
Non Humans

Have you ever thought that you are all alone in this world? No matter how hard you try you can't be the one you wanted to be! Are you lacking something? It's not something it's someone!

Keyar · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


Aech was filled with confusion and anxiety as he stared at Eylen, demanding answers. Eylen sighed heavily and motioned for Aech to follow him to a nearby park bench. They sat down, and Eylen began to explain the complex world of werewolves.

"You see, Aech, werewolves are not just creatures of folklore. We actually exist among humans, hidden in plain sight. We have the ability to transform into wolves during the full moon, and our instincts are heightened during this time. It's a constant struggle to control our bloodlust and prevent ourselves from causing harm."

Aech listened intently, his mind racing to comprehend the enormity of what he was being told. "But why me? Why did you choose to reveal this secret to me?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of fear and curiosity.

Eylen looked at Aech with a somber expression. "I didn't choose to reveal this to you, Aech. It was a matter of necessity. You stumbled upon our secret, and now your life is in danger. Desalon, the man you encountered earlier, is a member of a rival werewolf pack. He's been hunting us, and now that he knows about you, he'll be relentless in his pursuit."

Aech's eyes widened in disbelief. "So, what do we do now? How can I protect myself?"

Eylen took a deep breath, his gaze filled with determination. "We stick together, Aech. Tengen and I will do everything in our power to keep you safe. We have resources and knowledge that can help us navigate this dangerous world. But we must be cautious and vigilant."

Aech nodded, a newfound resolve emanating from within him. "I won't let fear consume me. If we're in this together, then I'll face whatever challenges come our way."

To be continued...