
Where? Who?

The shelter kids seeing both Brian and Ralph fall into a hole out of nowhere were startled, the young Alex, Sophy and Laura went behind Anna and Noah who has rushed to the edge of the hole.

"Ralph, Brian are you okay?!!" (Anna)

"Look theres other people down there!" (Noah)


Seeing as the people they were searching for over a year just dropped out of the ceiling, Stephen was quickly worried that they might have been hurt.

'This Joseph guy is always unreasonable, if that fall were higher it could of sent all that work down the drain... only then i bet he would be feeling guilty for something he actually had blame for...'

Stephen not wanting to be as unreasonable as Joseph quickly came close to the ones who fell out of the hole to see if they needed healing or first aid, but as soon as he approached he saw fire being thrown at him, in a very amaturish way that would make one even doubt if they were aiming for him.

Quickly dodging to the side he said "Wait we are not enemies! Let us help you!"

Seeing another ball of flame being hurled his way he cursed inwardly and started dodging again, all while the air was starting to become more and more unbreatheable every time this repeated itself.


"Quick! Shoot faster, we cant let them get close to them!" (Anna)

"I think i can only shoot once more before I am out..." (Noah)

Being tired and hungry from walking for hours the kids were not able to remain firing for long, so as soon as they became exhausted and dizzy from the lack of oxigen in the cave they quickly started to lose consciousness.

"P-Please... dont... hurt them..." said Anna before she became uncounscious.


Stephen seeing that no more fire was looking to make him into a human torch, wondered what was going on.

'Are they out of juice? They actually dared to use so much fire inside a cave... those guys are nuts...'

Right then they heard a cry of a girl's who looked as if she was fainting...

As soon as the fire stoped being hurled from the hole Joseph quickly started to recycle the air in the cave before it became dangerous.

Joseph knew that this situation was most likely his fault... but that could wait for later, right now he had to help these survivors who had fainted before him.

Then after looking at the survivors he came to understand their situation...

"Stephen... they are only kids... there is not adults, we need to take them to the hiding spot!" (Joseph)

"Umm... you mean that all that mess was made by some stinking brats?" said Stephen in surprise.

"Yes... it looks like they have trained their magic quite a bit before coming here..." Joseph said with a melancolic tone, having guessed that these children had to train to survive the cataclysm and that no adult came with them made his imagination wonder at what sort of horrible life they had in this years that they should of spent in a underground shelter.


Waking up in a groggy and confused state, Noah started to try and look around to see what happened after they fell uncounscious. Finding that he was on a bed or atleast something that was confortable to lie on he became worried of where might his sister and friends be.

'We were brought here by someone, what they want with us? Why would they put me in bed? But first i have to find the others.'

Getting up and trying his best to not make a sound he approached the only door he found to this room, and opening it he soon found that they were still underground, but on a cave much wider that was even polished and clean with a high ceiling and wide corridor that had many doors on them.

'The other probably are on the other rooms if they are all like the one I came from...' thought Noah as he approached the closest door. Slowy opening the door he peaked inside and came to find Anna lying on a bed inside a room just like his, deciding to look for the others together he quickly woke her up.

"Uh? What? Just a bit more Dad, 5 minutes ok?" said Anna groggily as she turned around to avoid waking up.

"Anna, wake up... we need to find the others, we are still underground!" said Noah in a silent scream while shaking her.

Starting to wake up and getting a hold of herself Anna quickly came out of bed and started to look around while asking "Noah! are you okay?! Where are we?!".

"We are in some sort of shelter or underground place... other then that, no clue... Come, there are other rooms on the corridor!" (Noah)

Then both proceeded to go slowy and silently go into the rooms of the corridor, finding their friends, grouping together and all getting ready to see where they were.

"Big Bro... Why were we brought here?" (Brian)

"Hmmm... no clue..." (Ralph)

Seeing the confusion and fear in the other children little Sophy started to get a feeling that maybe they shouldnt worry too much about the people who brought them here, somethint inside her telling her that they didnt mean to hurt them.

"Brother... maybe they dont want to do bad to us..." (Sophy)

"Why do you say that lil sis? (Noah)

"I dont know why... but I feel we are safe..." (Sophy)

hearing this everyone looked at Sophy with questioning and curious gazes, the only one to have a doubtful look was Anna who proceeded to ask.

"You 'feel' something? Isnt it bad to do something just because you feel it?" (Anna)

"Ummm.... I think we can trust that feeling of little sis, she was the one who convinced everyone to listen to the paranoid uncle about the portal thing..." (Noah)

"Uh? Is that... true? I-I guess we can listen, but we still need to be careful!" said Anna while blushing slighty.

And as soon as they made their resolve to go past the main door at the end of the corridor, the door opens, and two man come in while talking amongst each other.

"Some reckless kids those little brats huh? imagine what would happen if you didnt cycle the air... We need to teach them to survive or things can get bad quick.."

Those same two man as soon as they walked in saw the kids and became startled.

"WAIT! NO FIRE OK?!" said the bald man with a beard.