
Nodrian War: Squadron 361

Lina and Linoch Holst are no strangers to evading the law and wreaking havoc across their province. They don't pretend to be the good guys either, they know they aren't the protagonists of any stories or heroic folk songs. However, when they are finally convicted and are given their formal punishments... Perhaps that will all change, though for better or worse, nobody can be entirely sure.

Saikoes · สงคราม
9 Chs

A Noble Woman's Puppy Love

Victorique climbed onto Sebastian's back, "My feet are tired," She said, "And obviously it is the honor of all to carry a brilliant and beautiful noble such as myself on your back!"

"Naturally it is, my lady," Sebastian replied, hooking his arms around Victorique's thighs, "Where to first, my lady?"

"Just keep walking, I'll point where I want to go!" Victorique said.

"Very well,"

Sebastian walked along, he took small glances back to Victorique every now and then. As expected, she had rested her head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Sebastian cracked a smile and continued walking, "Good night, my lady,"