
Norton Sutton

Norton Sutton History

Gellius_Helder · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Feel no dread before the multitude of men, do not flee in terror, but let each man bear his shield straight toward the fore-fighters, regarding their own life as hateful and holding the dark spirits of death as dear as the radiance of the sun.

Here we shall make our stand. Here we may have to die. This is it, do or die! Men, yield not even a single step!


– Principe-Auguste Theodorian IV,

You awaken...


Your eyes snap open thanks to the stinging pain biting at the back of your head. Worse, however, are the myriads of colors assaulting your eyes as you attempt to desperately get used to the sudden increase in light after your untimely awakening. Evidently, your wild thrashing does not go unnoticed as you feel a domineering weight press down onto your shoulders, and partially your upper chest. You stand no chance, especially now as you have little hold over yourself, and are subdued.

Whoever it is, they have enough strength to easily subdue you back to the ground. Wait, ground? You have no time to further ponder your position as your blurred vision slowly focuses on the worried face of a friendly-looking youth. You gradually cease your ferocious resistance and simply... relax. This also warrants your "savior" to ease his grip ever-so-slightly.

Finally, after recollecting yourself you have the clarity to properly perceive everything around yourself as you...

Your eyes, which are a shade of brown meet the youths. His brown eyes are like nutrient earth, allowing life to grow and thrive, receiving health without question - a crutch to lean on when you're down.There is an air of steadiness about him, and the subconscious tug to accept any support he offers. There is just something reassuring about the person before you. His hair, now that you take your time to look closer, is cut short into a buzzcut, but even then you can tell his hair shares the earthy color of his eyes.

Your gaze slowly moves down to the two hands gripping your shoulders, once again loosened, which are... far too big! In general, the youth before you is a towering young teen and has a body beyond his years. His body seems to brim with vitality, all the while reminding you of a plowing ox: broad shoulders, the inkling of a defined jaw, broad hips, thick forearms - certainly a body shaped by labor at a young age. Then, your curious gaze moves back up to find the youth smiling broadly at you. This joy, most likely, stems from the fact that you have gotten a hold of yourself.

His previously knitted brows, which formed a worried frown, had softened in support of his cordial smile. This look suited him far better, going well with the amiable brown eyes and his disposition as a gentle giant.