
Normal Human Against Regressor, Reincarnator And Transmigrator

In a world filled with reincarnator, regressor and transmigrator , an organization was established to curb the dangerous and harmful them. The story follow along a newly employed normal guy as he survived through working in the organization encountering and exterminating the existence deemed as harmful and dangerous to the normal society.

FurballCat · แอคชั่น
8 Chs

Chapter 4: Normal Human To The Training Camp

Here I was, a week after, standing at the entrance of the tall building of CeFMAA. One bagpack and nothing else.

As I was looking around taking in the scenery of the concrete jungle for one last time, maybe, the buzzing sound of people talking keep me in the real world. It almost felt like a dream.

But the money was real.

5 million Credit annually and addition of any amount of Credit depending on the level of work done. Like some gambling addict said 'high risk, high return'.

I don't need to think twice before signing the contract after seeing the amount of money stated.

I realize among the crowd I was the odd one out. A regular human. I could see half elf, half dwarven, half beast-people, half demon and quarter this quarter that. A big crowd of mixed blood people.

"Shut up you filthy half blood!"

A loud shout of anger burst through the seemingly peaceful crowd.

A guy with brown short hair and a face like it was sculpted by artisan was red in the face full of rage. His pointy ears indicate that he might be a half or quarter elf. He was facing another guy with purple skin and horn.... and pointy ears?

'Wowwww thats rare. A half-elf half-demon mix.'

"Filthy half blood? You are also half blood. Don't talk as if you're some sort of noble being! You self absorbed pointy ears species with ED!"

I bring out my pack of hard pineapple flavored candy out of my bag. As I was about to open the pack and enjoy the candy while watching two mixed blood fight each other, the very big buses have already arrived.

'Damn. That timing.'

"This is the bus for Portal Station 1. Anyone involved in the training camp for CeFMAA please get on the bus ASAP."

"We settle this at the training camp."

The brown haired half elf quickly walked away after saying some cliche line and entered the big bus.


The demon mixed blood clicked his tongue as he get on the second big bus at the back.

'Sigh. There goes my entertainment for the day.'

I was disheartened but not for long because I realize with all the mixed blood at the training camp there would be a lot of blood bath. This realization lighten me up and brighten my day.

'Hahhhhh what a day to be alive.'

"Hey you! Come on! We don't to be late for the portal!"

The voice of the one in-charge woken me up from my daydream. I quickly get on the bus and sit next to some huge bald guy with big beard. He looked like to be some beast-people mixed blood.

'Oh, well I hope I survived the 6 months.'