
Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

A strange boy who sees something deeply hidden in people, who owns the strongest sword style without a sword, arrives in the labyrinth city with the goal of finding his master. But the intended fate changes when divine blood touches the child's body. Seven mysterious creatures make a bet that directly affects the life of a child. From this moment his story begins. Events of this fanfic begins 9 years before the main story, a little later after Ais joined the Loki familia. I do not own the characters or plot of Danmachi or Katananagatari. I only claim ownership of the OC and the plot associated with them. I took the picture from Google Image, if it belongs to you and you don’t want it to appear on the cover of my work, please let me know.

Justlucky · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs


- Why don't we ask him? - the figure, from the outlines of which one could say that she was dressed in heavy plate armor, responded in a rude tone.

- Really! Shichika, what are you willing to give us in exchange for strength? - the shortest of the creatures exclaimed, it seemed her head was not filled with complex thoughts.

- Price? As long as this does not interfere with my service, I am ready for anything.

- Anything?! x 6 - the spoken word excited most of those present.

- What an idiot... - the rough voice, close to a growl, seemed to know where everything was going.

- Then, I think let's start.

A sheet of sheepskin appeared in front of each of the silhouettes in the fire. Nearby there were metallic feathers, which were immediately taken. The lowest of the initiators of the contract chewed the edge of the plumage, but upon finding the glances of her friends, she returned to business.

- In order for everything to be according to the rules, I suggest introducing yourself and describing your conditions. I will begin, - the leader of the creatures decided to set an example for the others.

- My name is Venera, the ruler of Pride. Accept my sin. The reward will be a piece of my will, capable of ruling the world itself. The price will be the inability to lie and even partially hide your aura. Don't bow to anything.

Venera's voice seemed to come from all directions, forcibly penetrating the boy's head. After which voices filled with different emotions and intentions began to sound one after another.

- My name is Leviathan, but you can call me Levi. I am the ruler of Envy. Every time your body is ready you will receive extra hearts, just like mine. The price... No way can help you heal, not magic, not potions, not even special materials, and the mana around you will be depleted to feed your insides.

- I'm Asha. Ruler of Lust. *smack* Thanks to me, you will receive a powerful body that in the future will be able to compete in strength with the best equipment of your level. In exchange, you will never be able to use any armor or weapons. Only your b-o-d-y.

- Belphegor, Belphie for you. *yawn* Ruler of Sloth. You will receive this space at the junction of your brain and soul. I would call it Mind Temple. An extremely useful thing if you know how to use it. The price will be your peace. The long-awaited sleep will not bring you rest, and in a difficult battle, even with all your desire, you will not be able to lose consciousness.

- Mammon, ruler of Greed. To move forward, the people of this world must fill their vessels with excelia, my gift will allow you to surpass anyone who has ever lived, because I will expand your vessel several times and allow you to draw out excelia in any situation. But the miser pays twice. To move forward, one feat is not enough, using my contract we will give you tasks, usually on each floor, but not only, you have the right to refuse. When you reach the limit, you will increase the level. We also retain 2 Veto rights, thanks to which we can prohibit you from acting at any time.

- Vaalverif! Ruler of Gluttony. Your very presence will drain the life force of the creatures around you. Price? Exactly! In any tense situation, be it training or battle, this ability will devour everyone around, without separating friends and enemies.

- Iblis. Ruler of Wrath. You have already felt my influence, forgive me for that. Your vision comes from me. After so much time, you will be able to gradually master it. It will allow you to read the desires, intentions and even the fate of people. In exchange, I will break your feelings, in a normal state you will be an almost emotionless machine, but when something breaks out... I think you understand.

- Contracts have been agreed upon. Shichika can be free, Belphie, send him back.

- *Yawn* Okay...

{Boy, at some point we may seem like old friends to you, but remember one thing: WE ARE NOT GODS, we are much worse. } Iblis' voice flashed through the teenager's head before disappearing.


- So, what do we have here?


Shichika Yasuri

•STR: I 0

•END I 0

•DEX: I 0

•AGI: I 0

•MAG: I 0

•SKILLS: ἀμαρτωλός



ἀμαρτωλός - multiple curses:

inability to wear equipment

inability to be healed from external sources

0 slots for spells

monsters always know about the presence of the skill owner

complicated leveling

during tension life around dies

a mess of emotions

Inability to replenish strength during sleep

inability to lose consciousness


Kyotōryū B - Sword fighting style without sword.

The user fights with his body like a perfect sword


The eyes of the goddess sitting on the boy's back widened and sweat ran down her back. But true to her title as the greatest deceiver of heaven, Loki quickly pulled herself together.

- Damn... Just Damn.. What happened to you? Given the circumstances, I can't send someone to the dungeon with you, and you won't be assigned to the group now. There is only one thing left, will you listen to me?

- I am your sword, there is no need to ask my opinion. Decision is yours, - a boy, who had not moved a muscle, answered without delay.

- No, now you have to make a decision. Stay in my family, but always act alone, taking all the risks, or I will free you from my falna and you will continue to live as before. Your answer?

- I love you?

- Could you have told me something else?

- No I do not think so.

-Then you stay with us. It's almost night now, go to the men's towers and choose a free room, tomorrow we'll introduce you to everyone.

- Aye! - with a cry, the boy jumped up from the sofa and ran with a confident gait from the room towards the men's part of the estate.

- What awaits us? First Evilus, now a child whose soul has been cursed many times.


Early the next morning, Shichika, with bags under his eyes, sat on one of the bridges connecting the towers and observed the situation below. The golden-eyed girl furiously swung her sword in the air, an excellent technique for her age that seemed to have been borrowed from someone else. The captain of the family, Finn Daimne, approached him from behind.

- Didn't sleep all night? Are you nervous?

- No, it just doesn't make sense.

- What do you mean? - the question did not seem to reach the boy.

- She'll break, - Shichika diligently watched his comrade's training. Each blow ignited a vile flame around the girl, devouring a small part of herself.

- We won't let this happen. She, like you, calls herself a sword, she believes that she should fight without caring about her body.

- A broken blade is not capable of serving. And how can a sword feel such a thirst for revenge?

Surprise flashed through the pallum's eyes.

- Slowly, but Ais is opening up to us, we are doing everything possible. But she's too stubborn. Perhaps someone her age can influence her.

- Until Loki tells me, I will stay away.

- You're so cold.

- No. I've barely communicated with people all my life. I still have a lot to learn.


In the morning, the loud sound of a bell echoed through the twilight mansion. Family members knew what this meant - breakfast time.

- I think now you will be introduced to our family. Let's go.

Loki's family's dining room boasted its size and selection of food. In the center of the room there were two long rectangular tables, along which family members sat in groups. The goddess of the family was also already present. This time she was dressed in the usual outfit: short shorts and some kind of T-shirt, more like a strip of fabric, covering only the chest area.

- And here he is! Attention everyone! - a screams attracted the attention of others.

- The guy in front of you is called Yasuri Shichika, from now on he will be a new member of our family. I wish I could tell you to take care of him, but that's impossible. In turn, don't expect the same from him. He will act alone and if any situation arises, he will hardly help you. Riveria, Finn, Gareth I need to talk to you. The rest can continue to eat, - having finished her short speech, the goddess and the family leaders left the room.

- Can't count on you? Newbie, would you like to explain, after all, we are one family, - one of the adventurers of the third group decided to clarify the question.

- If we meet in battle, you will die sooner or later, - Shichika's social inexperience only further confused those around him.

- It sounds like a threat, but never mind, we were told not to have anything to do with you anyway. In time we will understand everything.

- Thank you for understanding.

At the same time, a meeting was taking place in Finn's room.

Directly opposite the entrance is the pallum's workplace; during paperwork, behind Finn's back was the family banner - the Jester. Records and floor maps lay in closets and in the work area, creating a work clutter. However, for the main strategist of the family, such a quantity of materials is quite justified. The most interesting thing is the left wall of the room.

On it one could see a huge canvas depicting the goddess Fiana. Once upon a time, the pallums worshiped her as their patroness, but after the advent of the Age of the Gods, it turned out that there had never been such a person in heaven.

Did Loki consider this image an insult? Not at all, she and Finn have an agreement that she intends to honor.

- Cursed? And many times. This means he can't go far, he needs allies in the dungeon, a boy who knows several techniques can't handle it alone, and besides, he has less and less strength every second, - the fair-haired pallum made his verdict.

- I think I could teach him meditation, perhaps this way he will allow his body to rest, we also need to thoroughly prepare him for diving, he can study the theoretical part together with Ais, but as for combat ... - the green-haired elf queen decided to do everything depending on her.

- Don't worry about that, he can fend for himself on the upper floors, after all, he already has the skill. Riveria, I trust the boy to you. Finn, Gareth, focus on the girl, she doesn't like to spend time studying anyway.

- Aye! x 2 

- That's great, the decision has been made. In a couple of days we will send him on his first adventure.

From that moment on, theory training began, during which some interesting moments occurred.


Riveria entered her room; only one of her two charges was sitting at the table.

- Where did she go?

- I don't know, she probably ran back to Finn or Gareth for a fight, - Shichika did not look up from the table on which the book with information about the upper floors was located.

- *Sigh* Why can't she be like you?

- If you hadn't told me that this would help me on my path, you would have found only emptiness here. And after one of the raids with Gareth, she began to take more care of herself.

- I know, it just seems to me that if something happens, it will be because I didn't train her enough, - the elf's expression dropped.

- She's strong.

- I have outlived dozens of people much stronger than her or me.

An awkward silence hung in the room.


*A couple of days later*

Dwarf Gareth and Shichika stood at the entrance to Babel. The man's stocky hand rested on the boy's shoulder.

- Listen, be careful out there and take your time. Although we only communicate with you occasionally, you are a member of our family.

- Gareth, I'll be back. In addition, Riveria taught me meditation. This is why I am standing on my feet now, - having finished saying goodbye, the young adventurer went forward.

On his body he wore a hokama and a pair of black and red sleeves, kindly bought by Loki. This time the upper body was completely naked.

The dwarf looking behind him just whispered, - You have absolutely zero talent in meditation, not only does it take you a couple of hours to get into the right state, but the result is only maintaining you in a condition of extreme fatigue.

Here is the second chapter of the story. As always, thank you for reading and engaging. Next time there will be descriptions of fights with which I don’t have the best relationship yet. Wish me inspiration.

Justluckycreators' thoughts