
Chapter 7

Legolas put down Rin, whom he had been carrying after he had fought the Balrog. He saw the black tail that must have been hiding under Rin's shirt twitch.

How strange.

The Cat Sidhe moved over to the side of his owner, mewling at the unconscious body.

The group had been truly surprised to find that the flame wielder was still alive after such an injury, although they had seen him demonstrate such resistance before.

Aragorn walked over to Legolas. "How does he fare?"

"Seemingly uninjured, except unconsciousness. Any mark the Balrog made has long since healed."

The Prince of Gondor nodded, and made to sit, seeing that the rest of the Fellowship had decided on a break.

"I dread telling him of Gandalf's loss."

Aragorn looked at him, a slight smirk on his face despite the somber atmosphere. "I did not take you to be one to become attached so easily."

He opened his mouth in response, but found that he had none.

The cat laughed at him.


Rin woke up slowly, wincing at bright sunlight that pierced his eyes.

'Sunlight? Sunlight!'

Rin sat up, ignoring the dizziness that plagued him momentarily. Kuro hopped up onto his lap.

'There is bad news and good news.'

Rin's moment of happiness faded. He surveyed his surroundings. The fellowship was sitting on some flat rocks, eating lunch. Aragorn and Legolas were both keeping watch, walking around the area. Just as he saw the elf, Legolas seemed to notice he was awake and began walking over, a somber expression on his face.

Rin narrowed his eyes and stood up, walking over to the Mirkwood Prince. "What's going on?"

The elf looked at him, and silence permeated the space for a few moments before he spoke.

"Mithrandir … he was lost in the mines."

Rin stared at him. Then his fists clenched, and he turned away, cursing in Japanese. He sat down, hard, and put his head in his hands, his tail curling around his waist.

Kuro headbutted him softly, in an attempt to offer comfort.

'There's good news too.'

Rin looked sadly at his cat. 'What is it?'

'They don't care that you have a tail or pointy ears. '

Rin blanked momentarily. 'What.'

'When you attacked the Balrog you didn't hide them.'


(He wished that he could be happy about that.)


They kept moving, although the mood of the group was much worse than before. Rin had taken to walking near the back, with the Kurikara sword sheathed but in his hand. He had Kuro carry the Hobbits when he could, but Cat Sidhe were not pack animals, and currently the demon rode on his shoulder, sleeping lightly.

When they stopped, he would take first guard. Often he had to be convinced to go to sleep, ever since he had found out that he was unconscious after the mines for nearly a day.

He heard Gimli speaking to the Hobbits as they entered a beautiful forest. "Stay close, young hobbits..they say a Sorceress lives in these woods. An elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell..." the dwarf paused for dramatics, "and are never seen again!"

Rin raised a brow and glanced at the elf-prince, who seemed rather amused by the antics of the dwarf.

"Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!"

Rin couldn't hide his grin this time, and he looked over to see that Legolas was smiling back at him.


He drew his sword as they were abruptly surrounded by elves, all pointing arrows really a lot closer to his face than he tended to prefer. The half-demon bared his teeth on instinct, and the elf in front of him flinched back at the display of sharp canines.

One of them stepped forward and looked down at Gimli in disdain. "The dwarf breathes so loudly we could have shot him in the dark."

Rin glared at the elf. Oh, it is so on. "Yeah, I know right?!" The elf looked at him, slight confusion marking his face. "It's almost like breathing is a necessary function required for life."

'Ah, yes, I forgot how satisfying being rude is.'

He received several glares from the elves surrounding him, but they were neutralized by the hidden grins (and not hidden, in the case of Gimli) coming from most of the Fellowship.

(Boromir was secretly relieved that this side of Rin was not being turned on him.)


Rin sighed as he heard the soft singing of the elves, a song for Gandalf floating through the air.


Lady Galadriel approached Rin a day or so after they had arrived in Lothlorien.

"Elrond told me of you, Rin Okumura."

Rin glanced up at the Lady of Lothlorien, Kuro hopping off his lap and away. (Probably to get some food, the traitor.)

Rin nodded slowly.

'The world you are of is truly fascinating.'

Rin gaped at her.


The half-demon watched as Gimli's eyes got bigger and bigger as he ate. He also noticed as the elves around him pretended not to watch as their awe and also disgust grew as he continued to eat. And eat.

"Rin you're scaring them."

Gimli slammed his mug down on the table, startling everyone. "I will not be outdone by an elven lad!" He began to pile food onto his plate.

Rin just groaned and swallowed, not even caring enough to correct the dwarf.


Also, he won.


Rin fastened the beautiful leaf clasp to his coat, shoving the cloak into his bag since he knew he would grow too warm if he donned both the garments. He grinned when he saw Gimli receive his gift, but he gasped when he received another gift from Lady Galadriel.

It was a rosary, completely identical to the one Shiro had worn.

He slipped it around his neck reverently.


Rin gulped as he felt a pit of dread in his stomach grow while they rowed down the river, moving further away from Lothlorien by the second. He leaned over to Legolas, who seemed to have an expression of wariness on his face. -"Do you feel it too?" He spoke in Sindarin so that he wouldn't alarm the whole group if it was that he was wrong.

That doubt crumbled as Legolas nodded. -"There is danger lurking in the woods."


The elf shook his head softly. -"Not orcs or goblins, but something else."

Rin sat back, assured, but not in the way he had wished.

Well, this is short. Sorry, the next chap makes up for it.

asarcasticchildcreators' thoughts