
Not My Crush

Adam, a student from z college, develop love feeling toward guys. He has crush on Zayn's group and keep the feeling in his diary except Zayn name was not in the list. However, his secret got caught by Zayn, top male in group of Adam's crush. Begging Zayn to keep Adam's secret, he willing to do anything Zayn want. But it seem that Zayn playing in the hand...

Sakurada_Hanuko · LGBT+
8 Chs


I applied to Z college to study in business major. My life was good until I meet this hot guys group. They are, Lock, Hans, Aron and Vier. I keep my life isolated while watching them afar. I write their name in my cute diary book. Every one of them have cute personality and I never miss to note down in my diary whenever I hear the gossips among students in the college.

"How come my name was not in his diary" My thought when I read whoever own this damn diary. I'm pretty sure hot enough among my friends. And only me had girlfriend in my group. I happen to see the name of this book owner. "Adam huh".

I'm Sakurada, Author of NMC. Feel free to read my book. It's a bl. For this week I will upload a chapter 1. Then, I will upload 3 chapter following week and so on. Enjoy and comment too.


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