
Not the same anymore

Not only was he betrayed for a sack of food by his family. He was also betrayed by his lover because he could not be of use to him anymore and saw him as a threat. Under the hands of the ones he once loved, he and his best friend died in the crowd of zombies. However that was not the end, not only did he find out that before their death that his best friend loved him for a long time, but also found out that he who was supposed to be dead came back alive half a month before the zombie apocalypse along with his super ability. LOOK OUT EVERYONE FOR FENG FAI IS NOT THE WEAK AND SENTIMENTAL ANYMORE BUT A WHITE LOTUS. DONT EXPECT NOTHING FROM ME AS IM NOT THE SAME ANYMORE. I'll apologize in advance if this story is not that great as this is my first ever written story please support me. Also, let me know what I could fix.

melodylopez8033 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 3: Rebirth of Power

In a reality rewritten by fate, one month before the apocalypse descended upon the world, Feng Fai found himself standing within the opulent walls of his old luxury home. The surroundings were familiar, yet the air carried an uncanny sense of deja vu. It was as if time had granted him a second chance, a chance to rewrite his destiny.

Unbeknownst to anyone, Feng Fai's rebirth had bestowed upon him newfound abilities, granting him dominion over the natural world and the fabric of space itself. Strengthened by his experiences and driven by a burning desire for survival, he had returned to this pivotal moment to prepare for the impending apocalypse.

His plant powers now flowed through him with newfound potency. With a mere thought, vines coiled around his fingers, responding to his unspoken commands. He felt the energy coursing through his veins, a connection to the earth that held untapped potential. In addition to this, spatial manipulation had woven itself into his being, allowing him to bend space to his will, a power that could be both a boon and a burden.

Feng Fai chose to keep his abilities hidden, a decision borne from the harsh lessons of his past life. To maintain a low profile, he kept his strengths concealed from his family, friends, and anyone else who may have crossed his path. Instead, he opted to blend into the background, using his resources to discreetly prepare for the inevitable chaos that would soon engulf the world.

Memories of his previous life's betrayals haunted him, driving his determination to survive and thrive. His own family, motivated by desperation, had traded his safety for a sack of food, a cruel betrayal that still stung. And his lover, someone he had once trusted with his heart, had discarded him when he could no longer be of use, seeing him as a potential liability. The ultimate betrayal, however, had been the death they both suffered at the hands of the horde of zombies.

Yet, even in the midst of this turmoil, the threads of hope emerged. Before their tragic end, Feng Fai had discovered his best friend's hidden feelings, buried beneath layers of friendship and camaraderie. He had also uncovered the truth that his supposedly deceased best friend had reemerged in this world, gifted with extraordinary powers of his own.

As Feng Fai honed his abilities in secret, his home transformed into a fortress of survival. Hidden caches of supplies were meticulously organized, weapons were collected and maintained, and escape routes were mapped out. He knew that when the apocalypse struck, he would be ready to face the horrors that awaited.

But more than survival, Feng Fai sought retribution. No longer the weak and sentimental soul of his past life, he had evolved into a force to be reckoned with—a white lotus, feigning fragility while harboring strength and determination. He vowed to himself that he would not be a victim again, that he would rise above the betrayals that had shaped his previous life.

As the world teetered on the edge of chaos, Feng Fai's preparations were nearing completion. His powers surged within him, a testament to the strength he had gained from his second chance at life. He knew that the time to reveal himself would come, that he would rewrite his story and reshape his destiny. And when that time came, the world would bear witness to the rebirth of Feng Fai—a survivor, a warrior, and a force of nature.