
Not-So an Extra

Suddenly being thrown into the novel's world and possessing a pretty much fucked up character made him have no choice but to continue his life as a new identity. And just like any sane person who transmigrated into a book, of course, he would destroy every red flag that stood in his way. Yet, unbeknownst to him, every single thing he did was just wrecking the storyline more and even more; to the point that the plot had become utterly screwed, thanks to him. ===== A/N: This novel is heavily inspired by many famous video games.

Admirably_ · แฟนตาซี
192 Chs

Ch. 43: Refugee Camp [2]

Gizel scanned his students' faces one by one before stopping at Adrian, 'This child...'

With each passing day, the boy in front of him never ceased to surprise him with his talent. For years, the Survival Tests had been a grueling challenge for the students of the Arcanist Arts Academy. However, something different happened this year.

On the second day after they defeated the bandits, they rode to the nearby town and that was where the turning point started. Adrian sold the Badjingan parts and some herbs that he had gathered to make a profit.

He used the money to buy cooking utensils, some spices, binoculars, and other useful items before distributing the leftover gold among the group. With their newfound wealth, they could do something that no other group had ever done: they stayed in an inn.