
Not Everything is at is seems(TVD)

A stefonnie fanfic I don't own the vampire diaries

Daoistlord3041 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
1 Chs

Chapter 1

Mystic Falls, Virginia – Salvatore Boardinghouse

Damon smirks as he watches Elena quickly refasten her blouse. They were supposed to be outside with the others celebrating Elena and Caroline starting college, but he'd pulled her into the bathroom for a quickie. He and Elena had been loud enough that he knows everyone outside heard them and he can only hope that means they'll leave soon. They decided to have a party for the occasion, which is why in addition to Caroline, Matt, Jeremy and Jeremy's new girlfriend Lila; they were joined by several students Caroline and Elena met at their freshman orientation.

The summer has been amazing; he and Elena were able to spend time together with very few interruptions. Caroline had spent the summer off with Tyler and Matt traveled the world with Rebekah. Jeremy had been a thorn in his side at first, walking around seemingly depressed the first two weeks after his resurrection, but he perked right up when he began summer school and met Lila, a fellow student that also happens to be aware of all things supernatural. And he and Elena were once again left alone to their devices.

Strangely, Stefan and Bonnie, the two people he expected to have the biggest objection to his relationship with Elena hadn't been around.

Bonnie had apparently gone to be with some of her relatives in London for the summer which suited him just fine. He had been happy not to have to hear the self righteous witch ragging on him for the summer. However, in surprising twist Bonnie apparently decided to stay since no one has heard from her. He can only assume she's pulling one of her usual disappearing acts after she's had a trauma and will be back once she's over feeling sorry for herself.

He also hasn't heard from Stefan at all in the last few months, in fact the last he heard he had been in a car with Lexi. So he can only assume that he went off with her before she disappeared for good. Stefan hasn't called and despite Elena's initial worries, he reassured her that Stefan not contacting to them had been inevitable since Elena chose to be Damon. He figures Stefan will brood for a while by himself and eventually come back brood some more. He has to admit that he is a little disappointed that Stefan is taking the easy way out. Damon had to endure watching him with Elena so he thinks that Stefan could easily do the same now that Damon finally has the girl.

"We should really get back to the party." Damon is brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Elena's voice.

"Alright, lead the way." Damon's voice is detached; his mind no longer on his broody brother or the self-righteous witch, knowing that he has to be having a lot more fun than either of them at the moment.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Bonnie & Stefan's Apartment

Stefan presses Bonnie against the wall as he kisses her hungrily. Almost immediately, she feels him yank her dress up and rip her panties off, causing her to smile inwardly. When she slipped the slinky black dress on earlier for their night out, she had done so knowing that by the end of the night they would end up here. Bonnie moans into Stefan's mouth when he lifts her in the air and grabs her hips in his hands. Bonnie's legs automatically wrap around his waist and this time Stefan is the one to groan when their groins make contact. Keyed up, Stefan unzips his pants and has barely managed to pull them down when he quickly pushes into Bonnie's wet folds. They briefly pull away from their frantic kiss, eyes locking in a heated stare as his cock fills her to capacity.

Looking into Bonnie's fiery green eyes, Stefan feels his erection grow even larger which in turn causes her walls to grip him even tighter. Bonnie makes an attempt to unbutton his shirt, but gives up and rips it open instead. She manages to slip it off of his torso until it is hanging at his wrists. Unwilling to separate in order to remove the shirt the rest of the way, they ignore it and instead their mouths meet in a sizzling kiss. If possible the kiss amps up the heat between them and soon he is thrusting hastily inside of her. Bonnie feels as though he is trying to probe deeper and deeper inside of her and digs her nails into his shoulders.

As the pleasure between them continues to increase, he pulls his mouth from hers, throws his head back and releases a loud growl. Arousal floods Bonnie at the sound and soon they both began moving faster, grinding against each other in a rhythm that is in sync with the beat of her heart. Their lips meet again, their tongues instantly tangling with each other. And Stefan decides that no one should be allowed to taste so damn good.

Soon Bonnie begins to feel tension in her body and knows that Stefan is as well when she feels the quivering in his thighs. With one potent thrust, she feels Stefan's body erupt which almost immediately triggers her own release. The orgasm is earth shattering, almost to the point where she almost wants to pull away from the intensity of it.

Stefan continues thrusting until his knees start to weaken. Still encased inside of her, he carefully slides to the floor Bonnie still wrapped around his waist. He smiles softly when she presses several kisses to his neck before pulling away and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Admit it. You wore that dress on purpose. You knew what it would do to me." He rumbles as he looks intently at Bonnie. His mind goes back to earlier that night; he had been sitting on the couch waiting for Bonnie to finish getting ready for their date. The moment she walked out of their bedroom, the blood rushed to his cock. And it had taken everything in him not to pull her back into the room and forget about going out. Instead he behaved himself and they ended up having a great time. Still by the time they'd made it home, he had been hard as a rock and he could smell the arousal all over Bonnie. Needless to say, they had barely managed to shut the door before he had her pressed against the wall.

Now that he's temporarily sated, he remembers the smirk that had been on her face when she first walked out in the dress and he knows that she definitely counted on getting this exact reaction.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. We both know the night would have ended this way regardless." She shrugs unabashedly, her grin widens when she squeezes her inner muscles around his shaft.

"True." He groans as he begins to harden and he knows that soon they will be ready for another round. "But just for that, you won't be leaving our bed for the rest of the night." He gives her a hard, but brief kiss that reignites the passion between them and he is about to stand up when Bonnie stops him.

"I don't have a problem with that, but I think it would be best if you let me get there on my own or else we'll never make it to the bed." She looks at him knowingly and they both remember the night last week where the entire night had been spent on the floor of their living room. It had been a fantastic night, but they would both much rather wake up tangled together on a soft bed instead of the hard floor.

Reluctantly, Stefan disengages from Bonnie and they both stand up, swiftly walking to their bedroom. Once they are inside the room, Stefan removes his shirt, tossing it onto the floor, before he pulls Bonnie into a kiss. Bonnie gasps when she feels one of Stefan's hands glide up her back and slowly unzip her dress.

Stefan pulls away from the kiss despite Bonnie's protest and slowly peels the dress of her, leaving her completely nude. Stefan nostrils flare as his gaze moves across Bonnie's body.

"Like I said, you won't be leaving this bed anytime soon, so I would advise you to bring anything you might need with you." He says, his voice laced with arousal and Bonnie feels a pleasant shudder go through her at thought of how their night could be spent. "I'll go get the handcuffs." She grins at him as he slips out of the rest of his clothes before rummaging through a drawer and pulling out a pair of silver handcuffs.

Stefan eyes spark with lust, remembering the last time they brought out the handcuffs. If it's anything like that time, he knows they will have a long and hot night ahead of them.


Mystic Falls, Virginia – Salvatore Boardinghouse

The party eventually wraps up, leaving Damon, Elena, Matt, Jeremy, and Lila alone. As far as Damon's concerned, they could have gone with the others, but Elena talked them into having a drink before they all go their separate ways.

"To new beginnings." He reluctantly lifts up his class of champagne and waits for the others to follow suit.

They murmur their agreements, laughing, thinking about how great the year should be. They'd all had a fantastic summer without much fanfare so they are hopeful that it will continue on into the school year.

Normally Damon would disagree with their sentiments, but with Klaus and the other originals in New Orleans and Silas defeated; they won't really have much to worry about.


New York, New York – Silas' Penthouse Suite

Silas pounds into the dark-skinned beauty from behind, his cock hardening with every thrust. This one, Samara is her name (he didn't bother learning the other women's names), is his favorite of the five women he had chosen for the night. After 2,000 years of being locked up his sexual appetite is unrelenting, and as a result his entire summer has been spent fucking and feeding with no sign of growing tired.

He stayed in Mystic Falls for about a week after dumping Stefan into the lake, watching the others walk around blissfully unaware of what happened to him or Bonnie. He stayed in the shadows wanting to keep up the appearance that Stefan had left town. While observing them, he figured out right away that the Gilbert boy was the only one aware of the witch's demise and quickly decided to compel him, making him forget about her death. In his mind, Bonnie just decided to leave town which coincidentally lines up with the excuse he given the others for her absence. It didn't escape him that no one took the time to check up on her and just assumed that she would eventually come back. The thought of their eventual reactions to their fix-it witch no longer being around to save them pleases Silas immensely.

While that had been going on, he gone through several women in Mystic Falls and quickly realized that neither his sexual and blood appetites would flourish in such a small town. He had been planning on leaving town for a while anyway, knowing he needed the gang to get complacent and assume there was no threat before he could make his move to take over the town. So he left, traveling around the world, going from city to city, spending each night with a different quartet of women, never spending more than a few days in one place. This particular trip he found himself in New York and he decided on going to one of the hottest clubs in the city to find his chosen five.

He had chosen them carefully as he always does, naturally going for the most attractive women in the room. He spotted the busty redhead and the leggy brunette first and quickly compelled them, sending them in a cab straight to his hotel room to wait for him. Not long after that, he noticed the curvy light-skinned woman who he quickly determined was English based on her accent. He compelled her as well as the hot blonde who sparked his blood lust. Still none of them compared to his reaction of Samara who had was the clubs DJ. She was technically dressed down, wearing a tight pair of her jeans and a tank top, especially when compared to the other four women who had all worn skimpy dresses, but she was still the sexiest of the bunch. He'd spent the next hour talking to her at her DJ booth before compelling her like the others and driving her as well as the other two women he had waiting for him in his new Porsche.

Once he got them all to his suite, the other two women had been waiting in his bed naked. He and the other three women stripped naked as well and motioned for them to join the other women on the king-sized bed. He decided to fuck the blonde first and he quickly realized that she was not very good in the sack and decided that she would make a better meal. After making her come, he immediately drained her dry before leaving her in a heap on the floor satisfying his blood lust for the moment. He decided to take the other four women at the same time. Samara, the brunette, as well as the English woman all took turns riding and sucking his cock while the redhead sat on his face. Eventually he grew hungry and knew that the redhead would taste good so while the other three women were resting, he pulled her aside and fucked her in the shower. She had been in the throes of an intense orgasm when he snapped her neck and drained her much like he drained the blonde. He anticipated it being messier and used the shower to clean the remaining blood from him and the redhead before climbing back into the bed with the remaining women. The next hour is spent screwing them all into oblivion before Silas decides to focus all his attention on Samara. Still full from the redhead and blonde, Silas sent the remaining two women on their way, but not before compelling them for a final time. The next time they wake up, they won't remember him or anything else that happened that night.

Samara shifts backward, her inner muscles squeezing his cock, bringing him much closer to orgasm. In response he slaps her ass and grins widely when she moans loudly. He continues to pound into her when he unexpectedly erupts inside of her. His seed fills her womb and he feels her climax echoing around his cock. As soon as pulls out, he picks her up quickly dragging her upward, covering his face with her mound. He snarls when his tongue slips into her hole and she takes his cock into her mouth. He didn't think it would happen, but out of all the women he's fucked over the last few months, Samara has to be the best lay he's had. He might just have to keep this particular one when he returns to Mystic Falls. Don't get him wrong, he still plans on having as many women as he can, but it wouldn't be a bad thing to have one woman for when he doesn't have the time find multiple women.

Not long after those thoughts, he feels Samara's mouth tighten around his cock and he slips his tongue deeper inside her hole. They continue this until they both orgasm simultaneously. Afterwards, he throws her beside him and decides that she will definitely be going with him when he returns to Mystic Falls

"So I was thinking, I'm planning on leaving town in a few hours. How would you like to travel with me." Silas says smoothly. He could have just compelled her, but figures that he'll only do so if she refuses.

"I would love to and you don't even have to try to compel me to get me to go." Samara knew what Silas had intended from the moment they met and had actually been excited by it. Getting the chance to spend more time with such a powerful being is a great opportunity.

"You're a witch." His voice is a mixture of anger and shock as it registers that she clearly hadn't been compelled when brought her to suite.

At first Silas thinks that she has been trying to play him, but when he remembers her non reaction to him draining the other women, he remembers that she actually seemed turned on (she even climbed on top of him after seeing the redhead in the tub).

"You know what I am?" His voice is obviously surprised.

"Yeah, I could sense your power from the moment we first met. And I knew I had to have you" Samara takes his hands uses them to cup her breasts.

"How do I know you aren't trying to trick me like your other fellow witches would" He squeezes the round globes, grunting when she briefly runs her hand down his cock.

"I'm not what you would call one of those s do-gooder witches. Watching you drain that woman was such a turn on and I have no problem saying that."

"Really?" Still quite sure he should believe her.

"Yes really, I only use my powers if they benefit me." Samara climbs onto him and waits as he reads her for sincerity, pleased when he realizes she isn't bullshitting him.

"What exactly is that you want?" He knows that it's not just the pleasure of his company.

"What does any sane person want? Power and money. I already have the latter, but I want more of the former. I can sense you have something big planned and I would love to be a part of it." She grins evilly at him.

"Sounds like a woman after my own heart." He chuckles before thinking things over. He weighs the pros and cons and realizes that having a witch on hand wouldn't be a bad thing. "Okay, you've got a deal, but you need to know what you're getting into besides me. And I what I will do to you if you betray me."

As he explains the situation to her, she stares at him intensely and for a brief moment she reminds him of Bonnie, despite knowing they have no relation. Such a shame he didn't get the chance to fuck her before her death, and he knows it would have been amazing since she is an ancestor of Qetsiyah who was also a great lay. Oh well, he'll just have to keep himself content with Samara and the other women that will find themselves in his bed.

"So where is this Mystic Falls place?" She asks once he is finished telling her his story.

"A little town in Virginia, it won't look like much, but it is the key to getting even more unlimited power."

"Sounds great." Samara smiles and excitedly causing Silas grins when senses her body hum with arousal.

"It will be, but that will have to wait for now. We still have a few more stops to make before we go there."

He wants a have a little more debauchery before beginning the next phase of his plan. Then they head to Mystic Falls and once they get there, no one there will be ready for what hits them.


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Bonnie & Stefan's Apartment

Bonnie gasps, her inner walls fluttering as Stefan's hips move upward one final time before falling back to the bed. She separates their groins and leans over to pick up the tiny key that is laying on the end table next to the bed. She then proceeds to unlock the handcuffs that have Stefan chained to the bed.

As soon as Stefan's free he sits up and hauls Bonnie into a passionate, but brief kiss (he really missed being able to kiss her) before he pulls away and they both collapse on the bed, sweaty and sated. Almost immediately, he wraps his arms around Bonnie, hauling her into his side. They there contently for several moments, before they both feel the pull of sleep.

A few hours later, Stefan awakens, expecting to find Bonnie fast asleep. Instead he finds her awake and pouring through a grimoire she purchased before they left Virginia. He sits up and scoots so his back is resting against the headboard before dragging a surprised Bonnie into his arms. With the new position, Stefan can read over her shoulder and does just that as he rests his chin there.

"Find anything new?" His voice vibrates against Bonnie's body, causing her to lean further back into him.

"Yes, actually" Bonnie turns her head towards him. "I think Silas is getting closer to returning to Mystic Falls."

"What makes you say that?" He asks both curious and annoyed by the prospect. When they had first gotten out of their predicaments, they decided that aside from defeating Silas, they would leave Mystic Falls. He has to admit that he's not all that excited at the prospect of returning to their hometown.

"His movement has slowed the down slightly the last couple of weeks and he's getting closer to Virginia. I think it's only a matter of time."

"Are you sure you're ready for to return to Mystic Falls. We both know once we tell the others about what's going on we won't get a moments peace." His voice displaying slight anger when thinks about the gang back in Mystic Falls. "It would be much easier if we could bypass that and kill him before he goes back."

"Yeah that would be easier." Bonnie acknowledges. She has to admit she is not looking forward to returning to Mystic Falls either, even for short amount of time. "Unfortunately Silas hasn't stayed in one place long enough for us to catch up to him."

They tried in the beginning and after several misses; they decided to wait until he returned to Mystic Falls, knowing that his need for power would lead him back there.

"You aren't afraid that you'll get caught back up and go back the way things were before.

"No, I meant what I said." She stares up him her eyes blazing. "I'm done worrying about people that only seem to give a damn about me when they want something from me."

Stefan lifts her tattooed wrist, briefly glancing at the semi-healed puncture marks he made earlier before pressing a soft kiss there. He'd been surprised when Bonnie offered her wrist for him to drink from a couple months ago during one of their more steamy rounds of sex. He had been even more surprised when he bit into her flesh and found that just one sip of Bonnie's blood had the power to keeping him full for a couple of weeks. When he glanced back up at Bonnie, he realized she had known that would happen and admitted later on that it had a side of effect of her resurrection. Which is one perk that has come in handy because it eliminates his need to seek outside blood; human or otherwise.

"What about you Mr. Salvatore?" She shifts slightly in Stefan's arms. "Aren't you afraid of going back to being a doormat?" She throws back him, the glint in her eyes taking the sting away from the words.

"Nope, I've moved on the better things. I'm happy now and I have no intention on looking backward." He grins knowingly at her before kissing her softly. He pulls away to add, "So we defeat Silas and then we can continue leaving our lives away from Mystic Falls." Before pulling her in for a longer kiss. Their tongues meet and Bonnie moans happily into his mouth.

Eventually after pulling away for good, Bonnie once again begins looking through the grimoire. As he watches her, he feels a lightness that he hasn't felt in awhile. And yet again there is a part of him that wishes that he realized how great Bonnie was before now. Hard to believe her "death" and him being trapped underwater changed things for the better for both of them.

A few months ago the last thing Stefan expected was to fall in love again, but now that he has he doesn't plan on giving her up. Not for Silas or for anyone else in Mystic Falls.