
Novel Del

Warning: Slow burn book. Enclosed in his arms, she asked him, " Why do you want to take me somewhere dangerous? " Leaving a stream of kisses on her shoulder, he replied, " That's because I'm with you. With me beside, nothing can ever touch you darling, " his lips sealed her's, sealing a promise. .......... She came, despite knowing the dangers of associating with him, So he decided to protect her with all his might. His love being her guide and hope and promise of forever, she decided to walk along with him till the end. ......... It all started with a kiss, creating an unforgettable, yet a passionate memory for both, she hooked his interest towards her, spared no means to not fall for her, and he did, he fell pretty hard at that. Now, he'd pursue that love towards her, despite all the odds. This isn't the cold CEO and naive girl love story, but two powerful people trying to navigate an unknown territory of emotion. With love being an emotion that is only small a part of life, will she hurt herself in the end by giving into jumbled priorities or they'd walk towards sunset with their happy ending? Read "It all started with a KISS" to know the story of Kim Sooha and Wang Hyuk. Disclaimer: This is purely work of art and creativity. Any resemblance to real life is purely coincidence and is used to elevate this fiction. Please encourage, support and cooperate with 'It all Started with a KISS' and share your views via review. The cover page credits all goes to it's rightful owner.

trumpet_creeper01 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

It all started with a KISS - (5)

" Sooha!"  a high pitched voice of a girl, with pink highlights on her black hair flowing freely in the air, a frock similar to her hair color appeared in front of Sooha's eyes.

"I have been searching for you since I've arrived, why are sitting here, wasting your precious time, being a loner? " the girl rested her hand on one of Sooha's shoulders and tapped her fingers, which made Sooha quite uncomfortable.

Sooha shook her shoulder slightly to lightly shrug off the hand while trying to recognise the approached lady, however, she couldn't remember who was she, while the lady's choice of words surely upset Sooha. Someone addressing her by her first name surely meant they knew eachother, then why couldn't she remember her?

Not getting any response back, the girl pouted at Sooha, as though she was hurt, " Don't tell me you already forgot me," She gasped covering her mouth for dramatic measures, making a big deal out of it.

"Well, not like anyone would recognise me. Its been a long time after all, " the girl continued her words, this time less bright and close to a mumble, with a look of melancholy and a thin smile. Sooha would have missed those words, if it wasn't just them two in a quiet corner.

Sooha observed her closely and could vaguely find a face similar to this girl in her life. Although both the girl in her past and the girl present in front of her eyes don't have same personality, she could make some connections out of her face. However, she couldn't really understand why the girl is acting so friendly suddenly, when they weren't even close back then.

She remembered her being the infamous target of snobbish bullies, who vexed her to no extent, for causing 'unpleasant view to their pretty eyes'. High school, with puberty, some are hit with stupidity, too.

" Sim Hana???? " Sooha's words tumbled out, hesitantly.

Elicited, Hana clapped her hands, smiling widely, " It's a good thing you could still remember me. You don't have to worry, I can understand it, after all, we never met after I got transferred and we never got a chance to meet any sooner, " The girl cheerily chatted without a concern about what others might think.

Sooha indeed got little bewildered. The girl who didn't even have courage to say her name back then is here, talking without even a pause.

Time does change people.

Nonetheless, Sooha didn't show her thoughts on face and smoothly continued conversing with the girl.

Taking the next seat to Sooha, Hana sat down, poured down about her everyday life and in between enquired about Sooha.

" Sooha, I heard you got engaged. Is you fiancé here? I didn't see him even before I came, " Hana exclaimed, eyes eyes roaming the vast party hall, curious to see Sooha's suitor.

At that question, Sooha gave a tight lipped smile, " He will be here soon, " She replied curtly, cutting the topic before it could get any longer.

" You should reprimand him later for leaving such a lovely lady alone without a date, maybe he didn't learn manners, so make sure to give him an earful later, " Hana spoke as if she was ready to scold him in face, if he appeared before her.

Though Hana got out of line, Sooha found it amusing. Her bitterness soon is replaced into smiles with Hana's innocence. Or maybe naivety? Or bubbliness? Whatever it maybe, she surely felt nice chatting with this old acquaintance, who had major transformation.

Maybe because Hana is being herself and simply letting her thoughts out without trying to hide them, Sooha felt relaxed finding someone with whom she don't need to act. It feels to have a friendly chat like this, without being pressured to keep up with them or listen on to empty compliments for the sake of favor.

Possibly they won't get a chance to meet anytime soon, as Hana already mentioned she need to go back to Daegu, soon after the party ends. So Sooha felt giving her time, whom she might not meet again.

" Don't forget to invite me and my husband to your wedding. I am looking forward to it, " Hana congratulated Sooha in advance.

" Husban....?" Sooha mumbled, while Hana flashed a blush.

When Sooha heard Hana is already married, it came as a surprise to her. Isn't it too early for her to marry? She thought, despite that, it's not something impossible.

If you met someone with whom you want to spend your rest of the life, then it is never too early or too late. Love is the time. Seeing Hana smiling heartfully, Sooha could understand she has a blissful married life. Sooha truthfully felt happy for her achievements.

" Sooha, you must visit my house. I really want you to meet my husband. I am sure, he will be happy to meet you too, " Hana spoke, looking forward for the day.

Sooha got baffled by her response. Is this how married ladies are? Showing off their husband's? Nonetheless, Sooha felt coming to this party will not be a wasted trip anymore.

Perhaps the table looked fancy, few more ladies began to chirp in and soon it became a birds nest, giving a headache to Sooha.

She averted her eyes to the bar, where Ha min was laughing and mingling with his mates.

Soon enough, the one, whom Sooha was waiting, entered the party.

Now, this is the sight that everyone will talk about, inadvertently giving Sooha the motivation to do something very unthinkable.

Locking arms with a lady, Ha Joon Jae made his entrance into the hall. Wearing a formal multitude suit in black, he advanced forward.

The lady next to him tried to keep up with his footing in her long dress and high heels, who wore a solid red V neck maxi dress, perfectly flaunting her long slender toned legs, and exposing her cleavage, exhibiting her curves and structure.

One could say just by looking into her eyes, that she is confident in her looks and sure of herself that she can woo anyone she laid her eyes on.

Greeting people in between, his eyes began to search for the one, for whom he did all this to see.

However, when he finally spot her, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was there, in his right corner, sitting and conversing casually, having a happy chat. She looked so gorgeous, making his steps halt for a second. He knew she is a beauty, but never thought she is this bewitching. With an add on of her smile, she looked no less than an angel in his eyes.

Did he just pluck a weed instead of a flower and accessorized himself? He wondered but couldn't care much about it. What's done is done, no matter what it is, she never complained, in the end, she belongs to him no matter what. Her beauty, her money, everything will belong to him sooner or later. With such confidence, an unknown pride puffed up his chest.

Observing it, the lady who joined as his date for tonight tried to gain back his attention. She finally caught a big fish, so how could she easily let that fish into others net?

" Baby, the air here is so cold, why don't we move somewhere warm? " She coquettishly spoke, rubbing her skin onto him.

Felling her mellow chest touching his bicep freely, he gave her a disgusted glance, " Who told you to dress like a slut, " He thought in his mind, nonetheless, followed her, knowing he couldn't get a replacement now.

He had quite a handful of drinks and wasted himself. By the time he woke up, it's already past the time he could make time for arrangements. Having no time to choose someone dignified, he just brought the lady who is lying on his bed, whom he just met last night in some club.

Though he bought her here already, he began to regret his decision. Nonetheless, that didn't last long, and soon he strode forward. He had to cross Sooha if he need to go to the corner, where the cool air is limited. Tightening his grip on the lady's hand, he began to move forward in that direction.

Right when he came near to her table, Sooha raised to look at the approaching figures, only to be disappointed. Her fiance, who is supposed to come along with her didn't even show up on time, instead brought another lady as his date tonight. More than disappointment, she is getting tired of his childish plays.

Making the eye contact, Ha Joon Jae halted for second time. He wanted to see how she might react, despite his expectations, it didn't go as he planned. Once again, she had no reaction to whatever he did. Even after witnessing him bringing a random girl out, he couldn't see a single emotion displayed on her face nor her, sparing him a second glance.

Provoked by her neglecting behavior, he hastily walked towards the table, sat right behind hers.

Sooha could feel how awkward it got at her side, after they witnessed Joon Jae sitting at other table along with his date, instead of his fiance. Alarmed, soon one by one began to take their leave from her side, which really didn't matter to Sooha.

Few took pity on her, while few felt she deserved it. Different reactions came from different people, but none of it mattered to her.

Noticing the drop in mood, Hana tried to ease it. Though she never saw Joon Jae before, by the looks of it, it's crystal clear that it must be him. Ignoring his fiance presence blatantly is enough to say what a scum he might be. Without explanation, she tried to draw Sooha's attention to something else, which ended in vain.

Sooha began to wait patiently. Though he attended the party with someone else, people don't know the lady's identity, which means he still got a chance to rectify his mistake and cook up some sort of story under his sleeve.

So she chose to stay silent till he could realise his wrongdoing. Right after that, Ha min springed back to her next seat and glared at Joon Jae, for making his noona upset, though she elegantly hid it under a smile.

Joon Jae began to chew his bottom lip, getting to know his date, while both of them just made a love shot, finishing their glasses.

Everyone's eyes, who knew about them engaged threw sneak peeks at his actions, not daring enough to look straight.

Ha min began to curse Joon Jae in his mind, while Sooha and Hana were in their own world, and Joon Jae in his own world with his acts.

Right when everyone were busy with what they were doing, the emcee of the party strode towards the stage.

Standing at the center of the stage, he proceeded, starting with the pleasantries, " Good evening everyone. We are so excited to have you all here to be a part of Mr. Wang Il sung's birthday celebrations. We are pleased to be able to welcome those of you that have been with us for years now as well as those of you who are new to the Wangs group. "

'' Unfortunately, because of some matters, Mr. Wang Il- sung couldn't join us now as expected. So instead of waiting for him, he wants us to start the party before he joins us and on his mark, the ball officially begins soon. Please stay close to your partners tonight and enjoy the party while dancing to music you like, " The emcee ended his speech and left for updates.

As expected, all scattered younger generation began to get together with their dates tonight, and paced towards the dance floor.

Though Sooha appeared nonchalant, she couldn't help but get worked up. Suppressing her flared up heart, occasionally she casted glances in Joon Jae direction.

Getting up from his seat, Joon Jae gentlemanly stretched his hand, while the lady held his hand and got up from her seat.

Holding hand in hand, they both made their way to the center of the ball, never looking back at his fiance. Standing in middle, he grabbed her waist in one hand, and held her other hand, while she grabbed his shoulder, without him guiding her.

Finding him getting on her nerves, instead of occasional looks, her eyes straight bore into his body.

The orchestra began to play soft music music, as everyone seemed to gather on the dance floor.

The piece, Bolero, which has sophisticated tune dealing with love played as all the pairs on the floor began to sync their steps with the music, dancing in a leisure manner.

All this while, Sooha didn't leave her gaze from Joon Jae, noticing his every moment.

Since ball started, Hana also took her leave, to find her husband, leaving only Ha min and Sooha at table. Everything came back square. Now it's just her and Ha min.

Her thoughts began to run wildly. It's not something Ha min could take care of. If he mindlessly stepped in, it might get difficult to Sooha later. So he wanted to trust her again, knowing she won't just sit quiet, facing such humiliation from a trash.

If she endured such dishonor now, it means she got no self-esteem, which means she couldn't slap back when she encountered such things in future. Not to mention, she would become a laughingstock in front of everyone, who looked up to her till now. It's not just her, but her family getting humiliated. Why wouldn't she retaliate?

She need to nip it in the bud, show everyone what she is, and especially show Ha Joon Jae his place, a place where a scum like him belongs to.

She never cared what he did in his private life, so the least she expected from him is to pretend in front of everyone. However, he proved he isn't worthy of all her patience till now, and finally she decided to show what it means to play in front of a tiger's den. From this moment, she decided to trample him with all her might and show him what she is capable of.

All possible scenarios began to play in her mind. Should she just go and slap the bastard who never cared about her image? But that will only make her look more pathetic. Or should she simply annul their engagement in front of everyone? That doesn't seem like a choice she could afford, after all, it will only get bothersome facing elders.

With such thoughts in mind, her eyes began to scan the Hall, wondering there might be a solution. She ain't sure what to do, but she is sure about one thing, that today she will slap him in the face.

The time didn't stop for anyone and before anyone could realise it, the first song ended and the next song began to play. However, that harmonical music couldn't reach her ears, as her mind got clouded with aggravation. Might as well got an idea, her eyes began to squint among the guests in the party.

Locking her prey, she got up from her seat, only to surprise Ha min. Confused, Ha min could only watch her get away from him, while she began to stomp her way through the Hall, finding her prey, who is casually chatting with other gentlemen around him near the stairs of the Hall.

At that time she didn't know it's a path down to a new door in her life. It's herself walking down the path finding him, not knowing what are the dangers associated around him. She could never imagine the man with the brightest smile among everyone could also have such cruel side to him. She thought it's her play, not knowing who is the actual master.

The beginning of a new story is marked at this moment. It all began with a kiss, that's how they met, engraving a milestone, starting a new phase in their tangled life.