
Quantum Entanglement And Spirituality:

In Sufism, rūḥ (Arabic: روح; plural arwāḥ) is a person's immortal, essential self—pneuma, i.e. the "spirit" or "soul". The Quran itself does not describe rūḥ as the immortal self.Quantum Entanglement,It generally refers to the joining of or getting close two particles,such as protons.The particles when interact with watch other,they are separated and once they are separated they somehow form a bond between them.Now if one particle had it's direction towards down the other will have the opposite of it and if the other will change it's direction towards left then the first one is bound to turn it's direction towards right and it will be pointing towards right now.This state is called Superposition state and the phenomenon is known as Quantum Entanglement:

An example is also described in this criteria which is known as The Shrodingers Cat Experiment.This experiment is a theoretical experiment introduced by Shrodinger.In this experiment it is imagined that a cat is present in a box with highly radioactive chemical in a reagent.The system is mechanically managed,now it is said that there is a possibility that the chemical will decay and the mechanism will start working,the reagent will be broken and the cat will be exposed to the highly radioactive chemical and the car will die.But no assurity is guaranteed,it may happen or the chemical may remain stable.So the cat is said to be in the state of Superposition.Now if we talk about the human soul how does it behave,well,in Islamic philosophy it is said that once a saint was seen at 70 different places at the same time,but how,now if we see,according to the spiritual beliefs the spirit or the soul is the reason of it's possiblity.With spiritual powers a human being may be able to exist at more than one places at the same time.But now the question arises,does that behaviour is similar to the particles we talked about later?.Well why not? Not just that but if we see the  Uncertainty Principle,the electron does not exist at a specific point in the nucleus of an atom but at many places at the same time:

This also represents the behaviour of soul in the following tale of the saint.So now may it be said that the Spirituality and Physics,specially Quantum Physics may coincide at some point that is what the above explanation shows us and if we do much research on this the gates may be more widely opened for us,IinshaAllah.This also makes it clear that every Islamic belief as far as science had been advanced is according to the reality and the real facts,even if science cannot understand much but someday it will.