
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

Elderwood Giant

As soon as I exited the fortress, I was met with a harsh wind that whipped against me.

My face instinctively scrunched up. The gust carried a scent of acrid smoke mixed with the metallic tang of blood.

For a moment, I simply stood there, taking in the scene before me.

The fortress's courtyard was littered with wounded adventurers sprawled across the ground, their bodies mangled and broken. Soldiers who had valiantly fought against the onslaught now lay motionless, their armor stained crimson.


Surveying the grim reality of the battle, I turned my attention to the gates that led out of the fortress.

Although there were still guards standing at their posts, it was clear that none of them would bother checking whether I have a hunting pass or not.

Without wasting any time, I swiftly made my way past the guards and into the chaotic battlefield beyond.


As I emerged onto the field, even a more horrific sight greeted me.

The sun was only now beginning to rise above the horizon, bathing the battlefield in a faint golden light and illuminating the countless bodies that littered the ground.

Mauled limbs, severed heads, and pools of blood were scattered throughout the battlefield, creating a gruesome and nightmarish scene.

Even the stoutest-hearted warrior would have found their stomach turning at such a sight.

However, not a demon's.

All I felt while staring at the dreadful carnage was... numbness.

Strange, inhuman calmness.

'Is this what it means to be a demon?'

Observing the nearby corpse with its midsection ripped open and its entrails spilling out, I recognized the body. It was a man I almost collided with earlier while leaving my room.

I should've felt disgusted or saddened by the sight...

Yet, I failed to feel even an ounce of empathy for his fate.


Suddenly, a roar echoed through the air, jolting me out of my detached state.

It was the sound that shook the ground and drew my attention to a towering figure in the distance.

A massive shadow loomed over the battlefield.

It was a creature of immense size and grotesque appearance, its form resembling that of a monster straight out of a twisted nightmare.

"Elderwood Giant."

I hissed under my breath.

The monster that is currently marching toward the fortress, I have read about it in the novel, however, it shouldn't have appeared until much later in the story.

But there it stood, defying the boundaries of narrative.


I simply stared in disbelief as the Elderwood Giant placed its colossal foot made out of gnarled roots on top of a fallen soldier, crushing the life out of him effortlessly.

'Why are you here!?'

This monster should have only appeared when the protagonists were second-year students at the academy and on a class trip to the fortress. When they were strong enough to face such a formidable opponent.

So why is it here, now?

Like a crazed madman I kept muttering to myself for an answer, searching my memories for any possible explanation.

Unfortunately, no answers came to me.

I didn't even notice the figure approaching from behind until the gusty wind carried the distinct scent of earth and leaves.

Oh, how lucky I was, for a plant-like tendril was just inches away from coiling around my neck when I turned around.


Groaning internally, I quickly activated my 'Burst' skill and ducked under the tendril, narrowly avoiding its deadly grasp.

I was unable to escape unscratched, though.

A sharp thorn grazed my cheek, leaving a trail of blood in its wake. The pain jolted me back to reality, reminding me of the imminent danger I was facing.


Lifting my eyes to meet the gaze of my assailant, I saw a monstrous figure cloaked in vines and leaves, its eyes filled with an unnerving intelligence.

From the aura surrounding the creature, I could tell it was around the same level as me, if not stronger.

[ Activate ]

With my burst skill in effect, I also activated my Ashen Armor and clung my weapon tightly.


The being lowered its body and lunged at me, its vines whipping through the air with deadly precision.

I tried to deflect some of them while dodging the others but it was close to impossible and I was bound to receive minor injuries.

As the fight ensued, it became a cycle of me cutting through the vines and the creature regenerating them with alarming speed.

I knew I had to find a way to break this cycle, for the wounds on my body were beginning to pile up, draining my stamina and making it harder to defend myself.

Biting my lip in frustration, I took a dozen steps back, creating some distance between me and the creature.

To change the outcome of this battle, I needed to think outside the box.

It was time to use my elemental affinities.

Although both my ice and darkness affinities were of low level, I knew they could still be utilized to gain an advantage. At least the ice one.

In the novel, there was no explanation of how to use the darkness element because none of the protagonists had ever possessed it, but it was different with ice.

For a brief moment, I even closed my eyes.


I needed to imagine something very cold, to feel as if I were standing in the midst of a frozen wasteland, surrounded by ice and snow.

It was not a question of mana but rather tapping into the innate connection between my consciousness and the element of ice.

Since it's my first time doing this, it was quite hard, but I knew that with practice and persistence, I could do it faster.

By channeling my focus and visualizing the icy sensation, I slowly opened my eyes, observing another tendril that was just seconds away from hitting my throat.
