
Nodrian War: Squadron 361

Lina and Linoch Holst are no strangers to evading the law and wreaking havoc across their province. They don't pretend to be the good guys either, they know they aren't the protagonists of any stories or heroic folk songs. However, when they are finally convicted and are given their formal punishments... Perhaps that will all change, though for better or worse, nobody can be entirely sure.

Saikoes · สงคราม
9 Chs

A Military Matter

"Ugh!" Victorique fumed, "I can never do anything around here!"

"Something the matter, Blancheaur?" Linoch inquired.

"Oh!" Victorique squeaked, "Captain, maybe you can do me a favor!"

"I mean, depends on the favor, but I'll bite," He replied.

"Please tell Sebastian to stop babying me! I can do things myself and I don't need to be told things are dangerous!"

"What were you trying to do?" Linoch asked.

"I wanted to help him on missions he gets up to! But he just said stuff about how dangerous they are!" Victorique exclaimed.

Linoch heaved a sigh and bent down slightly to look Victorique in the eyes, "Sebastian does very dangerous work for us, he's here to serve you more than us, it's our responsibility to keep you safe, but it's his sole purpose in life to keep you safe, happy, and healthy, none of us care about your happiness, and I certainly don't care about your health, but Sebastian does, remember that,"