
How to not start a novel

Cheng Long is the young master of the biggest clan in the empire .His overall influence is enough to make even the king feel afraid. He was an existence that no one could afford to offend. This power made him become extremely arrogant, if he wanted something it would take only a couple of breathes to get it. He found himself in Moonlight city 3th biggest city in the empire , he was attending to the annually auction. After a couple of hours he finally bought every single item . If someone bet against him he would bet twice the amount . It wasn't that he needed those items he simply wanted to show how powerful he was . On his way home to clan headquarter he encounter by accident a beautiful young woman . No , beautiful is not enough , she was more like a fairy. As a men how could he miss that chance , she was the most beautiful women he ever seen , and as the young master of Grand Chariot Clan he encounter thousands of beautiful woman's , some were daughter of influent persons or even princess from others country's would come to court him but he didn't even react to all those woman's but that girl made his heart stop for a second . As he saw her he ordered his guardians to catch and bring her to him.

One could only imagine what kind of pervers thing Cheng Long would do to her .

In that moment 3 man walked toward her . realising what was happening she didn't panic and instead decided to ignore them.

-Hey you are you tired of living.

-Hmph , a bunch of idiots have the balls to talk whit this godess .

-Hey , don't you overestimate yourself , I admit that you are beautiful but don't you know who we are , we are form Great Chariot Clan. I guess you realize now how serious we are !

-You can say this to the king of hell . DIE !

Whit only a flip of her hands all the guardians died. Seeing that scean Cheng Long almost piss himself .One had to know those 12 guardians were all extremely strong . Although they were not at the top they were not weak either . In fact they could easily destroy a weak country in a single day . They were all level 6 star 4 . Each level had 9 stars and after breaking through one level they would enter the next level starting at star one . Even thought it don't seems that much a single star is enough to completely overwhelm someone .In fact one could fight and win against 3 enemies one star lower than himself, and could escape even when fighting 5 enemies at once . The fact that this young girl was capable of killing 12 level 6 star 4 guardians whit only one flip of her hand only proved how strong she was . To be capable to kill someone so easy on must be at least one entire level over ... But that would mean that the girl in front of him was at least leve 7 star 4 and maybe even higher . That level was not what scared him , after all his father was a level 9 star 2 but form her appearance she shouldn't have more than 20 years . To achieve such a high level at this age , that was unbelievable. Even he who enjoyed all kind of Heavenly resources only was level 4 star 1 . And others from his generation would at most be in early level 3 but that girl who was only a bit older than him was so powerful. What kind of existence she was ,what an incredible talent , compared to her he was nothing more than trash. How blind was he to think he was a cultivation genius.

-You are the young master who wanted to **** me .

Hearing this Cheng Long heart stopped .