The husk of an old shell, this was the previous place of Final Boss of the Multiverse, but it was sadly move, left here to collect digital dust. So I decide to just write random stuff here, you can still see the Final Boss of the Multiverse chapters here but stop somewhere around 10+
(Made an auxillary chapter explaining his powers and how they work)
8 days before the previous chapter. In the Southeastern part of the village. There appears to be a plot of land filled with equipment for working out made out of wood, dirt and clay. It was called the Training Area
It was surrounded with other buildings like a cooking place and a herbal place. And only one person seems to occupy the Training Area.
He was named Braun Body, and he was given the goal of working out so that all Braun's get stronger physically. But with this they all know that they will age. With fighting, they will retain their battle experience without aging. But this will result in irreversible aging.
But the Braun legion did not worry because they could just load back the first save file where they are still 15.
Yes Freidrich Braun is 15. With that information his past seems to get clouded more and more. Ruthless enough to cut of his own finger, gouge out his own eyes and other inhuman acts.
And they also have a huacka move. The bear with giant paws meat has the effects of steroids with no side effects. And the herbs they found in the forest improves the mind and body.
With all that 'all natural supplements'. He work out nonstop.
He eat clen
Tren hard
Anavar gave up
Until he Dbolish his goals
After working out, he will be drugged to sleep and will be made to rest for 12 hours, then he will be awoken to eat and workout again.
After every 2 days he will make a new save file for peak body performance.
And with that 8 days passed. At present time,
After the Zanpakuto and Save State with weapon news was announce.
We could see Braun in an underground area under the huge building in the middle of the village. He is seen contemplating in the darkness like an edgy anime villain. With his hands on top of the table, the fingers of his hands interlocking with each other to do the meme of the father of Shinji in Evangelion.
Seemingly in deep thought, he was suprised by the notification he heard with a ding sound being produce from nowhere. He opened the GC and was surprised by the news announces by the Brauns. But what he focused on was the Zanpakuto.
"Huh, integrating your existence itself onto an object, in theory, it opens another pathway to godhood, hahahahaha" said Braun in a dark sinister tone of the possibility he just learned.
Braun decided to do the experiment in secret. With that thought in mind he ordered Braun 4.
"Bring me the bear, chicken and snake, I'm going to do a little experiment of mine" ordered Braun
"What is it for" asked Braun 4
"Its for the technique" said Braun in a dark and sinister tone.
Then suddenly both Brauns smiled in a crazed and anticipating state for the results of the experiment.
After his little meeting with Braun 4. He now needed to increase his land and explore the area.
He suddenly created 40 clones and made them divide into 8 groups.
"You guys are divided to 8 groups with 5 members each, I will assign one leader to report your findings to me. You guys will be assigned to one Cardinal Direction each, is that clear" said Braun, in a commanding tone that demands respect.
Braun's aura has now changed drastically from before, with over 2 months in another world, he is now surrounded by a craze and sinister aura.
But its not just him, all Brauns are. All the Brauns being surrounded with a craze sinister aura, their appearance being of a battle hardened warrior. Each movement they do are maximize for efficiency.
But for the original Braun, it was more intense, more craze, more sinister, his very being commands of respect
"Yes Boss" shouted the Cardinal Brauns full of respect in their voice
"Well then, proceed as planned" said Braun
Then they set off, each group gping to North, East, South, West, NE, SE, SW, NW
"You guys are going to the 8 cardinal directions
***(Cardinal Braun North POV)
After running for seemingly 6 hours nonstop they finally got out of the forest and appeared on a vast plain.
The distance they travelled was not small, for they ran at maximum speed for that duration of time because they could get back to peak state again and again never getting tired.
After that they announced their findings to the GC and was ordered to set up camp until they get further orders.
Then they look around the area and found a nice flat area and set up camp there.
They cut off their fingers and threw them to the ground, then load it back to a transportable base for each of them. With a whooshing sound 5 houses appeared and they set up camp.
(Info dump, just go to the summary below)
After waiting for nearly 2 hours all the Cardinal Brauns reported back their findings. Northwest reported they found a savanna , West announced they found a desert, Southwest announced they found a Mountainous region, South announced they found a tundra, Southeast reported they found a rain forest, East announced they found a giant circular lake surrounded by land, and Northeast reported to find a swamp.
So basically
North = Plain
NW = Savanna
West = Desert
SW = Mountainous region
South = Tundra
SE = Rainforest
East = Giant Circular Lake surround by land
Northeast = Swamp
And with they were also all ordered to set up camp and make a base in all regions with a hundred members each base.
And they were also told to train their movement on those regions to increase mobility. And the ones in the Desert and Tundra are told to train heat and cold resistance respectively.
"Did you guys got my order" said Braun in a commanding voice, drastically different from before.
"Yes Boss" - said all the brauns in a Video Call in the GC.