
Not just Virtual

Anogard wakes up in a pitch black space, with a simple message in front of him. 'System error found.'. He quickly finds himself inside a stereotypical RPG world, full of vibrant colors, monsters, people, and... magic. Using the RPG game-like system that he was given, he tries to find a way out... if there is one at all. But is the world he in really virtual? or... Was it all real?

havecookies · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

System error found


System error found.

Attempting correction...


The weird screen in front of me suddenly appeared in a world of complete darkness. It was like I was suddenly awake, even though I knew that I had been awake for a long time. It was like I had just realized that I existed…


System error correction failed.

Attempting reboot…


What was this? The messages kept appearing on semi-transparent screens, floating in the air in front of me.


System reboot failed.

Calculating possible solutions…


I read the message, confused. What System reboot? Why did these messages keep appearing?


One solution found.

Would you like to attempt a full reset?

WARNING: This will fully reset your character, including your skills, items, and exp.

Would you still like to continue?

[YES] [NO]


Items, skills, and exp? What were those? Was it referring to that stuff from RPG games? Was this some sort of video game that I was in? Of course, it made no sense whatsoever, but it also explained the System messages.

I stared at the new window that had opened. "Uhh, System… thing? Can you tell me what Items, Skills, and how much Exp I have?"

After a second, a new window appeared to the right of the other one. It had a 3D model of me in the top right, and gray squares in an array. At the top of the window, there were tabs labeled 'Inventory', 'Skills', 'Crafting', and 'Character'. The Inventory tab was highlighted with a dim white glow.

I looked to see if I had anything, but… I had nothing. I only had a simple white top, basic white pants, and white leather boots.

I switched to the Skills Tab. Nothing. The Crafting Tab. Nothing. I finally switched to the Character tab.


Name: (NOT SET)




Class: (NOT SET)

Race: (NOT SET)














Available Points: (NOT SET)


Well, that was certainly helpful… not. I sighed, and closed the screen. There wasn't anything on me, so The reset wouldn't really change anything.

I closed the Character screen, and tapped [YES] on the other screen.


Are you sure?

[YES] [NO]


I again tapped [YES].


Resetting… 0%











I heard a 'ping' as another window opened.


Reset complete! If you would like to recover the reset data, please contact an administrator within two months after reset, or your data will be unrecoverable.


After I finished reading, another window appeared.




Alert: New options for Character Creation available due to System reset.


New options for character creation? That sounded good.




- Human

Humans are one of the three dominant species of this world. They are adept at learning new skills.


[Adept Learner]: You learn skills, abilities, information, languages, and earn Exp faster. Your Mind stat is also doubled its original value.

[Swordsmanship]: You are better at using swords than any other weapon.

[Crafty]: You are able to get yourself out of certain situations due to knowing how to use the world around you.


- Elf

Elves are another of the three dominant species. Most of them come from a lineage of Archers, and Mages.


[Elven Bloodline]: Due to being an elf, you start with a better relationship with other elves.

[Archer/Mage Ancestors]: You come from a line of Archers, and Mages, increasing your ability with Bows, Staffs, Wands, etc.

[Elven Sight]: Your eyes are adept at seeing through darkness, and illusions. You are also resistant to bright lights.


- Dwarf

Dwarves are the last of the three dominant species. They are amazing craftsman, having forged the most powerful weapons, and equipment in their past.


[Dwarven Ingenuity]: You are able to create equipment that is a higher grade than normal. You also have more knowledge of recipes, and are able to craft almost all equipment that you have the recipe, and materials for.

[Fire Resistant]: Dwarves, having worked with hot steel for so long, have become very resistant to all types of fire.

[Short]: Dwarves are shorter than usual people.


- Golem (NEW)

Golems are rarely intelligent, and those that are usually only can make basic sentences. You however, have intelligence equal to that of humans, making you a very rare case.

[Golem Strength]: You are a golem, and are very strong. Your strength stat is doubled its original value.

[Made of Mineral]: You are made of various minerals such as stone, iron, gold, and others. Your vitality is double its original value. You can also use any mineral to heal yourself, and in some cases, upgrade your armor.

[Heavy]: Due to being made of so many minerals, you are very heavy. Your agility stat is halved its original value.


- Soulless (NEW)

The Soulless are beings that were either born without a soul, or their soul was taken from them. They are able to speak like normal, but they cannot feel emotions.


[Emotionless]: Due to having no soul, you have no emotions. Although with enough effort, you can remove this. You are able to kill others much more easily, and are usually willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want.

[Deathless]: Due to not having a soul, you cannot die. If HP is equal to or lower than zero, you are incapacitated for a couple days. HP is fully healed by the time you awaken.

[Painless]: Due to not having any soul, you cannot feel pain, or bleed.


- Shadow (NEW)

The Shadows derive from the deepest pits of the Shadow Realm. They usually are evil, and are also very rare.


[Shadow Travel]: While inside of a shadow, can travel to another shadow as long as it is clearly in sight. If it is pitch black, you can travel straight to the Shadow Realm.

[Shadow Form]: Can temporarily turn into a dark purple mist, and can travel through small spaces. Also, if someone is unaware of your existence/presence, they cannot see you unless given permission

[Assassin Skills]: Due to being in the darkness for so long, you are adept at staying hidden, and using weapons like daggers, and hidden blades.


I scanned through them. Shadow seemed interesting to me. Being able to teleport right off the bat would be a good skill to have, knowing RPGs. Now that I thought about it, how did I know what RPGs were? The only thing I remember is this black space. I decided to shrug it off, as to me right now, picking my race was more important.

I selected the Shadow.


Selected race: Shadow.

Gained skills: [Shadow Travel], [Shadow Form], [Assassin Skills]


After a second, another window appeared.


Select Name



A keyboard appeared, and I thought about what I wanted to be called. I didn't remember my name, so I'd have to think of one. A name then suddenly popped into my mind.


It was fantasy-like, plus it sounded cool, so I decided to use it.

I typed it in, and hit enter.


Name: Anogard

Generating Stats...


A couple of seconds later, a stat screen showed up.


Name: Anogard


Age: 21


Class: Assassin

Race: Shadow


MP: 150/150

HP: 220/220


Rank: None




STR: 20

AGI: 26

INT: 15

MIN: 19

VIT: 11

Available Points: 0


Continue with these stats?

[YES] [NO]


I looked it over, and tapped [YES].


Created character. Scanning for previous appearances...

Appearance Found.

Would you like to apply this appearance?

[YES] [NO]


A 3D model exactly like the one before popped up next to this screen. I again tapped [YES] as I was satisfied with what I had before.




Loading World…


Loading Character into World…


Connecting to Server…


ERROR. Race Invalid. Please reselect.


What? Race Invalid? Why was it invalid? Maybe because it was one from the system reset…?

The Race Selection screen appeared again. I tried selecting the same race, but it came up with another error. I tried Human. Error. I tried Golem. Error. I tried every single Race. Every single one came up with 'ERROR. Race Invalid. Please Reselect.'

I grunted in frustration, when I realized that there was another new Race that I hadn't seen before.





[D*7o& 9&r^s P9w*&]: All skills learnt immediately 9(3o*( m@#&5(m {6vel





What the heck? The class was full of errors, text flashing different colors, and symbols appearing everywhere the text was. I sighed, as this was the only Race I hadn't tried yet.

I selected it, fully expecting it to show up with another error, but…




Loading World…


Loading Character into World…


Connecting to Server…





Why was the Race full of errors, the one that didn't make an error when every single other one did?!? HOW DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE!??!

As I was having a silent breakdown, the world around me started appearing, my vision building itself piece by piece.

It was a vibrant world, full of colors. I found myself in a stereotypical fantasy town, on top of a long staircase. I immediately opened my character screen, and checked it.

When I saw what I had selected, I almost tripped over myself, even though I wasn't even moving.


Name: Anogard


Age: 21


Class: Demon Lord

Race: Demon Lord


MP: 680/680

HP: 1600/1600


Rank: Demon Lord




STR: 79

AGI: 69

INT: 68

MIN: 86

VIT: 80

Available Points: 0
