
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
163 Chs

Chapter 66

"I used to have a crush on you."

As soon as I heard these words, I remembered the days where both of us didn't have any powers. I was just a shy nerd and Gwen was a passionate girl, albeit a little misguided one.

In those days, both of us were often each other's support. Whenever I felt weak and lacking in courage because of the incessant bullying, it was Gwen who encouraged me.

And whenever she felt insecure because of Captain Stacy's scolding when she couldn't meet his standards, it was me who told her that she wasn't wrong.

"I also used to like you." I replied after sometime.

I could now tell her my feelings regarding her easily because those feelings were already a past thing. It just wasn't possible for us to get together now.

"Then why did you take that step? Secretly creating such a dangerous serum and you even used it on yourself without a single thought. Just what were you thinking?" By now, Gwen was shouting and even had tears in her eyes as she said these words. She was obviously affected a lot by that step I had taken.

"I guess this is just how we men are. We often try to hide the difficulties we face in our life and try to defeat them ourselves. I just wanted to become special, like you are." I replied.

"But you didn't have to take such a drastic step." Gwen argued.

"That's true. I will never argue with the fact that it was the most stupid decision of my life. Now that I look back at myself, it was definitely the worst decision I could have made in that situation.

But at that time, I was not what I am now. I don't know when the crush I had on you combined with the admiration I had for Spider Woman. Combine that with the constant bullying I suffered, all I wanted was to be someone special, no matter how. I was just that desperate."

I explained to her all the emotions which led to me taking the worst decision of my life.

"And what you did nearly destroyed everything that existed between us. Now, we can never go back to how we were." Gwen said after listening to my words.

"Yeah! That's true. If it was just you who had superpowers, it could still work. But now, after that incident, I have changed as you often say. There are just too many complications now between us."

"Speaking of me having powers, you didn't have to be jealous of my powers and try to become like me. You know that I could never have become Spider Woman without you.

It was after all you who designed my suit as well as the web shooters. Without you, I could not have even thought about becoming a vigilante."

Gwen started talking about how I was with her every single step on her journey of Spider-Woman. That, without me, Spider Woman would never have existed.

"In the end, both of us just became too far apart for there to be anything between us." I said with a deep sigh.

"Yeah! That's right. You are far different from the Peter I used to know even if you don't feel like that yourself. Combined with how I had almost killed you, my best friend and my crush, I don't think there can ever be something between us." Gwen said, accepting that we can't be together.

"Still, I hope we can remain good friends." Gwen asked.

"Of course, you are still my best friend. How can you think that we will not remain friends?" I said.

"Sorry! I just remembered that day when the incident happened and started feeling guilty again." Gwen said, apologizing.

"By the way, have you ever used the ring artefact I had given you for your protection? The one which created a shield." I asked.

"I have tested it in private. Fortunately, there never came a chance for me to use it." Gwen replied.

"Since we are talking about romance, anyone you are interested in." I asked curiously.

"How can you even ask that?" Gwen said with a little anger in her voice and even punched me lightly on my shoulder for my question.

"I barely have time these days to have enough sleep because of my Spider Woman duty and you are talking if I am interested in anyone. I could only ask you to join me on a patrol because tomorrow was Sunday. Otherwise, I could not even have thought about it." Gwen said, frustration regarding her daily life evident in her tone.

"Say, what about your romantic life? After all, there are quite some beauties in your school as you have told me." Gwen asked teasingly.

"Actually, there is a girl romantically interested in me and has even said that she will wait for when I am ready for a relationship." I replied as everyone in the school already knew about this matter. So, there was no harm in telling Gwen about it.

"Who is it? Is it Kitty or Jean?" Gwen questioned as they were the ones who matched well with my personality.

"No, actually it is Emma." I answered.

"That ice queen! Although you had told me that you got along quite well with her, I had never thought that she would actually be interested in you." Gwen said, surprised to learn that Emma was the one interested in me.

"Anyways,it is getting late. So, go get some sleep." I said as Gwen honestly needed as much sleep as she could.

"Then, it is goodbye for now." Gwen said, giving me a last hug before swinging back to her room.

Well, it's time to return. I created a portal after looking around to see that nobody was around and then entered it to arrive at the front gate of X-Mansion.

Although I could directly enter my room, there was no need to activate the various security measures of the mansion. Mr. Hank, having free time on his hand had put a little too many security measures, making it impossible for anyone to enter the mansion without being found.

"Professor! Mr. Logan! Ms. Ororo! Why are you all still awake?" As I entered the mansion, I was surprised to find Professor Xavier along with Mr. Logan and Ms. Ororo in the lobby.

"Well, we were going to sleep. But then we saw this picture on the social media." Professor showed me a picture which showed me in my suit running on the walls and Spider-Woman was also in the picture swinging aside me.

"You had said that there was something you had to do with your best friend Gwen. Looks like this is what you were doing. So, is Gwen Spider-Woman?" Professor Xavier asked.

"Yes." I answered without any hesitation. When Gwen had taken this step, she already knew that those who were close to me would know her secret. But she also knew that those people who would learn this knowledge were not the kind of person to take advantage of it.

"Then, if she ever requires any help or training, you can tell her that she is welcome here. I honestly admire her desire to fight against crime even if she has to break a few laws in the process." Professor Xavier offered.

"Really! Then, I will thank you for this, Professor." I thanked Professor for giving such an offer.

"But I also need to talk to you about something important." Professor said in a serious tone.

"What is it, Professor?" I asked.

"Your hypothesis was correct, Peter. Mystique is indeed the mother of Kurt."


Hope you all liked the heart to heart talk! Anyways, Peter's hypothesis was surprisingly correct.

For those readers who think that the story is not progressing, the X-Men arc will soon be over in the next ten chapters and we will then reach the Avengers Arc.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye