
Not Human 1

A night in the woods, a morning of questions. Asher McKnight's life is changed after he wakes up to the most painful experience in his life. The stories always said a bite did it, but it's different now. The tables are turning and the bodies are piling. Teenagers and townsfolk going missing and Rider's Crest has more creatures than it should boast suddenly showing up everywhere. What's worst, someone is turning people into supernaturals but not the regular way. Asher's new world is catching up to him fast,and he seems to keep hearing that lone wolves never make it to winter. Yet with a stubborn alpha hell-bent on pulling him into the pack, a vampire that won't leave his side and Helsings in the mix. Asher can't believe he'd actually grown up in such a dangerous place. Maybe, just maybe he'd get to see winter.

SaimtNoctis · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Different meanings to a bad day. An alpha.

I stopped at the edge of the woods looking out at the street that led to my house. I licked my lips as I sat back a bit resting from the run.

"Go for the game." Begherius urged. "What could it hurt. You can always be a friend anyway, besides it's for the best. She'd understand if she knew".

"You think?" I asked skeptical. He made a nod of his wolfish head and I sighed.

*Alright then." I agreed before shifting back. Getting to the house was no issue before I showered and changed into a blue polo that I eyed in the mirror. It was now form fitted and I didn't remember doing any work on it. Shrugging I put on my jacket before running out the house then remembered my bike wasn't available.

"Just run." Begherius said.

"I'd smell like you" I stated.

"And what's wrong with how I smell. I smell nice." He argued.

"Yeah to wolves. Not humans" I sassed..

"Theodore. What are you doing out here talking to yourself.?" My mum suddenly parked in front of me making me jump.

"Don't do that mum. My tires got busted. Hey mind giving me a ride to school. There's a game tonight" I asked.

*And you are going?" She questioned intrigued. I nodded.

"Well this Aurora girl might be good for you after all" she mused.

"Please not now" I begged before going round into the car on the other side.

*Where's Donald?" I asked.

*Office. Paperwork. He hates paperwork" she chuckled. I grinned imagining his expression while doing it. We argued and chatted on the drive before we got to the school.

"Wanna watch?" I asked.

"Gotta make a run kid. Go on. Have fun" she commented. I nodded before turning and walked back in. The match had almost begun by the time I walked into the bleachers. The crowd was wild with excitement as I weaved through them searching for the spot I had left them earlier.

My eyes found them and I smiled a bit then looked for her. Her red head was easy to spot though amd I smiled then stilled as am arm wrapped around her shoulders and tugged her closer.

George. His platinum hair was almost white with the lights shining about. His ash eyes gazing at her as her eyes watched the game. Then he looked up and his eyes met mine I froze a bit as he seemed to stare curiously then smiled a bit. His finger going beneath her jaw he coaxed it up bending his face  low till his lips met hers.

White hot fury seeped through me before a whistle blared and the crowd jumped yelling cutting them out of view for a while. The last body moved away for a second giving me another glimpse of the make out session still occuring as my heart went heavier my eyes watching the motion as her hand held his face. My eyes left them as I made to leave and locked with Venna's.

I couldn't decipher the look in her eyes as she watched me but I knew the look in mine was enough as she shuddered visibly catching Benjamin's attention who made her look at him long enough for me to blend away into the crowd.

I walked back into the school leaving the game behind and trying to leave the scene behind that kept pounding in my skull.

"It's for the ..." Begherius started.

"Don't even finish that sentence" I snarled at him in my mind shutting him up. Weirdly enough I couldn't even understand why I felt this way. I mean I had a hint but I refused to believe it. Not possible I already liked her. Thinking back to Tiana's words at the party I sighed.

"Like I said. It won't faze me " I lied gritting my teeth and entering the door that would take me to the front doors. Not like it would matter if it went like she said.

"Just to make sure you are aware. I am you and you are me. We feel what the other feels physically and emotionally. So try that lie again" he rumbled. I sighed keeping silent as I walked through the hallway heading for the front doors.

"Stop" I halted quickly.

"What?" I asked silently.

"Someone is here. Behind you". Begherius warned. I turned quickly and sure enough there was someone. A man stood several feet away walking over calmly. I smelt it before I saw them.

Fur. He was wolf, but what now I already had a meeting with the alpha not my fault he was severely lacking in time management.

"Who are you?". I asked not moving an inch. He stayed silent till he stopped a few feet away. Close enough to see his form in the dark but still far enough I couldn't make out his face. The halls were dimly lit some lights being turned off.

"Look I'm really not in the mood for this business or whatever do come again later alright". I requested. He bent his head slightly to the side as if pondering.

"I assure you. You will need to be in the mood for this "he said his eyes burning a bright gold. It flared brighter than any of the other wolves I'd encountered. He stepped forward and I found his face, beards lined his jawline and wavy locks much like mine fell across his face. He was what girls found sexy like a model of a magazine.

"You're the alpha." I stated. He smirked and raised his hands staring as claws slid out.

"I heard you took down four off my good betas." He mumbled.

"Had a little help" I shrugged nonchalantly.

"A modest one. I like that " he grinned honestly.

"Now tell me. Who's your alpha?". He growled out.

"Well I thought that's what this meeting is for". I queried now confused.

"The one who turned you? Bit you? His name?". He asked still looking calm.

"Never met whoever , plus I don't know if I was bitten." I replied watching him get as confused as me.

"That's impossible. Only a bite or birth of a wolf is the way"  he sounded so sure.

"Well. Here I am. " I smiled. He eyed me for a bit then nodded.

"I guess we can have that investigated . For now are you ready?". He asked looking down at his feet for a second.

"For?" I looked around wondering.

"To enter a pack the alpha makes the new comer submit. So .." he flashed his teeth at me the fangs bare. " .. here I come " he began walking over to me calmly. His claws raking the lockers to his right as he approached.

"Is that necessary, that's property destruction" I deadpanned.

"Worry for your body" he said then crouched letting out a roar. It was loud as it was huge, I felt the waves spill over me striking my knees like a hundred hammers and a weight descending on my shoulder as it forced me down on one knee.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked gasping.

"Power pressure. Every wolf has one. An alpha's is the strongest. It's mostly sufficient to end fights that should be avoided. But most time it doesn't. Is that sufficient for you". He asked.

I really wanted to say yes, but somehow through all his conversation with me my mind kept flashing to the make out session I'd watched. My mind still though blamed me for it after all I had given her the go ahead order literally.

"You and your betas sure have the worst timing" I snarled out my eyes lighting up gold as I pushed myself up  Fangs descended and claws slid out my facial muscles contracting. Then I roared back the now familiar wave pouring out and the alpha stiffening a bit while Begherius flooded my thoughts as an instinct.

"Let's kick this alpha ass" he snarled darkly in my head. I nodded mentally agreeing. I needed something to distract me.  Had I been like this before needing distractions for things that hung heavy over me?. Probably.

"Well bring it pup. I do have things to do that doesn't include babysitting."

I snarled and lunged at him. He ducked and dodged then kicked me back following quickly as he ran up the locker wall and descended slashing down my chest. I fell back blood starting to ooze.

I stripped off my jacket not wanting a scratch on it before I tossed it aside. I charged, he dodged and followed up his fists pushing the air outta my lungs and the other giving me a solid snack that had me flying across the hall.

A trickle rolled down the side of my face as I tensed from the pain of the cut on my forehead. My gaze went up quickly looking to see him racing across the room on all fours but still in human form. It was astounding to watch till he spun and kicked me down.

My lips busted again and blood rolled out my nose. I stood yet again and I heard the sigh leave his lips. The he socked me hard across the face sliding me back and into the lockers. He gripped my throat and lifted me off the floor till I dangled as the air seemed to elude me.

"Submit boy. This is no time to act hard you're not thinking clearly and I bet it had to do with a girl " he snarled.

I glared back then kneed him in the gut which had me dropping to the floor. I looked up as he glared snarling irritation and curiosity passing through his eyes.

"Very well then. Tell me when you've had enough" he muttered and proceeded to pound the lightning of the day outta me. His fists rang true, and his jaws remained set as he pounded or clawed at anywhere he could get that I didn't cover.

My arms fell away as he kept up the work till I was sure every inch of me bled. He finally stopped as he grimaced standing up while still looking me over.

"You.. done? " I spat out growling showing a bloodied row of teeth. I really needed to shut up.

"Yeah. I'm done. I'm Michael. Welcome to the Graystone pack".he walked back a bit still eyeing me.

"Find Tiana tomorrow." He ordered then he walked away. I pushed myself up till I was leaning on the lockers my back ached from the tossing about. My eyes looked down to see my tattered and bloody polo.

"No way I can explain this to mum." I muttered. Hopefully I'd heal fast though I doubted it. I pushed myself up trying to stand as my body shook.

"What was I thinking telling him to go on like I was superman" I spat.

"Beats me" Begherius replied mentally. I rolled my eyes and kept on trudging ahead using the locker for support. I kept eyeing my jacket where it lay on the ground as I dragged myself over to it.

The voices and footfalls came to me instantly as I tensed looking around frantically. No way I could excuse or shrug this off. I looked like I survived an animal mauling.

"Let's just go I'm tired okay" I heard the voice unmistakably Aurora's. Not freaking now I almost growled out as I kept scanning for a saving grace then found it when my eyes locked on to the Janitor's closet.

I fell down once trying to get it, picking myself up I hurried up as the voices drew closer. Another voice that was unfamiliar George I guessed arguing too. Shutting the door behind me I scooted back and far into the dark.

They're footsteps entered the hallway as their arguments became a bit clearer to me. Each voicing an opinion even Venna and Benjamin butting in as well as another voice that Venna told to shut it.

"Hey what's that?" One of them asked and I cursed mentally knowing my jacket was the question of curiosity.

"It's a jacket " Benjamin muttered picking it up. Please don't notice I begged.

"Wait a minute. This is Asher's. His favorite, why would he drop it here" he stated out loud. I sighed inwardly now groaning. I heard their feets shuffle together as I wondered what they were doing.

"Is that blood" the unknown voice asked. There was silence for a second or two.

"That's blood. Why does Asher's jacket have blood on it?" Benjamin asked alarm in his voice.

"Guys.!" It was Venna this time. I felt annoyance seep into me, this was her fault asking me something so crazy and uncomfortable in front of Aurora.

"There's more blood." She muttered. I heard their feet move as the began walking around.

"Here there's a drop of it here" The unknown voice said  farther away.

"He's probably fine. Just cut himself or something" George stated earning a little growl from me.

"And left his jacket. Yeah right". Benjamin hissed.

"Uhm. There's blood here guys. Like a lot of blood." Venna spoke again from farther than the first guy. I knew it was where I lay while Michael laid into me.

"What the hell happened here?". The first guy asked fear in his voice.

"It looks like something just splashed the blood around like like... I don't know .. there's blood everywhere on the lockers." The first guy still lamented.

"Is that .  Are those. What I think they are?" Benjamin asked again. " Let's find him now."he ordered and I heard feet taking off down the hall as others scattered. I sighed in relief then sat down to rest as I steadied my breathing.

The footsteps echoed on the floor as the approached softly and unwavering. It stopped outside the door and for a minute I wondered if she would hopefully just leave, she didn't.

"You okay?" She asked a frostiness in her voice that took me back. The closet was still dark but I could make out her shape and knew it wasn't Venna.  Then I glared and stood annoyance raking through me.

"I'm just fine" I moved heading for her and wincing when she moved out of arm's reach . I mentally nodded as I stared at her. Better this way anyway like Begherius would try to say.

"I met the alpha. I'm in the pack now" I informed her then walked past not spotting my jacket. Turning I met her stare and watched her eyes widen at the state of my body and face.

"My jacket, who has it ?" I asked coldly. She looked up to my eyes worry in her gaze that I ignored .

"Benjamin. He won't let it go." She muttered looking me over again.

"Tell him I'm fine. Before he calls my mum or something." I turned to go on.

*Asher look about .."

*It's okay Aurora." I turned slightly till only a part of my face showed, the part with a nice claw gash and  cut. "..like I said..." Begherius rose in my head a low growl leaving his lips as he mentally warned me to refrain. "...it won't faze me.".

"Aurora" we both looked at the new comer. George made his way over to us slowly as I stepped away my eye on them both as I forced my body to move quickly. Her eyes were on his as he ran up to her while I reached the stairs. Then he took his gaze of me and to her their eyes locking for a moment that was enough for me to slip away.