
73: Seeking oblivion


I sat in bed crying till the morning. Fate has been cruel to me, giving me the world and forcing me to give it away to another. 

I plopped down on the floor as tears started to roll down my cheeks. I devised numerous scenarios in my head of how that night could've played out. To fill the void of the silence and emptiness of the room. 

A sob escaped my throat as I curled up into a fetal position on the floor. I fell asleep that way and didn't wake until dusk. 

My body was sore and my eyes felt like they'd been rubbed with hot pepper. I stretched and scowled at the moon in the sky. 

The beauty of the moon reminded me of Prince Zephirin's grace. It ripped my heart out. I have taken days off from the world after returning to the holy house. Putting a halt to all activities in my life. I climbed up on my bed and went back to sleep.