
Chapter 20

Shorter chapter, basically passing some time. Baldur will be heading south next chapter and a lot should be happening from there. Thanks for all the comments, they are great.

Chapter 20: Skagos developments

268AC, Baldur

Skagos had been quite busy since Baldur returned along with five ships from white harbor, filled with workers of specialized trade. They were met with a bit of hesitance by the Skagosi, but Baldur informed his people they could starve or work with the North men from White Harbor. In the end, their stomachs won out and they decided to accept the new comers and even take orders from William.

William was a bland man, but he knew how to organize things. Work began almost immediately around Deepdown, Driftwood Hall and Kingswood creating a fishing fleet. In the last couple of years, Baldur had ensured to set wood aside to dry and be ready for the time they got their shipping rights. Unfortunately, any war ships or trade vessels were not priority, and much of the additional wood would be used in construction other places. The fishing vessels would surely help bring in additional food and other items to support them.

Work also began on a new port town for Skagos. William had sent out ships to scout the coast and find the best place to build one, and it had been decided that the town would be built on the southern point of Skagos. It was an ideal place, with a river running off the mountains and down through where the town would be built. It was going to be a small town, but it Baldur planned to grow it in time. A deep sea port was exactly what Skagos would need in the future, and he would ensure it thrived.

It had been decided by Baldur to name it Baldur's gate, after the greatest warrior of Skagos. Baldur felt it was a strong and striking name and it would one day be a likewise powerful place to live up to its namesake. He would build a huge bronze statue of himself, twice the size of the one that Varicho had mentioned stood over the port of Bravos, alas, it would have to wait for a future time.

The port city would be home to the stone lord keep, a title he had found rather fitting for the leader of the greatest Clan of Skagos. His warriors had taken to calling him that and he certainly liked the sound of it. All of this would come in time though, for now, they had to focus on more immediate matters. The city building itself and ensuring it had a good design for growth.

The position had been chosen for the relatively flat surrounding lands, home to a number of farms. They weren't the most fertile, but his people had made them work. Furthermore, they could get fish from the river coming down as well as transport ores from the surrounding mountains through the river and down into the town, something that would help exceedingly in the rough terrain.

All of the major settlements also began receiving blacksmith and mining guidance. It would take some time for them to be any form of experts, but Baldur planned to ship a number of apprentices back to white harbor for a time, to further expand their skills. In the meantime, they would focus on the making of more simple things for Skagos, such as tools for farming and working. Baldur had a few idea's for a blast furnace that he would implement once the white harbor helpers left.

Baldur may not be politically savvy, but he knew that the best of technologies should be guarded and kept to one self as long as possible. If he had the best weapons, he surely wouldn't level the playing field by allowing others to have them if he could help it. No doubt in time, his technology would leak out, but he would guard it while he could and try to invent new and better types if that happened. It would take some work, but perhaps if he found a well taught Maester that he trusted, or craftsmen among his men in the future, they could do the work and figure out the finer details based on what he described. It was thoughts for another time, after the men from white harbor left.

The only true invention he focused on bettering day to day was that of his brewery and distillery. Baldur had discretely found a number of hop plants while in white harbor in medicine shops, purchasing a number of them and loading them on the ship, well as discretely as someone his size could at least. Ale's were a thing here, and were often called beers as well, depending on where you were from, but neither had the hops in them to preserve them like he knew of from his memories. Baldur knew that by making beer with hops instead of whatever herbs they had used before, it would preserve the drink, allowing him to keep a much larger stock and sell further without worry of it expiring nearly as quickly.

On the topic of beer, his memory also knew it required a certain amount of hops and that standardizing the measurements should put Varicho on the right path. Baldur had big plans for his brewing company in the future; it would be one of their staple exports. He had even come up with a number of names, though he would wait until they had standardized the process to begin it.

He had also worked hard with Varicho on improving the distilling process for the creation of vodka. He meant to have an edge on it, using his memories to improve the different components in the process and his knowledge to help make the process faster. He had given Varicho a number of men to help the process along and train to aid him, also to keep a watch on him, to make sure that nothing was given out to ruin his edge in making it more efficiently.

The Unicorns of Skagos would be another place they could benefit from. They weren't as useful as horses, but given that they produced milk, leathers and hair that could be useful for his people, they were an all around better use. They could pull heavy things as a horse did and most importantly, better survive the harsh winters. Baldur would ensure his people continued to breed the creatures, with a focus on getting the strongest for their mounted forces. The horns didn't fetch a bad price either on the markets in the south either.

Mines of silver, iron, copper, coal, and a number of other minerals were starting to get up and running, though much of it would go towards repaying Lord Manderly for his loans in getting their settlement started. The man had been quite generous, supplying his own coin to pay for much they would need and more. Baldur wouldn't likely forget it anytime soon.

Overall, many changes were taking place on Skagos. Some of the people were concerned with their changing lifestyle, but Baldur would keep them firmly in line as promised. He had some ideas for the future to ensure their continued martial capabilities. A plan that Baldur thought would benefit them in more than one way. He would have to talk to Lord Stark and present his idea. He would pacify much of the warrior populous through these ideas and it would keep them happy.

It wasn't long after his long house was built in Baldur's gate, that he was met with his first concerns from clan Stane. The Large figure of Alrik was sitting in front of him, along with that of his wife, Svala. They had requested a meeting with him over growing concerns among their clan. Vilkas had set the meeting up on the main floor of his long house, now decorated with the complimentary mace of Alrik's father Wyrd, hanging above the fire place on display. Baldur noticed him eyeing it a bit somberly from his seated position.

"Alrik, Svala" Baldur greeted the pair as they settled in. Baldur didn't really know the pair that well, but they had kept the peace, and for that he would treat them as friends. Politics were generally much simpler than they were on the mainland. When his father was Chieftain, fist fights were common place, his father even taking part in a few. Ultimately however, the Chieftain made his ruling and the clan followed. A good leader listened to his people's concerns though. They were still much less of a game of words than on the mainland, people often stating their stances far more directly. They hadn't any time to really be weak as a clan. Weak clans were killed off and starved during winter. 

"Chieftain Baldur, we are concerned about some of the changes." Alrik spoke gruffly. As his wife nodded in agreement, leaning forward to speak further.

"Our powers have been limited, and our people's traditions being lost by droves." She explained to Baldur.

"We must change to better our people, though you are right, traditions must be preserved where they can be. As long as you follow the laws of the North, we won't have any problems." Baldur informed her. The laws had severely limited the clan Chieftains powers, of that Baldur understood. No longer could they take actions that were forbidden, because if they did, Baldur's kin were killed, and he would have to kill them in retaliation, plus Baldur would rather not be haunted by his sister. He was introducing the feudal society heavily into Skagos and things would slowly change, though Baldur wanted to keep the warrior culture, as that was the pride and joy of Skagos.

"Our warriors are concerned that they no longer hold a place in the new Skagos." Svala informed him. "No longer are their swords put to use as they were near daily before, finding glory. A warrior such as yourself should know this." Svala told him, certainly hitting a place that Baldur would take seriously.

"Speak woman, what would you have done." Baldur waved her on.

"Raids like the days of old. Keep our warriors sharp and bring new riches to our houses." She told him as Baldur frowned.

"I would not risk such an endeavor, though you bring up a good point, our warriors must remain sharp and praised as they should." Baldur said rising from his seat. "I will be seeking Lord Starks permission to begin fighting beyond the great wall of Ice. Our warriors will earn their glory, standing, riches and praise of the 7 kingdoms as we cut through the wildlings and gain recognition. If it's one people the main land dwellers despise, it's the wildlings. Tell your warriors, make sure they are sharp. Work hard, for we need ships and growth here to bring this about." Baldur told the pair as Alrik grunted in understanding before turning to look at his wife.

"What of profit?" She asked him curiously. Baldur could almost see the greed dancing in her eyes. 

"Anything found on Skagos in the last 60 years can be found there. Pelts, leathers, amber, furs and perhaps additional praise from the Lords of the 7 kingdoms or the king himself if we kill enough of them." Baldur informed her. "And kings are quite rich." He added as she quivered at the thought.

"We will be sure to inform the warriors, they haven't been forgotten." Svala assured to her liege lord.

"Good, because anyone who fucks this up will be killed along with their families." Baldur promised. Svala surely got the message as she saw the promise in his eyes. He had delivered on such actions before. "Maintain the peace and we will have a prosperous future. Fail to maintain the peace and I finish your clan to the last child." Baldur swore as the pair nodded.