the Bold, a formidable jouster and knight of fame. On the other side, the well-known Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of Morning, garbed in the purple and whites of his house. The two competitors drew much of the attention, though overwhelmingly, the cheers seems to be in favor of Ser Barristan, who defeated Prince Rhaegar earlier on in the competition.

The trumpets sounded as the two knights slid their visors closed and began charging towards one another in what would be a fondly remembered joust in the future. Thirteen times the two exchanged blows, showing their skill to the cheering spectators. Ser Barristan got in a good number of hits, as did Ser Arthur, though in the end it was the Kingsguard knight that was unhorsed by a well-placed blow that knocked him off balance enough to unseat him.

Ser Barristan was the first to congratulate the Dornish knight on the victory, raising his hand for the crowd to applaud. Ser Arthur took to the field one last time with the Crown of Love and Beauty, riding around the arena before stopping in front of the Princess and gifting it to her, pleasing the young girl greatly in the process. The knight was a close friend of the Prince and a well-known face amongst the tournaments, winning quite a few. If Rickard had to guess, he would say that the knight would be the newest Kingsguard member shortly.

King Aerys rose alongside his beaming daughter as Ser Arthur made his way towards the high table on foot to seek his award. "Ser Arthur Dayne, you have fought hard and distinguished yourself well on this day. As the victor of the tournament that celebrates my daughter's nameday, I am pleased to award you with the winner's purse." He said as he lifted a golden statue in the form of a jousting knight, a fitting award and beautifully crafted piece, no doubt from Lannisport itself.

Ser Arthur bowed on one knee as the King and Princess stepped forward, exchanging a few words as the girl gifted the knight the statue, with assistance from the King amongst the applause. The Princess looked quite pleased as she exchanged words with the Dornish knight, obviously familiar with the man who was frequently in the company of the prince. Ser Arthur shared the looks of the Targaryens with his deep purple eyes and light colored hair, though as far as Rickard knew, the only blood they shared was that of house Dayne from a queen around a hundred years back.

"Now, in addition, I grant you the option of joining the Kingsguard, as promised, should you so choose." The King informed the knight.

"It would be my highest honor to accept the White Cloak and to serve the Crown as a knight of the Kingsguard." The Sword of Morning spoke as the people cheered in thunderous applause.

"May you serve well and with honor in the days to come. Ser Gerrold, bring out the cloak." Aerys ordered as the White Bull stepped forth along with Ser Barristan and Ser Darry. Everyone watched as the King cloaked the newest member in the white of the Kingsguard in awe. "Now rise Ser Arthur Dayne, as a knight of the Kingsguard!" The King ordered as the crowd cheered with wild applause.

Lord Rickard watched as Prince Rhaegar and the rest of the royal family walked forth to congratulate him, followed by the many Lords of the realm. Many festivities would follow that knight in recognition of itsnewest member and in celebration for the princess. He himself though, was lost in thoughts of the North andthe days to come. He would notify the King on the eveof his planned departure to the North. With winter fast approaching, he couldn't afford to be delayed less he risked travelling in the harsh weather of the North.