
All Diseases Are Non-communicable:

Once our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was asked by a companion of his that his camel had irritation and he said that his camel had got it from the one standing by a little distance,our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) replied "Your camel got it from that one,from where does that one got it from?." This makes it crystal clear that according to Islam diseases do not transfer or are not transmitted from one another.Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi (may Allah be pleased with him) in his book has described a very beautiful way,as when he proved that Leprosy is not a communicable disease,the evidence he gave was that it a patient of leprosy is treated for a while,there is no way he is gonna transmit the disease to another,in this way could it not be said about all the diseases? Why not? Now that leprosy is believed to be non-communicable,once it was believed to be communicable,so why not we understand the fact that no disease is communicable,we should also understand the negativity which is caused by such beileves in the society,no son will take care of his sick father,if he will believe that he can get the disease from him but I know they are gonna say where is the scientific proof and they will surely ask about A.I.D.S as for A.I.D.S:

A.I.D.S : Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection : Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome :

In 2019, the estimated number of HIV infections in the U.S. was 34,800 and the rate was 12.6 (per 100,000 people). By age group, the annual number of HIV infections in 2019, compared with 2015, decreased among persons aged 13–24 and persons aged 45-54, but remained stable among all other age groups.

In Pakistan estimated 183,705 patients are reported positive for A.I.D.S:

When invaders such as bacteria or virus enter our body,white blood cells have to prevent them and thus helper T-cells also involved as they release chemicals to attract the other white blood cells or to signal them if the infected area,they also get involved by releasing chemicals which help white blood cells replicate much faster.These new blood cells create markers called anti-bodies which can identify same foreign invader throughout your body.Anti-bodies get attached to the invaders marking them as the targets for our immune system to destroy them.It is said that if you have H.I.V it travels through your blood or other body fluids such as semen and etc to destroy other white blood cells,it prevails into the helper T-cells and makes more particles of itself,as they get out,the virus particles leave the damaged helper T-cells which then die,thus the virus replicates even more.And in this way as your body is now not able to protest itself,more infections take advantage and such infections are called opportunisstic infections.If you have one H.I.V infection and one or more opportunisstic infections,you will have A.I.D.S.


Highly active antiretroviral therapy (H.A.A.R.T) : Antiretroviral drugs are prescribed as a cure for aids.A.R.T decreases the transmission of H.I.V from one to another.A.R.T is a combination of drugs,it decreases the ratio of virus in our blood and gives the immune system time to recover and fight against the virus.Blood test maybe taken to test the H.I.V ratio of blood after taking the drugs in your body.Although Approximately 34.3 million people worldwide are thought to be infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Left untreated, HIV is inevitably fatal, with a median survival time from seroconversion of 8 to 10 years.so if seen the A.I.D.S cannot be transmitted from one to another if just the treatment for some while is prescribed,or managed.So according to the above research if we see aids is not communicable at all.But it is related to the case of leprosy,first believed to be communicable but then considered as non-communicable.

Such regards can be made about any such disease believed to be communicable and so it will be proved to be non-communicable.Likewise an example of Tetanus may also be given (Tetanus is an infection caused by bacteria called Clostridium tetani. When these bacteria enter the body, they produce a toxin that causes painful muscle contractions. Another name for tetanus is "lockjaw". It often causes a person's neck and jaw muscles to lock,making it hard to open the mouth or swallow) a such infection is also believed to be non-communicable,and there may be many diseases,so basically it is not a illogical statement that every disease is non-communicable,but the most sensible one in this criteria.