
Not a Dragonborn But Still a Badass (re-writing)

Hi, wanted to try an idea I had a while ago. This will probably be really bad at the beginning, but I may rewrite it when I get used to writing in English (yeah, English isn't my main language, same shit you've seen in many other synopsis) Feel free to tell me whatever you think I'm doing wrong or pointing out misspelling and grammatical errors. You all probably know this already but I don't own Skyrim, Devil May Cry or anything that you can slightly recognize from other games, novels, animes, etc. The cover isn't mine, so if you can prove me that it's yours and you want it to be removed I'll do that.

JoaKko_2609 · วิดีโอเกม
10 Chs

Chapter 4 - The Beginning of Our First Adventure

Hello! This chapter came out a little longer than the others, 3485 words without counting this note. There will be some chapters that are reaaally long and others that will not. It mainly depends on how much I want to write at the moment. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.


(In the last chapter)

With a couple of sparks coming out of it and my heavy breathing, coupled with my now waving withe hair, product of the air pressure, my iris turned a crimson red with the white sclera fading completely into a total black abyss. The troll made a surprised grunt and I flung my arm pushing it back a couple of steps.

(Lokir/Abjorn/Ralof): "..." 'WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!?!'


(Nero): "Abjorn! I think I need a little help over here!"

(Abjorn): "Right, on my way man!" Abjorn who was in a daze came out of it and replied while shouting.

While the troll was still confused over how a tiny human could contend with him Abjorn came from the other side of the cave and threw a stream of flames from each hand towards the troll. When the flames reached it, the troll began roaring and swung his arms around in an attempt to disperse the flames. I took advantage of that to grab my sword with my left hand and started running to the troll.

When I reached him I punched his left shoulder blade which gave a very small crack sound. This had me bewildered, I mean sure, trolls are strong and all of that but I killed someone with a single punch and this thing didn't even flinch.

The troll tried to attack me with one of its arms while the other kept contending against the flames. I barely evaded that but its claws still grazed me. I used my sword to slash against the soft tissue between the shoulder and the arm, and to my surprise, it wasn't soft at all! It even chipped my sword's edge a little, though I don't know what I was expecting from a cheap iron sword.

(Abjorn): "I doubt you'll achieve anything with that crap, the only way you can use it is to pierce or slash against its eyes!"

(Nero): 'He's right, this thing's skin seems to be much more tough than that of other beasts, I guess I'll try what Abjorn said."

I tried slashing against its eyes but the troll slightly ducked its head. This went on for a while until we heard a whistling sound, followed by an iron arrow piercing the troll's lower jaw. It seems Lokir fired and managed to hit it while it was roaring. With flames crashing to its side, a human trying to blind him and now another one that it couldn't even see, the troll became furious and began to trash around with its arms not caring anymore about the flames.

(Abjorn): "Shor's beard! How long is this bastard planning to keep on fighting?!"

(Nero): "It shouldn't be too long before it can't take it anymore! The flames are already taking effect, I need one clean hit to a weak spot and that should greatly weaken him!" I yelled between dodges and ragged breaths.

I realized that Lokir didn't jeep on firing because I'm also in his line of attack so I tried to line up the troll for him and it somehow worked, though being hit by iron arrows didn't seem to be much of a trouble for the beast. We were lucky on the first shot because it hit the interior of his mouth.

Seconds passed and they felt like decades to me. I was nearing my limit. My legs felt like they were burning and severe headache was starting to affect me. Yet the troll didn't seem to grow tired. Sure he had burnt pelt and skin all over with a few shallow cuts from the arrows but his stamina seemed bottomless. It took a whole minute more for the troll to stagger a little, which I took advantage on to land a right hook to his third eye. He screamed a lot and Lokir used that moment when it covered his eye while roaring to fire an arrow to its mouth. The arrow pierced its throat and the troll stopped roaring. It was staggering a lot so I neared it and grabbed his upper jaw with my right arm, while using my sword's handle to push down his lower jaw without piercing my hand with its teeth.

In that position, I used up all my remaining force and willpower to push its jaw open to the point of breaking it and after a couple of seconds a cracking sound echoed throughout the cave.


HOLY FUCK! I wasn't expecting the sound of bones breaking to be so creepy.


I heard the same sound I heard when I killed Hadvar so I knew it was the system's notification but I was too tired to check it. I'll do it when we reach a safe place.

Just like that I fell on my back and tried to stabilize my breath. After around 5 minutes the other 3 approached me. Lokir and Abjorn helping Ralof by healing him with spells and potions. After they were done Ralof started talking.

(Ralof): "Well, that was something my friend. It's the first time I see someone breaking a troll's jaw with pure raw strength."

(Lokir): "Let me guess, It's also the first time you see someone with an arm like that right?"

Ralof and Abjorn laughed loudly at Lokir's sarcastic joke. Meanwhile I was about to question something myself.

(Nero): "Aren't you guys scared about my arm? You just saw me killing a human and a troll practically bare-handed, all in the same day"

(Abjorn): "We also saw a dragon killing people and thrashing around, I guess we saw many unrealistic things already. Also it's not like I would judge the person who just saved us right?"

(Lokir): "I doubt this will happen often but I think the same as Abjorn"

(Ralof): "Same for me, we nords respect strength above everything, and you're strong so I respect you. It doesn't matter if your arm's a little weird. I even think it's cool in its own way!"

We just kept talking and joking like if what just happened wasn't something clearly outrageous. I felt good knowing they wouldn't judge me for this arm, but I also knew that no everyone will think the same. Some will try to control me just to get this power, while others would just want to kill me for not knowing what I am. I realized that I needed to get stronger if I wanted to be really free. At that moment I felt like some kind of wuxia novel protagonist that was about to shout "I WILL CONQUER THE HEAVENS" or some shit like that.

After catching our breath and healing our wounds we approached the exit of the cave. We were briefly blinded by the sunlight and after adjusting our ayes to it we found ourselves inside a forest.

(Lokir): "Finally out of that shit hole. I never thought I would say something like this but being alive feels good!"

(Nero): "Indeed. Too much things happened in one day. I think we should find some place to stay the night."

(Ralof): "Don't worry about that! I recognize this forest. We're near the outskirts of Riverwood, the village where Me and my sister grew up. She's still living there so I suggest we go there and spend the night in the village."

We accepted his suggestion and began to walk towards the direction he said. We encountered some wolfs and other animals but nothing too serious since most of them kept avoiding us for being a considerably big group. After an hour or so we cane upon something every Skyrim player would recognize.

(Ralof): "These are the guardian stones. Legends tell that if you go near one of them and receive their blessing you would become much more proficient in your art. There is the warrior, the mage and the thief. I picked the warrior some years ago when I was around your age boy."

Yeah, he's referring to me. I look like a 17-18 y/o teenager. Though I don't complain, that's what my age was before I reincarnated. I know it will be bothersome as some people might want to mess with me for being too young or inexperienced but I guess I'll grow used to it. Those wuxia novel characters that said 'you're wet behind the ears kid' really pissed me off though.

After that each one of us neared a stone. Lokir picked the thief and Abjorn picked the warrior. I didn't really know what to pick. Being a mage would be interesting but the stealth skills will prove really useful in various situations, and the warrior will influence pretty much any type of fighting so it's really good as well. But then I remembered that there are other stones scattered around Skyrim and I would probably change it later on so I just choose the warrior and returned with the others.

As we kept going could see the entrance of Riverwood. I asked Ralof if he could buy some bandages so I could cover my arm. He went to the store and came back 5 minutes later with the bandages which I used to wrap my arm so no one can see it. Ralof then told us that he was going to talk with his sister about what happened. Me, Lokir and Ralof went to see the shops cause we got some loot we wanted to sell. We agreed that we would distribute the gold once we separated. As such we went to the town's blacksmith, we sold some things and exchanged other for newer and better ones. I got myself a leather armor of slightly higher quality than the imperial cannon fodder armor. I also brought a steel sword to complete it. Abjorn had already suited himself with one of the imperial captains armor but he still paid Alvor, the blacksmith, to reforge it in a different style, so people wouldn't confuse him with an imperial soldier. Lokir sold his bow for a better one and got himself a higher quality short sword.

After that we went to the general store after I insisted that I wanted to check if they got some things that I wanted. but any Skyrim player would've figured out why I want to go there. When we entered we saw a man and a woman arguing about something.

(Camilla): "Well one of us has to do something!"

(Lucan): "We are done talking about this."

(Camilla): "Well what are you going to do then, huh? Let's hear it!"

(Lucan): "I said no! No adventures, no theatrics, no thief-chasing! Oh, a customer. Sorry you had to hear that."

(Nero): "Don't worry, it's not really a problem."

(Abjorn): "I'm sorry if I sound rue but I overheard your conversation. Did something get stolen?"

(Lucan): "Yeah. It's just some bandits that stole our heirloom"

(Abjorn): "I think we could be of help. What do you guys think about it?"

(Lokir): "Sure. As long as i get paid of course."

(Nero): "I don't have any problem either, it could be fun."

(Lucan): "Seriously? Thank you very much! Then I'll need you to go to Bleak Falls Barrow. It's the old nord ruin that's up the mountain. If you go there you would need to deal with some bandits, the ones that stole the heirloom. Is that alright with you lot?"

(Nero): "Sure, but I would like to know, what is this heirloom that we're searching for?"

(Lucan): "Right you wouldn't know what to look for if I didn't''t tell you. The heirloom is a claw that's made of pure gold. Bring it back and I'll pay you handsomely"

(Lokir) "We'll do it!" After he shouted that I could almost see the figure of a septim forming in his eyes.

When we finished discussing about the claw and some information about the bandits we sold some things and brought a few potions to be prepared. We met back with Ralof and he told us that there was an inn in the town where we could spend the night, and we did go there to reserve 3 rooms. When the night came a lot of people came to the inn and began drinking, singing and playing bets and games. We drank some mead and Ralof ended up fighting with Abjorn because of something along the lines of "A true nord never backs down, come fight me to see who's better". Lokir and I saw profit in this so we began organizing a bet for the fight. Everyone in the inn betted some septims. Almost everyone betted for Ralof for being a soldier. When we saw that the stakes were 20:3 we immediately betted a considerable sum for Abjorn.

In the end as we predicted Abjorn won the fight, though it was almost a tie and it seems that Ralof lost because he was much more drunk than Abjorn. But it still made us win a pretty penny that would fund our raid tomorrow. I also noticed that Lokir had his eye set on Camilla, the woman from the general store. Either way I went to sleep after the bet because it was the first time I drank alcohol with this body and it took it's toll. As the night went on I could notice some women eyeing me as if I was some sort exotic meat but I managed to get away Most of them are likely married and I don't want to have their husband's trying to kill me.

The next morning we woke up and met each other outside the inn. We were ready, as Lokir went earlier to buy the supplies we needed, though I know it was just an excuse to see Camilla. Ralof told us that he needed to return to Windhelm and reunite with the stormcloaks so we parted ways.

Last night I also checked my status to see what that notification was and these is what I found.


Host killed a cave troll - awarding 120 XP and 120 Devil essence (warning-excessive essence will be nullified and lost. Host will need to awaken his Devil powers to access and evolve Devil Essence)

Host killed 6 basic and 1 intermediate imperial soldier - awarding 80 XP and 80 Devil Essence

Host reached level 2. Awarding 2 upgrade points (these can be employed by the host to upgrade certain aspects of weapons and abilities. 2 points will be awarded for each level up. Unique abilities can only be upgraded under specified circumstances)

Name: Nero (Host)

Race: Devil/Human (I changed it to Devil cause it sounded better :), or at least I think so)

Level: 2

Experience: 120/200

Upgrade points: 2

Health: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

Stamina: 100/100

Devil Essence: 100/100

Perks: Devil's Blood (infant - Requires lvl 10 to upgrade)

Status Effects: -Devil's Awakening (impure state)

Abilities: Devil Bringer (Devil's strength and durability - Requires ??? to upgrade)

Summons: (none)

Quests/Objectives: Retrieve the GOLDEN CLAW that is suspected to be at BLEAK FALLS BARROW and bring it to Lucan Valerio in RIVERWOOD.

Followers/Companions/Party: Lokir/Abjorn

(Devil's Awakening): Host's body is going through a stage where a Devil unlocks it's potential. This state was forcefully triggered by the host which in turn made it harder for the body and soul to get used to this change. This effect will make certain abilities harder to unlock and/or upgrade until the host's finds a solution or the body and soul fix the problem on their own.

Estimated time until natural solution: 1 month, 27 days and 14 hours.


It seems I was forced to trigger some sort of evolution state, but it being forcefully done made it detrimental to my body and soul. I don't really know where I'd be able to find a solution to this, demons aren't a thing in skyrim after all except dremora but I doubt we're the same so I guess there's only waiting left.

After giving one last look at my status I turned towards Lokir and Abjorn.

(Nero): "Well, I think we're ready to set off."

(Abjorn): "Absolutely! I can't wait to bash some bandits heads. HAHAHAHA"

(Lokir): "You seriously creep me out sometimes. I don't think bashing someone's head is a safe or sane hobby."

While joking between us we began to walk towards the bridge outside of Riverwood, and like that we were just about to begin our fist mission. We cane to the foot of the mountain where we saw a stone path leading upwards. We took that route and found some wolfs that sneak attacked us. Luckily none of us was severely injured, just some minor scratches. After a while of walking we saw some sort of ruins/fortification that was occupied by bandits. We were planning on how to attack but sadly one of the archers noticed us behind the trees and alerted the others.

At that point there wasn't much more we could do so we charged forward with Lokir providing rear support. I clashed swords with a bandit woman that appeared to be a redguard and Abjorn with an argonian male. Meanwhile Lokir had already killed one of the bandit archers and was engaged in a long range fight with the one remaining. Abjorn Finished his side and stormed inside the ruins to see if there were any extra bandits. Confirming that no one else was there he came out just when I killed the bandit on my side.

*Ding* Host has killed a Bandit Grunt. Awarding 5 XP and 5 Devil Essence.

It seems that there are some enemies that will barely give me any XP when killed, but I guess it's better than nothing.

Lokir also came to our side after confirming the archer's death. We spent around 10 minutes looting the corpses and the ruins, though there wasn't much we found a small chest that was used to store gems and jewelry, those along with the septims we found on the bandit's corpses was a pretty good haul considering that bandit's don't usually have many valuable things, and even less in small places and groups like these one.

After our little fight and looting time we started climbing again and we reached a place from where we could see Bleak Falls Barrow's entrance. We couldn't make the exact number of bandits standing guard because of the snow storm that made the place barely visible.

(Lokir): "Goddamn nords, what's with them and this fucking mountains that are riddled with snow."

(Abjorn): "HEY! I'm a nord too, and it's not that bad up here, really, you just need to get used to it and you'll come to love it."

(Lokir): "...Allow me to doubt that statement." He gave Abjorn a deadpan stare.

(Nero): "Hey, I'm not a hater of snow but this is certainly annoying. However there's a good side to it, if we can't see those bandit's then that means they can't see us either. Right?"

When I said that my companions had different reactions. Lokir had a moment of realization and began to machinate a plan to make use of our newfound advantage. On the other side, Abjorn was proudly patting his chest with his head up high as if I just praised his children or something.

Lokir's quick brain came into play and devised a strategy with which we could sneak around the place while taking care of the bandits without being found. The storm was at it's strongest near the stairs of the ancient nord tomb and it's surroundings, we'll use that to get rid of whoever is stationed over there. After that we'll approach and search on the borders of the place to see if there's any more enemies to deal with.

We began to move as soon as we recounted the plan's steps. Approaching the storm's eye we could barely see the form of a person standing on the place near the pillars that's near the stairs. Lokir won't be able to use his bow here so he was making use of his short sword. He swiftly dealt with the bandit and trowed him down the stairs so no one could see him. Me and Abjorn have found 1 bandit each, one patrolling back and fort in front of the entrance, and one in the very middle of the place. We went to the stair to meet again and started going towards the border of the place outside the entrance to the tomb. We managed to find 2 more bandits that seemed to be resting as they were eating some meat. Abjorn and I took care of them and then we went near the door.

*Ding* Host has killed 2 Bandit Grunts. Awarding 10 XP and 10 Devil Essence.

We were in front of a huge door that had carvings of what appeared to be ancient nord tales. I pushed one side of the door while Lokir and Abjorn pushed the other. When it finished opening we saw a big spacious burial room that barely had illumination. We noticed that there was a fire not far ahead with some voices around that place...


Chapter word count: 3485