

He got scammed! He was expecting to go somewhere where he would have to fight, an easy way to satisfy his battlenut self. Afterall, the excileration of a battle was so satisfying, exciting and fulfilling at the same time. But this... Place... was just not for him. That damned god must be laughing his ass off right now. ___ The summary sucks but I will try to make the story good... Hopefully. I don't own pokemon, btw.

Zeckan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter Three

It turns out, there wasn't a training field near the pokemon center. So they had to compromise. The compromise is relocation above the slight elevation just left to the pokemon center.

Now, one might question why Amber wanted to be near a pokemon center when training since that could be done anywhere, but the advantage of having a place where your pokemon could rest somewhere near was too good to pass up.

If he remembered right, the pokemon centers had pokemon that could use heal pulse, which would be too good to pass up before he could get a healer on his team. Which he was still uncertain about.

He was aware that he needed a flyer, and it should be easy to get a flying type, considering that his starter was an electric type... But...

Absently, he spared a glance at his Shinx, which after much debate, he decided not to name. The little guy was currently struggling to pull off a fifth charge. In the end, as per his instructions, he performed a shockwave, dispersing all of the power he had built up in a single powerful burst of electricity.

Humming thoughtfully, the teen stood up from his laying position, done with his set of pushups.

He watched as Shinx started his own routine again. He wasn't expecting much improvement since they just started training, but he watched in fascination as the small pokemon's form started producing sparks for the sixth time, then the seventh, then the eighth, and then started the struggle to pull off a ninth, but he managed it.

This was abnormal. He knew that much. The Pokedex provided information on the average growth expectancy for a Shinx and even the most talented ones took a few days to increase the amount of electricity they could store in their bodies. The fact that the electric type managed to pull off eight Charges where he could only do five previously was too fast.

"... Adoptive Body..."

It was mutated under his breath but it was enough for the realization to flash in his mind. Did that guy connect battles to this world and give his pokemon an adoptive body? Then what happened to the enhanced precision?

Humming thoughtfully, he walked over to the bag he left on the ground and took out his button-up shirt and his gloves, putting them on. Digging back into the open bag, he took out some pokemon food and his Pokedex.

Absently grabbing his knife from where it was strapped on his leg, he opened the bag of food and sheathed the knife again. Opening his Pokedex, he started scrolling through the net, looking for the official sites on his location.

He wanted to know what kinds of pokemon were present in the area. After a bit of searching, he deduced his situation. While there were some pokemon that he didn't know, those he was familiar with were still available. For example, Ralts, Wingull, Goomy, etc. The one he wanted was Ralts, but looking at the description, it didn't seem to be as simple as walking into the tall grass and running around for a minute or two.

Ralt's chose to approach a trainer, not the other way around. It could feel emotions, which was used as some sort of radar to avoid any unwanted encounters.


He looked down, noticing that his partner had come closer and was looking at the open bag of pokemon food, not approaching it. Though, his head was tilted as if looking at something very interesting.

Looking back at the bag, his eyebrows shot up, spotting something very curious. A small figure wearing what looked like a helmet, and fire-for-chest armor was munching on the pokemon foon he had opened for Shinx. Its hands were red like its feet like it was wearing gloves and boots. Its eyes were literally burning and he had a patch of flame on top of his head like a ponytail.

It was so small though. A smol child.

It looked up, locking onto his blue eyes as they had a staredown.


... Slowly, he moved the Pokedex and aimed it at the unknown pokemon.

Charcadet, Huh? So, in its past life, it was charcoal. It possesses a fighting spirit rivaling its fire that gets hotter when it fights, reaching 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. Likes food rich in fat. Humming in thought, he raised an eyebrow at the fire type.

It went back to eating his food... It was eating their food.

Crouching down, he raised an eyebrow at the little guy, and yes, he knew it was a guy, the Pokedex said so.

"So, little guy, what you doing here?"

It looked up before letting out another "Cha" and went back to eating. Looking bemused, he reached into the back and took out one of the five remaining Pokeballs. Reaching over to the fire type, Amber pressed the Pokeball button on top of its head.

The pokemon turned into a red blob of energy and jumped onto the now-open Pokeball. Three seconds passed and the Pokeball's button stopped blinking red...

"We just caught a Charcadet!"


He physically winced. That was too cringe.