
Normal Human Against Regressor, Reincarnator And Transmigrator

In a world filled with reincarnator, regressor and transmigrator , an organization was established to curb the dangerous and harmful them. The story follow along a newly employed normal guy as he survived through working in the organization encountering and exterminating the existence deemed as harmful and dangerous to the normal society.

FurballCat · แอคชั่น
8 Chs

Chapter 7: The Average Human


'What the fuck? What the fuck is this training? Ughhh'

"Come on Hansel. Get up."

Hello guys. We were here again at the so called training camp. Me Hansel D' Artagnan was fighting for his life.

"Oh don't be such a puss. Come on. It's only 100 laps."

" 'Only 100 laps' my ass. Look at the size of this field! You can put 2 football field in here. It is not jogging. They want us to run you idiot!"

"Then run. Easy."

"No you bald head gorilla! I am an average fucking human!"

Huff..huff... Ah my vision was fading. Shit.



The feeling of cold icy water slapping my face violently woke me up.

"Huff... huff... huff.. Cough cough. What the-?"

"Look like you're awake."

Commander Haliza was right next beside my bed cutting some apples. There was a bucket next to her.

"Commander? Wha-? Why are you here?"

"Well I'm just taking care of my favorite trainee of course! What else am I doing here?"

"Favorite? Who? Alan? Or Jess? I remember them being the top."

"You. Who else are in here? The top people are not that weak to be bedridden because of a few laps around the field. Come on be more logical."

She was sneering. Is she mocking me? No. She was mocking them. She was thinking as if that Alan and Jess being the top was funny. I think. She looked like someone that didn't believe in natural talent.

"Whatever you're thinking right now are mostly true. I actually believe that having a really great physique and high intelligence don't mean much if your mentality and heart are weak."

"Are you saying Alan the number 1 top scorer in all physical activities and test and Jess the number 1 top scorer for all mind bending test and activities are weak?"

Haliza was nodding as a sign of agreement to my bold statement(?). After a few seconds, the smile on her face disappeared. She put on her serious face while holding the fruit knife.

"The top makes you arrogant. It makes you look down on people. It is good for boosting your confidence but not so much when dealing with RRT. Being weak make you try hard, very hard, to survive. Normal human like you try everything just to keep on living."

The sound of the wind coming through the window show the stillness and awkwardness between me and Haliza after that somewhat touching sentence.

We both stayed silent for a few minutes before Haliza stood up from her seat and walked away.

She stopped at the sliding door before turning her head slightly to me.

"Learn something. Anything. There are lot of things you can learn here other than the normal physical and mental exercises we force on you."

Haliza walked out of the door after giving me the advice.

I looked out the window while laying on my bed.

"Yeah. I think I can learn that."

I can't wait for tomorrow to come.