
Novel Ideas I Like, But Am Too Lazy To Actually Write

Title basically says everything, this is a collection of story ideas I came up with but can't write as I'm too lazy and can't really write a good story. All I ask is if you like one of these ideas and decide to make a story out of it, please give me credit for the idea.

Universal_dude · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Story Idea #1: A Knights Heart

Part I: The Beginning

Deep in the Poltoa Mountains lays a town. That town is known as Mallory, town of knights, lives a young boy named Heran. From a tender age, he dreamt of becoming a knight—a noble protector of the realm. His eyes sparkled with tales of valor, and his heart yearned for adventure beyond the village's borders.

Heran's father, Sir Val, was a retired knight renowned for his unwavering courage and sense of honor. He trained his son in the ways of combat, instilling in him not just the art of wielding a sword but also the importance of kindness and chivalry.

Part II: The Mentor

As Heran grew older, he caught the attention of Sir Godfrey, the village's resident knight trainer. Impressed by the boy's determination and potential, Sir Godfrey took him on as an apprentice. Under Sir Godfrey's tutelage, Heran learned not only the skills of combat but also the values of humility and compassion.

Part III: The Trials

Years passed, and Heran's skills as a knight grew. He faced numerous trials and adversaries, each one shaping him into a true protector of the realm. Along the way, he forged lasting friendships with fellow squires and knights who would become his brothers in arms.

Part IV: Love on the Horizon

One fateful day, as Heran was riding through the forest, he heard a melodic voice singing in a glen. Following the enchanting sound, he discovered a young woman named Eleanor. She was the daughter of a local healer, known for her wisdom and kindness. Her beauty and grace captivated Heran's heart, and they soon found themselves drawn to each other.

Part V: Forbidden Love

However, their love faced a formidable obstacle. Eleanor's father, aware of the dangers knights faced, had always forbidden his daughter from associating with them. He believed their lives were filled with too much peril and strife. Heran and Eleanor kept their love a secret, meeting in the quietest corners of the village.

Part VI: The Quest

As Heran continued his journey toward knighthood, a great threat loomed over the kingdom. A fearsome warlord, the terror of the land, had awakened from his army and were attacking the neighboring kingdoms. The kings, desperate for a solution, called upon all the knights to engage the warlord in combat to rid the realm of him.

Part VII: The Battle

Heran, alongside his comrades, ventured forth to face the Warlord. The battle was fierce and perilous. They fought valiantly, but it was Heran's swordsmanship and determination that allowed them to overcome the warlord, ending his reign of terror. The battle did not occur without consequences however, Heran's companions had all died in battle in an attempt to stop the armies from interfering in the duel.

Part VIII: A Knight's Triumph

For his bravery and valor, Heran was knighted by the grateful king. He returned to Mallory as a true knight, celebrated by the villagers and respected by his peers. But despite the honor, his heart ached for the forbidden love he had to keep hidden.

Part IX: Love Conquers All

Eleanor, unable to bear the secrecy any longer, approached her father and confessed her love for Heran. She implored him to understand that a knight's heart could be as gentle as it was brave. Touched by his daughter's sincerity, the healer relented, and Eleanor and Heran were allowed to openly share their love.

Part X: A New Beginning

With love as their guiding light, Heran and Eleanor embarked on a new chapter of their lives. As husband and wife, they continued to serve the realm with honor and compassion, proving that a knight's heart could be both fierce in battle and tender in love. Together, they wrote their own tale of adventure, chivalry, and enduring love, a story that would be told for generations to come.

And so, in the village of Mallory, where their love had bloomed, Heran and Eleanor left in search of more adventures to go on together, a testament to the enduring power of love in the heart of a true knight.

I don't know if this is obvious or not, but I used Percival and his son Loherangrin as the inspiration for the main character and his father. So if someone picks this up, make sure the main weapon is a spear.

Universal_dudecreators' thoughts