
2.03 - Aelyx

Aelyx - 19

I raised the fareye and examined the lead elements of the of the Triarchy formation. From our position on the hill, I could just glimpse a handful of horsemen that I presumed were outriders. While I could see a large cloud of dust rising behind them, the troops kicking it up were not yet visible.

"Not much to see," I said, passing the fareye to Daeron.

To my left, Essar hummed in agreement, lowering his own instrument.

"Based on their pace I'm guessing they intend to make camp at Laerna."

"We will beat them to the heights above the villages," I noted

"They probably won't cross the stream tonight," he said.

That made sense. Their potential advance would be hindered by the steep hill while ours would become entangled crossing the brook.

I drummed my fingers against my leg, trying to quiet my nerves.

"Are you certain you don't want me to attack now? I could ride back, mount Vhagar, and disperse their entire column before they even know that I am in the sky."

Essar shook his head decisively. "We've talked about this, Prince Aelyx, I don't just want them dispersed. They need to be destroyed. The Triarchy as a whole can marshal resources that dwarf our own. If we want the northern marches and you want to successfully regain your father's kingdom, we need to break their backs not just sting them."

I huffed in disconnect but remained silent. It was a well-worn argument between the two of us. I still thought that it would be better to destroy the enemy as quickly as possible, but it was not worth alienating Essar over. After all, it did not matter if the army of the Triarchy was caught on the march or the battlefield, they would burn all the same.

"Come on," I said turning my horse's head north. "The army should almost be to the campsite by now."

"Aye, let us head back." Daeron agreed following. Essar remained a moment longer observing the enemy before he too followed behind.

We rode down the hill and then up the bluff towards the army When we reached to top of the heights, we found the organized chaos of an army beginning to set up camp. The layout of the camp denoted the divisions within the army. The militia clustered together in one section, the sellswords in another, and my small force in a third. It was towards my men that Daeron and I made our way well Essar peeled off towards the militia.

As we arrived, we were met by Jaremy.

"So is there going to battle tomorrow?" Asked the commander of the foot.

"There will be if all goes to plan," I responded.

That drew a mix of murmurs from the surrounding men. Some were eager, others were concerned.

"Don't worry men, remember we have Vhagar," I said. That soothed the anxious ones. It was remarkable what the knowledge that a dragon was reinforcing you did for your nerves.

A few sharp words from Jaremy sent the men back to the task of setting up camp.

"Are you really that unconcerned," Daeron asked quietly.

I grinned. "I will be in the air tomorrow. You're the one who's going to actually be in danger." My smile faded. "Be careful, We've gotten this far it would be a shame to die without even reaching the Stepstones."

He snorted. "Don't worry about me. Now go check on your lady. We will all be counting on her tomorrow.

We clasped forearms and then headed in separate directions.

I meandered to the edge of camp. Before departing with a nod to the sentries. There, curled a few hundred yards from the encampment was Vhagar.

"Hello darling girl," I said, moving to stand by her head. Reaching out I gently stroked her snout, drawing a huff from the dragon. I stayed with her until the sun began to set. As the light faded, I began to make my way back to camp.

As I approached the sentry, he called out. "Hawk!"

I rolled my eyes. "Feather! You saw me leave."

"I'm sorry Prince Aelyx. But the rules…" He stammered.

"I know the rules," I grumbled. "I created them after all." I patted the guard on the shoulder as I moved past, to show there were no hard feelings.

As I moved to the camp, I observed them men. Most were gathered together in small groups. Some were talking and laughing while passing around skins of wine. Others were conversing in low somber tones. I passed a religious service bracketed by a pair of dice games. As I approached the center of the camp the activity died down. This area was reserved for the commanders, most of whom were circulating among the men or gathered In Essar's tent.

Which reminded me I would need to head there soon. While our order of battle had been established days previously, our general would be holding a council of war tonight to discuss last-minute changes to the plan and ensure that everyone knew their roles.

"Prince Aelyx?" A voice called out.

"Yes," I said turning to my left. I was confronted by four soldiers. Their clothes marked them as militiamen, while their speaker's accent identified them as residents of the borderlands.

"I have a message from General Essar." Their leader spoke.

"Oh," I responded. My gaze flicked between the four men. The leader took a step forward, while one man began moving towards my right and two to my left.

"Yes, he wanted me to tell you that," The man began, taking another step forward while reaching across his body towards the rondel sheathed there.

"Fuck me," I murmured, cutting him off. I lung forward just as his hand grasped the hilt of the dagger. Desperately, I grasped his wrist, yanking his arm down. He stumbled into me his superior wight forcing me back. He twisted in my grip, trying to break it. I released his arm with my right hand while maintaining it with my left. There was no space between us to draw my sword. Instead, I went for the hunting knife on my right hip.

I drew it just as my attacker broke free. He shoved me away, but I lunged after him. I plowed into him, plunging the knife into his stomach. His eyes widened in shock as hot blood spurted over my finger. The momentum of my charge sent us sprawling onto the ground. The fall saved my life, as the knife that would have plunged through my shoulder instead slashed down my back. Hissing in pain, I glanced behind me at the man who had tried to stab me in the back. The two others were approaching from the left.

Releasing my grip on Borros's gift. I lunged forward, rolling over the body. I gasped in agony as my injured back hit the ground. I scrambled to my feet and drew my sword in the same motion. I looked from the dying man writhing on the ground to my three standing opponents.

"Help! Treason!" I shouted.

I swept my sword through the air to keep the three at bay. With my longer reach, I hoped I could keep them back long enough for help to arrive.

"You killed Haricho." The one in the center snarled. They charged forward, and I met them with a grim snarl twisting my lips. The one on the right was the fastest. As he lunged at me, I slashed before he could come to grips. His momentum prevented him from halting and my blade bit into his side. He stumbled away from the attack clutching at the wound, before collapsing. Pivoting I stabbed at the center attacker, but he jerked to the side, dodging. The final man attacked faster than I could turn. I raised my left arm as he slashed at my face. The dagger flayed open my forearm, tearing a gasp of pain from my lips. The second cut drew a line of fire from my temple to my jaw. Blood covered my face blinding me in my left eye.

I whipped my sword around cutting at his leg. Fierce satisfaction surged through me as I felt his knee crunch under the assault. He collapsed with a scream. It was then I heard multiple men shouting. I saw Vargar Bosa rushing forward leading a half dozen soldiers. The final assailant looked from me to the approaching men to his downed comrades. He let out a foul curse and then turned sprinting into the night.

"Chase him!" I shouted. Vargar skidded to a halt, bringing an arm up to stop the man beside him as well. With a gesture, he sent the rest of his men in pursuit. I could just make out his expression in the moonlight as he beheld the scene. His lips thinned as he looked at the three men on the ground. One dying from a gut wound, another already dead, and the third moaning piteously as he tried to crawl away.

Marching forward he kicked the crawling man down and planted his boot in his back.

"Are you alright, your grace?"

I opened my mouth to respond. Before closing, I suddenly felt incredibly drained, darkness flicked at the edge of my vision.

"I feel." I trailed off as I pitched forward, consciences fleeing.