
Nodrian War: Squadron 361

Lina and Linoch Holst are no strangers to evading the law and wreaking havoc across their province. They don't pretend to be the good guys either, they know they aren't the protagonists of any stories or heroic folk songs. However, when they are finally convicted and are given their formal punishments... Perhaps that will all change, though for better or worse, nobody can be entirely sure.

Saikoes · สงคราม
9 Chs

A Customer Service

"Good evening, my lady," Sebastian said, "How may I serve you today?"

Upon making eye contact, Victorique burst into tears and held her arms out for a hug.

"My lady, I am not allowed to touch you," Sebastian said.

"Shut-up," Victorique sniffled, "Come-here,"

Sebastian nodded and walked over to Victorique, immediately embracing her. It took a long moment, but he worked up the courage to stroke her hair as well.

"I'm-so-sorry!" Victorique sniffled.

"It's okay," Sebastian replied, "I could never be mad at you, my lady,"