
Not goodbye! Hello?

Alex Cas isn’t your average teen! No she has secrets of her own and a best friend who’s just like except Cas has one secret even she had no clue about. A friend? A foe? Which is it? This mystery man is not so ordinary...

Hannah_Dunkin · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs


I stop the car and look around my car. Who was that? What was that? I get out of my car and search the back seat, nothing. Was it me who turned the wheel? But that feeling, that warm feeling of hands over mine.

"Hello?" I call shakily staring at my red Chevy HHR. I listen carefully but all I hear is the night owls hooting and the wind. Feeling cold I get back in my car and turn on the heater. I place my head on the steering wheel. What time is it anyway? I look at the clock and notice it's only 7:09pm. 709? A time? Was Nick trying to tell me a time, but why?

Suddenly I feel as though someone is watching me. I quickly turn my head towards the woods seeing the blue creek poking through the trees. "No ones out there." I tell myself trying to calm myself "or is there?" A male voice asks from my passenger seat.

Slowly I look towards the seat. A ghostly pale boy with spikey black hair looks back at me with golden eyes glowing behind thin framed glasses. I feel as though I can't breathe as I look at him. Behind him I notice that the door is locked. I had checked the car so how is he in here. "Well don't look at me. Drive," he says and I unconsciously start the engine not taking my eyes off him.

He wears a olive green jacket, white button up, and tan pants. As I drive off my mind races. Who is this guy? How did he get in my car? "My names Simon and as to how I got in your car I can't answer." He says and my heart drops nervously.

We're now on Ruby highway and heading east towards Newcast. After taking the exit I stop at a gas station and turns towards Simon, "what are you?" I ask moving my hand carefully towards my drivers door pocket where I keep a pocket knife.

He sighs and looks at me calmly, "I'm not your enemy Alex. I'm only here to help and keep you safe." He states calmly holding his hands up, "how do you know my name?" He only smiles sheepishly.

I pull out my phone and dial 911; I'm about to press call when Simon disappears. Is he a ghost? What the space jam is going on here? Annoyed I head inside my house and head straight to bed.

With my head pounding and mind racing I can't fall asleep so instead I find myself watching the ceiling fan spin in the darkness. Simon... what is he? A ghost, but his hands were warm next to mine. Oh Nick I wish I could tell you about this. I wish I could also ask you what (709) means as well.

"Hey you asleep?" Simons voice booms throughout my bedroom. I jump and almost fall out of bed. "How on earth did you get in here!" I yell at him reaching behind me for my bat, this time I won't let you vanish. Raising the bar over my head I aim to hit him, but instead I find resistance.

I try again and still resistance I notice now that Simon isn't there anymore, "do you always have to respond with violence?" He says from behind me, I look up seeing his hands on the bat. "If a stranger just showed up in your room you wouldn't think they were there to harm you?" I ask defensively.

Simon poofs away and appears in front of me with the bat, "no but I wouldn't have that problem." He states matter of factly, my eyes meet his. "What are you? I know you said you can't tell me, but I don't exactly trust you either." I say sitting back.

Simon takes that in for a moment and then crosses his legs, "your guardian angel sent me."