
Nocturne's Night

In a world where the boundaries between life and death blur, where the echoes of ancient deities reverberate through the fabric of reality, one man finds himself thrust into a realm teeming with mythical creatures, formidable adversaries, and the promise of redemption. (Nocturne's Night) unfolds as a gripping tale of one man's journey across the vast expanse of a new world, where the line between hero and villain, justice and vengeance, blurs amidst the tapestry of chaos and wonder. Yura, a figure shrouded in mystery and driven by a relentless pursuit of justice, emerges as the unlikely protagonist in this epic saga. Cast adrift in the abyss between worlds, he is summoned by a goddess of death, tasked with a mission that transcends the boundaries of mortality. As Yura navigates the treacherous landscapes of his new reality, he grapples with the weight of his past and the uncertainty of his future. With each step, he confronts adversaries both mundane and fantastical, unravels the mysteries of a world steeped in lore and legend, and discovers the true extent of his own power. From the opulent halls of ancient cities to the shadowy depths of forbidden realms, (Nocturne's Night) weaves a tale of intrigue, betrayal, and redemption. As Yura's quest unfolds, he must confront the darkness within himself and forge alliances with unlikely allies, all while facing the looming specter of an ancient evil that threatens to consume the world. Driven by a cast of richly drawn characters, each with their own secrets and motivations, (Nocturne's Night) explores themes of identity, sacrifice, and the nature of power. With its blend of high-stakes action, poignant emotion, and tantalizing mystery, this novel promises to captivate readers until the final page is turned, leaving them eagerly awaiting the next installment in this enthralling series.

mikoerien · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Information Thief

Yura stretched as the morning sun filtered through the small window of his room. A long yawn escaped him as he muttered, "Nothing beats waking up with a hungry belly." His muscles still ached slightly from his journey, but the bed had been a welcome comfort after days of travel. Pulling on his boots, he made his way downstairs, eager to quell the gnawing hunger in his stomach.

The tavern, though quieter than the previous night, still bustled with morning activity. The scent of freshly baked bread, sizzling meat, and brewed ale filled the air, a hearty combination that reminded Yura of mornings back in simpler times. Several patrons sat at long wooden tables, eating their breakfast and exchanging stories of the day's upcoming work, local gossip, or concerns about the city's state. A few stragglers, no doubt remnants from the night before, were still slumped over the bar, snoring into their mugs.

The tavern keeper, a stout man with a broad grin, called out from behind the counter. "What'll you be havin', then?"

Yura approached, leaning on the bar. "A meat dish, with a drink to wash it down."

The man gave a nod and shouted an order to the kitchen before turning back to his duties. Yura took a seat at one of the long tables, observing the people around him. Though the morning crowd was calmer, there was still a sense of energy in the air—a city waking up, preparing for the day ahead.

A group of workers sat nearby, their dirt-stained clothes and calloused hands a testament to their labor. "The mines are getting rougher each day," one of them grumbled, running a hand through his messy hair. "Heard the guild's calling for more help with the shipments."

Another man responded, shaking his head. "Bah, they can't pay me enough to crawl into those dark pits. Not after what I saw last week—giant spiders the size of dogs, just waiting in the shadows." Yura's ears perked up at the mention of the mines. This city was clearly built around more than just trade and taverns; there were deeper systems at play, economies driven by the dangerous work of its people.

Before he could think further, the tavern keeper approached with a steaming plate of food and a mug of ale. "Here ya go, lad. Meat's fresh off the grill, and the drink's from our finest barrel."

Yura glanced down at his meal—a hearty serving of seared cow meat, roasted potatoes, and vegetables. A familiar sight, though the vegetables were a mix of what he knew and things foreign to him. He took a bite, savoring the taste. "So, some things remain the same across worlds," he thought, chewing thoughtfully. "The meat here has a richness that's close to what I'm used to, but the flavors of those fruits I saw in the market... they must be native to this world. Variations, perhaps, but still something akin to home."

He washed down the meal with a gulp of ale, feeling its warmth settle in his chest. The tavern keeper watched him, a small smile on his face. "Thirty copper coins for the meal, good sir."

Yura gave a brief nod, reaching into his pocket and tapping into his subspace. Fishing out a single silver coin, he handed it to the tavern keeper, who swiftly counted out the change. The man fished through a pouch behind the counter, pulling out a handful of copper coins. "Here's your change—seventy copper coins."

Yura accepted the coins, sliding them into his hand, and tucked them into his subspace with a flick of his fingers. "Convenient," he thought, a small grin playing on his lips as he closed the rift. "No need to carry around a heavy pouch."

Satisfied and full, he returned to his room. With a quiet sigh, Yura accessed his subspace again, emptying its contents onto the bed. Gold and silver coins clinked against each other as they fell, gleaming in the morning light. He carefully counted and sorted them.


• 34 Gold Coins

• 97 Silver Coins

• 70 Copper Coins

After assorting his coins and securing them back in the subspace, Yura felt the pull of curiosity, the desire to explore more of what Fyora Liandra had to offer. The city was vast, filled with markets, artisans, and workers—each with their own part to play in this complex world. "Time to see what else this city holds for me," he murmured to himself, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "I'm not done yet."

Yura weighed his options, seeking deeper truths—secrets that whispered of not just Liandra, but the surrounding cities veiled in history. His thoughts turned to the Library of Liandra, a sanctuary revered by scholars and nobles alike, where the threads of the past were meticulously preserved. The towering edifice loomed above the bustling streets, its grandeur a testament to the city's devotion to knowledge. Ornate spires pierced the sky, while intricate carvings adorned its marble façade, drawing the gaze of all who passed. "If there's anywhere to uncover the secrets I seek, it's here."

Upon entering, he was met by the cool scent of aged parchment and the gentle murmur of scholars engrossed in their studies. The vast library unfolded before him like a labyrinth of knowledge, shelves stretching endlessly with countless volumes, each one a gateway to untold histories and forgotten secrets. Soft light filtered through stained-glass windows, casting a mosaic of colors onto the polished floors. Yura moved through the aisles with purpose, his fingers grazing the spines of ancient tomes, their cracked leather whispering of time passed. He pulled a book from the shelf at random, its weight promising revelation. With quiet anticipation, he cracked it open, only for the words to blur into disappointing confusion.

Yura's eyes narrowed as the script on the page swam before him, a tangled web of unfamiliar characters. "Ah, fuck..." he muttered under his breath, irritation flaring. "I can understand the language when it's spoken, but reading it? This is ridiculous." He glared at the incomprehensible symbols, flipping through page after page with mounting frustration. It was as if the knowledge he sought was tantalizingly close, yet forever out of reach.

No matter where he looked, the library's vast collection offered nothing but unreadable texts. Hours passed, his patience thinning, until finally, he snapped the last book shut with a thud that echoed through the quiet chamber. He left the library, the cool evening air doing little to calm his simmering vexation.

"If I can't read it, then I'll learn. Or better yet," he mused, his lips curling into a smirk as an idea began to take shape. "I'll find someone who already holds the keys to the city's secrets. Time for Operation Information Thief." His steps quickened, his mind already calculating how best to infiltrate the ranks of those who knew what he needed—an unwitting informant in the guise of a willing conversationalist.

Yura's thoughts drifted back to his previous life, where deception had been as natural to him as breathing. He and his team had perfected the art of slipping into foreign worlds, their presence unnoticed, their lies woven so seamlessly into the fabric of reality that even the sharpest eyes failed to see the truth. They would adopt the local tongue with ease, mimic customs, and blend into the backdrop like shadows. "Dress like a local, fabricate a tale of having been born here but whisked away to my father's side in a distant land... it worked before, it'll work again."

He smirked at the memory. The silver lining of falsehoods—spun with just enough truth to make them believable—was a tactic he'd honed with precision. A well-crafted backstory, just plausible enough to pass as genuine, could open doors no force could.

"Time to see if the rules of deception still apply in this world," he muttered, already plotting his next move. He would become one with the city's people, wearing their guise like a second skin, while quietly siphoning the knowledge he sought—secrets buried deep beneath noble façades.

For three days, Yura moved through the city of Liandra, blending effortlessly into its bustling streets. He carefully wove his way into conversations with the locals, his presence barely noticed amidst the taverns, marketplaces, and inns. He eavesdropped on idle chatter, his ears attuned to every whispered rumor, every careless word, slowly piecing together the puzzle he sought.

Piece by piece, he built a picture of the land and the three cities surrounding Liandra, subtly manipulating his sources to extract every last detail. His questions were always masked in casual interest, his persona that of a curious traveler. "A land of hidden power, and no one even realizes it," he mused to himself, satisfied with how smoothly his plan was unfolding.

Axualiam Inovatura: The City of Mages

The first city Yura uncovered in his exploration was Axualiam Inovatura, a place veiled in mystery and crackling with arcane power. His sources referred to it with reverence and caution—a sanctuary for mages, scholars, and practitioners of the magical arts. "It's called the 'City of Mages,' and from what I've gathered, it's a haven for anyone with a gift for the arcane," one whispered, casting a glance over their shoulder as if the mere mention of the city conjured unseen forces. "They say the Great Arcane Academy's spires pierce the sky, and its libraries hold secrets even the gods have forgotten."

Yura envisioned the academy, its towering spires reaching toward the heavens, the true heart of the city. Within its hallowed halls, ancient tomes rested, their pages containing spells so powerful they had become myth. But Axualiam Inovatura was not just a city of scholars hidden away in dimly lit libraries.

"It's not just a school... it's a battleground," Yura had remarked, recalling the words of a seasoned traveler. The streets themselves were lined with laboratories and workshops, where ambitious scholars and mages conducted experiments that bent reality itself. Magical energy hummed through the air, and fierce duels were not uncommon—raw power clashing openly as wards flared to life, protecting bystanders from the devastation wrought by spells.

"Only the strong survive there," Yura mused to himself, remembering the stories of rivalries fought with arcane might, where failure meant more than a simple loss of pride. In Axualiam Inovatura, survival was not just about knowledge—it was about mastering the forces that could consume you if left unchecked.

Oreoum Demalir: The Trade City

The second city Yura uncovered in his search was Oreoum Demalir, a thriving center of commerce nestled within the craggy embrace of mountains and dense forests. It was a city that pulsed with life, its streets a constant hum of trade and wealth. "It's a merchant's paradise," one trader had said, eyes gleaming as they spoke of fortunes made and lost in the blink of an eye. Oreoum Demalir's crown jewel was its Grand Auction Hall, a towering structure where only the rarest and most coveted items exchanged hands. "The streets are lined with opulent mansions, the markets always bustling with activity. But beneath all that glitter... there's something darker."

Yura's brow furrowed at the hint of shadow. The city wasn't just a hub of wealth—it was a place of contrasts, where fortunes were displayed in broad daylight, while darker dealings thrived in the cover of night. "Secret societies, hidden deals, and a network of influence that few outsiders ever glimpse," one whispered in a hushed tone, their eyes darting nervously.

He could picture it now: sleek carriages winding through streets where every stone glistened with the gold of the elite, while below, in the hidden alleys and dimly lit taverns, deals were struck that could topple empires. "There's always an underbelly," Yura mused, piecing together the fragments of gossip he had collected. Drug trades, smuggling rings, and mercenaries loyal to the highest bidder—all operating under the gaze of aristocrats too powerful to be touched by the law.

"A city of power, where those with enough coin can buy anything... or anyone," he murmured, understanding now that in Oreoum Demalir, wealth wasn't just a means of survival—it was a weapon. A place where influence could be bought, and secrets, no matter how dangerous, were always for sale.

Saris Maxima: The Warrior's Haven

The third city Yura uncovered was Saris Maxima, a fortress of martial skill and iron discipline. This was no mere settlement—it was a crucible where the strongest were forged through relentless combat, a place where war was not just a necessity but a revered art form. "The Arena of Valor stands at the heart of the city," one soldier had said, voice brimming with pride. "It's a grand coliseum where fighters from all corners of the land come to test their strength." The arena was more than a spectacle of individual prowess; it was a battleground where entire war strategies were tested in large-scale war games, overseen by generals and tacticians from every nation.

Yura found himself drawn to the stories of young men entering Saris Maxima as boys and emerging as seasoned warriors. "Saris Maxima breeds soldiers," another had said with a steely glint in their eye. "Every street corner has a sparring ring, and the air is thick with the clash of steel." Here, even the most ordinary streets echoed with the sounds of combat—steel on steel, the bark of orders, the rhythm of disciplined drills.

"Generals come here to train, strategists to sharpen their minds," Yura recalled, admiring the tales of rigorous training and endless preparation. Every aspect of the city seemed dedicated to the perfection of warfare, from the grueling drills of foot soldiers to the meticulous planning of battle-hardened strategists.

"A place where war is not just an art but a way of life," he murmured to himself, marveling at the singular focus of Saris Maxima. In this city, there was no room for weakness—only those who embraced the rigor of combat and the discipline of strategy could thrive. It was a haven for warriors, a proving ground for the best, and a place where the line between survival and mastery was drawn in blood.

Fyora Liandra: The City of Fortune and Prosperity

The city Yura currently found himself in was none other than Fyora Liandra, a metropolis that dazzled with its wealth and vibrancy. "Fyora Liandra is often hailed as a beacon of prosperity," Yura mused, his sources painting a picture of a city where every street and edifice seemed to shimmer with affluence. "The Grand Cathedral and its towering spires dominate the skyline, and the wealth of its citizens is reflected in the opulence of their estates."

Fyora Liandra's architectural marvels are legendary, with mansions and public buildings showcasing the city's grand history and economic success. The city's noble district is a testament to its splendor, with palatial estates surrounded by meticulously manicured gardens. The Grand Cathedral, a towering edifice with intricate stonework and gilded accents, stands as a symbol of the city's enduring glory and religious devotion. "The cathedral isn't merely an architectural wonder; it's a testament to the city's resilience and divine protection. It was constructed as a bastion of hope during the city's darkest hours, when endless hordes of demons besieged its walls."

The cathedral's grandeur extends beyond its aesthetics. Its high arches and stained glass windows tell the story of Fyora Liandra's defiance against the demon onslaught, with heroic figures and celestial beings immortalized in the art. "The very walls of the cathedral seem to hum with the echoes of past battles," Yura noted, admiring how the sacred space radiates both a sense of grandeur and the spirit of eternal struggle. "It stands as a monument to the city's ability to overcome adversity and a symbol of its unyielding faith."

Yet, Fyora Liandra is not merely a display of affluence. The city's markets buzz with an array of exotic goods, from rare spices to finely crafted textiles. "The marketplace is a spectacle of its own," Yura observed, noting the vibrant colors and scents that fill the air. "It's where the city's diverse inhabitants come together, their interactions a blend of commerce and culture."

The city's inhabitants contribute to its rich cultural tapestry. Dwarves, with their solid presence, are seen negotiating trades and showcasing their craftsmanship. Beastmen add a touch of mystique with their graceful movements, while Lizardmen provide an air of intrigue with their cold, calculating demeanor. Elves, with their refined elegance, move through the streets with a sense of superiority, while Halflings bring a cheerful, communal spirit to the bustling markets.

The mage tower, a striking feature of Fyora Liandra's skyline, hints at the magical energy that courses through the city. "The tower stands as a testament to the city's magical heritage," Yura noted, imagining the robed figures within, their spellcraft and arcane knowledge contributing to the city's prestige.

In contrast, the city's taverns, gambling dens, and red-light district reveal a darker side, adding layers of complexity to its character. "Even in a city of such splendor, there are shadows," Yura reflected. "The taverns echo with laughter and revelry, while the gambling dens and red-light district cater to more clandestine desires."

Fyora Liandra stands as a city of extraordinary fortune, embodying both its dazzling prosperity and the intricacies of its social landscape. Its grand architecture, bustling markets, and diverse population reflect a vibrant and multifaceted society. The Grand Cathedral, with its historical significance and symbolism of resilience, adds a profound depth to the city's character, making it a place of remarkable wealth and enduring spirit.

After three days of skillful manipulation and subtle interrogation, Yura had amassed a trove of valuable information. "Intel gathered... now to play the part," he mused, a sly grin curling at the corner of his lips. "I'll need clothes fit for a noble, something to match the prestige of the circles I plan to infiltrate. If I'm going to uncover this city's secrets, I'll have to look the part."

With a determined stride, Yura set his sights on procuring a wardrobe that would allow him to seamlessly blend into the upper echelons of Fyora Liandra's society. His plan was to don the guise of an affluent noble, gaining access to the circles where the city's deepest secrets were whispered. As he prepared to dive into the world of opulent attire, he reflected on the necessity of his disguise. Every detail had to be perfect—every stitch, every fabric, and every embellishment needed to resonate with the grandeur expected in the noble circles.

"Time to transform," Yura thought, already envisioning himself cloaked in the luxurious garments that would open doors to the elite. His quest for the truth would require not just clever words and deceit, but also a facade of elegance and wealth to navigate the high society of Fyora Liandra undetected.

With a final glance at his meticulously gathered notes, Yura began plotting his next move. The city's secrets lay tantalizingly within reach; all that remained was to execute his plan with precision. "The city's secrets are within my grasp," he thought, "it's just a matter of playing my cards right."

With Yura's plan in motion, he made his way to a nearby clothing store, intent on acquiring garments that would unmistakably mark him as a noble. As he stepped inside, the shop's ambiance shifted subtly. The soft murmur of fabrics being handled and the faint scent of fine silks greeted him. His gaze fell upon the clothier—a young woman with long, delicate ears. "A rabbit beastman?" he mused, a fleeting thought of his past crossing his mind. "Do they sense if I've killed one of their kind?" Yet the woman's expression remained composed, her eyes betraying no sign of recognition or hostility. "Good. My bloodlust remains buried," he reassured himself, dismissing the memory of dispatching a lesser beastman like her as quickly as it had arisen.

"Good afternoon," Yura said, his voice steady and composed. "I'm looking for fine clothes befitting a noble."

The clothier's eyes glinted with professional courtesy as she stepped forward. "Ah, yes, sir. We have some of the finest noble garments in our collection. Please, feel free to browse. I'm certain you'll find something to your liking."

Yura moved through the racks, his fingers trailing over fabrics of exceptional quality. The garments here were a blend of late medieval craftsmanship and the artistic flourishes of the Victorian era—perfect for his needs. The rich textures and intricate details spoke of wealth and prestige, projecting the very image he wished to convey.

"Brother!" the clothier called, her voice carrying a subtle note of command. "Fetch the garments from the back for our esteemed guest."

Yura noted the mention of her brother, curious if he shared the same rabbit-like ears. But his thoughts quickly returned to the task at hand. "No matter," he thought, "the clothes are what's important."

After perusing the selection, his eyes fell on a striking ensemble—a tailored black and green outfit, elegant yet understated, with just enough flourish to suggest nobility without being ostentatious.

"I'll take this," Yura declared, holding up the chosen attire.

The clothier gave a polite nod, inspecting the garments briefly before quoting the price. "That will be 20 silver coins and 50 copper, sir."

Yura didn't hesitate. He retrieved the money from his pouch, counting the coins with a measured pace before handing them over.

"Thank you for your purchase, my lord," the clothier said with a bow, her voice tinged with deference.

With the fine clothes now in hand, Yura returned to his room at the tavern. He quickly tried on the outfit, the soft fabric fitting snugly against his frame, transforming him into the very image of a nobleman. His plan was proceeding smoothly—until a sudden knock at his door interrupted his thoughts.

The tavern keeper entered, his demeanor shifting dramatically upon seeing Yura's new noble attire. "Sir, you have an outstanding balance for your stay here. Did you think I wouldn't notice?" His voice was accusatory at first, but his eyes widened in sudden realization. "Oh, but are you a noble? Forgive me, my lord. I—I wasn't aware!"

Yura suppressed a smirk, allowing a calm yet slightly amused tone to seep into his voice. "Ah, yes, I must apologize. How much is the balance I owe?"

The tavern keeper fidgeted under Yura's gaze, his tone now reverent. "Only 10 silver, my lord, but... I—I didn't mean to trouble you—"

Yura cut him off smoothly, reaching into his pocket and tapping into his subspace with practiced ease. "Here, take 24 silver coins. That should cover my current stay and extend it by a week."

The tavern keeper blinked in astonishment, bowing deeply as he accepted the money. "Th-thank you, my lord! Enjoy your stay, and if there's anything you require, please don't hesitate to ask."

As the door closed behind him, Yura allowed himself a small, satisfied grin. "Not a noble, yet everything is falling into place. They already believe I am one." His thoughts hummed with satisfaction. "Just as planned."

As nightfall enveloped the city, Yura carefully undressed from his new noble attire. He meticulously folded the black and green garments, ensuring they remained in pristine condition before tucking them away in his subspace inventory. The room fell into a serene silence, the only sound being the distant hum of the city's nightlife.

Settling into a cross-legged position on the bed, Yura drew out his subspace inventory and began to methodically count his remaining funds. The faint glow of a candle cast dancing shadows across the walls, highlighting his focused expression.


1 Black and Green Noble Clothing

3 Brown Bear Hides

6 Direwolf Hides

8 Magnificent Deer Antlers

1 Twin-Headed Direwolf's Head

Hardwood Bows x5

Iron Pickaxe

Iron Shovel

34 Gold Coins

53 Silver Coins

20 Copper Coins

Small Backpack:

Vial Pouch (9 Healing Vials)


His fingers moved with practiced ease, tallying the coins. Each piece of gold, silver, and copper was a testament to the effort and strategy invested in his quest. As he finished, Yura allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. The plan was unfolding as anticipated; his guise as a noble was taking shape. With a final glance at his inventory, he set aside the coins and prepared for the next phase of his operation.

His thoughts turned to the steps ahead. He needed to solidify his cover, delve deeper into the city's intricate web of power, and gather the secrets hidden within its opulent façade. The night was young, and Liandra's grand masquerade was on the horizon. With everything in place, Yura was ready to move forward, his mind sharp and his resolve unwavering.

. . . .

. . . . . .

Morning arrived with its usual indifference, and Yura greeted the sun with a grumble. "Curseee youuuu bay. . . morning. I'm still not a morning person, not even an alarm clock could fix that. Just kidding." With a resigned sigh, he made his way to a nearby public bath, nestled within the bustling heart of the city's inner middle-class district. The bathhouse, more akin to a hot spring than a mere public facility, was a haven of steaming warmth and tranquility. As he submerged himself in the soothing waters, Yura lamented the absence of hygienic luxuries like shampoo and conditioner.

After his bath, he swiftly dried off with a towel and donned his freshly pressed black and green noble attire. Exiting the bathhouse, he paid the attendant the modest fee of 20 copper coins, the transaction marked by a polite nod.

As Yura ventured deeper into the bustling heart of Liandra, the city's energy pulsed around him like a living entity of opulence and intrigue. The evening sky unfurled in shades of indigo and gold as he entered a grand open square—a vibrant arena where the city's elite mingled beneath the canopy of dusk. The event was a lavish display of wealth and sophistication, with nobles draped in the finest silks and adorned with jewels that sparkled like constellations. The air was a heady blend of exotic perfumes—an intoxicating mix of blooms, essential oils, and vanilla, more like an enchanting elixir than mere scent.

Holding a crystal goblet of wine, Yura positioned himself strategically near a majestic pillar, his presence cloaked in calculated charm and subtle allure as he observed the swirling social tapestry. The crowd's hum was a symphony of laughter and polite chatter, an auditory backdrop to his intricate plans.

In a deliberate maneuver, Yura lightly collided with two elegantly dressed women, their dresses rustling like whispered secrets. They looked momentarily disconcerted, but Yura's voice was smooth and earnest. "I must apologize for the intrusion. Are you both unharmed?" he inquired, his tone a carefully crafted blend of genuine concern and refined politeness.

The women, regaining their composure with practiced grace, turned to face him. One, with striking azure eyes and cascading auburn curls, responded first. "We are quite well, thank you. I am Rina Crabe, and this is my friend, Marika Clain."

Yura offered a warm and disarming smile. "Eisyl Lanes, at your service," he introduced himself with effortless sophistication. "The pleasure is mine."

Marika, her gown shimmering like starlight, regarded him with keen interest. "You don't appear to be a local. What brings you to our city?"

Yura leaned in slightly, adopting a tone of intimate revelation. "You're perceptive. I am an artist, traveling to capture the unique beauty of various locales. Your city, with its elegance and charm, presents a fresh and inspiring canvas."

Rina's eyebrow arched with a blend of curiosity and cautious scrutiny. "A traveling artist? How intriguing. Where did you perfect your craft, and what notable works have you undertaken?"

Yura wove a narrative as intricate as his intended deceptions. "I have studied under distinguished masters across diverse lands, each imparting unique techniques. I have had the privilege of painting esteemed portraits for prominent merchants in Oreoum Demalir and capturing the renowned gardens of Saris Maxima."

Marika's interest visibly piqued. "Your work sounds impressive indeed. We recently held a remarkable exhibition at the Crimson Gallery. Did you have the chance to attend?"

Yura smoothly sidestepped the potential snare. "Regrettably, I arrived after the exhibition concluded. However, I have heard nothing but praise. Perhaps you could share more about it?"

Rina's smile was both graceful and intriguing. "It is rare to encounter such talent. My family has long supported the arts, particularly those that align with our involvement in the city's engineering and architectural endeavors."

Yura, sensing an opportunity, inquired with feigned curiosity. "Engineering and architecture? That sounds fascinating. Could you elaborate on your family's contributions to the city?"

Rina's eyes sparkled with pride. "Indeed, the Crabe family has played a pivotal role in designing many of our city's iconic structures—from the towering spires of the Grand Cathedral to the water system that sustains Liandra."

Marika, eager to contribute, added. "While the Crabes shape the skyline, my family, the Clains, ensures the safety of trade. We protect merchant caravans and secure sea routes, safeguarding the goods that fuel our city's prosperity."

Yura's mind raced with the implications of this newfound knowledge. His expression was a careful blend of admiration and keen interest. "Ladies, I am truly impressed by your influence and expertise. Perhaps your unique perspectives could inspire exceptional subjects for my art?"

Rina and Marika exchanged a look, a silent conversation unfolding between them. Rina spoke, her tone measured yet intrigued. "An intriguing suggestion, Eisyl. Perhaps we might discuss a commission? I've long desired to capture my family's contributions to the city's grandeur in art. But none of the artist or painters here were able to capture what I wanted to envision"

Marika nodded in agreement. "I must admit, the idea of portraying our security measures through art is quite appealing. It would be a unique way to highlight the importance of our work to the nobility."

Yura, seizing the moment with crafted enthusiasm, responded. "I would be honored to undertake such commissions. Perhaps we could find a quieter spot to discuss the details of these potential masterpieces?"

As the trio moved toward a secluded corner, the evening's ambiance shifted dramatically. The ornate garden they entered was a serene contrast to the vibrant square. Fragrant roses and delicate orchids adorned the pathways, their petals shimmering with dew. Lanterns cast a soft, dancing glow over the foliage, creating an intimate and clandestine atmosphere perfect for delicate negotiations.

"Now then, ladies," Yura began, his voice a sophisticated blend of charm and professionalism, "let us delve into the potential commissions. Rina, you've spoken with great pride about your family's architectural achievements. Which aspects of your legacy would you most desire to see immortalized in art?"

Rina's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Our Grand Cathedral stands as the pinnacle of our accomplishments. Its spires reach toward the heavens, embodying both our engineering prowess and spiritual devotion. Yet, beyond its grandeur, our pride truly lies in the labyrinthine network beneath the city."

"Beneath the city?" Yura's tone carried a note of intrigued curiosity.

Marika's eyes widened playfully as she gave Rina a gentle pinch, a gesture of mock reproach. "Rina, must you reveal our secrets so readily?" she teased. "Though, to be fair, it's not exactly a hidden gem. The secrets have already made their rounds."

Rina's smile was a blend of mischief and relief. "Indeed, the aqueduct system is a marvel of engineering, providing water to every corner of Liandra. However, as Marika pointed out, the intrigue surrounding it is no longer exclusive."

Yura nodded thoughtfully, mentally cataloging the tantalizing details. Turning to Marika, he posed another question. "And you, Marika, how would you envision your family's security operations being portrayed in art?"

Marika considered the question carefully. "Our work often operates behind the scenes, but it's one of the backbone of the city's prosperity. Perhaps a series of paintings capturing our patrols—both land and sea—as well as the fortifications we've developed for merchant vessels?"

"Fortifications on ships?" Yura's tone remained casual, but his mind raced with implications.

Rina immediately pinched Marika's arm in a playful reprimand. "Ah, Marika, you're giving away too much! But it's true, isn't it? The secrets are out there already." She let out a laugh. "I suppose I've done what you did, just now. Haha!"

Marika chuckled, her tone a mix of pride and resignation. "Yes, it's more about deterrence than actual secrecy. We've made it known that our ships are heavily fortified and well-equipped, which serves as a warning to potential threats."

Yura's mind whirled with the implications of this information. Hidden passages, fortified ships—potentially invaluable assets. He maintained an expression of artistic interest. "Fascinating subjects indeed. I envision a triptych—the visible grandeur of the cathedral, the hidden marvels beneath, and the silent guardians of the sea."

Both women were visibly pleased with his suggestion. Rina leaned closer, her voice dropping to a low, intriguing tone. "To truly capture the essence of our work, you'll need to see it up close. Perhaps we could arrange some private tours?"

Marika nodded in agreement. "Yes, I'd be delighted to show you our shipyards and some of our more discreet security measures."

Yura's composure masked his inner triumph. "I would be honored. Your trust in me is not misplaced."

As the evening unfolded, Yura and the women's conversation meandered towards more casual topics, a pleasant distraction from the weightier matters at hand. Yet, beneath his calm demeanor, Yura's mind was already charting a course through the labyrinth of opportunities presented by the evening's revelations. The intelligence he had amassed promised advantages that far exceeded his original aims. As the gathering began to wind down, Yura bade Rina and Marika farewell, promising to meet again soon. Rina suggested a rendezvous at her family's estate in two days' time.

As the soirée gradually drew to a close, Yura offered his farewells to Rina and Marika, assuring them that their paths would cross again soon. "I look forward to our next meeting," Rina said with a graceful nod, "We'll arrange for you to visit my family's estate in two days' time." Her suggestion promised both intrigue and potential.

Stepping out into the crisp night air, Yura relished the cool breeze as he made his way back to the tavern. The moment he opened the heavy wooden door, he was engulfed by the cacophony of the common room—a lively mix of boisterous laughter and spirited conversations. The raucous symphony was a stark contrast to the refined and elegant discourse he had just left behind.

Navigating through the bustling throng, Yura shed his noble attire with deliberate care, each garment removed a step closer to the comfort of his room. His thoughts lingered on the evening's successes—the city's defenses, its hidden veins of infrastructure, and the secrets now within his grasp.

"Excellently executed, Yura," he whispered to himself, a hint of his former confidence resurfacing. "But the real challenge lies ahead."

In a moment of introspection, he gazed absentmindedly at the wall of his room. "Wait a moment—what was I supposed to be focusing on? Liandra's secrets were my goal, yet here I am, entangled in painting commissions. Ah well, a change of pace isn't the worst thing. At least in two days, I'll have the chance to see the ships Marika mentioned."

As Yura reclined on his bed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling, he contemplated the magnitude of his mission. "The time to prepare this city has come," he mused, a note of resolve in his voice. "After fifty years, if otherworldly beings arrive, I must be ready. If necessary, I might have to confront them with lethal force to prevent any misuse of their powers."

He sighed deeply, his thoughts turning to the nature of power and its implications. "Power carries immense responsibility, and human nature is fraught with flaws. The allure of power often distorts judgment, breeding greed, corruption, and a relentless thirst for dominance. Those who wield great power are vulnerable to these fundamental weaknesses. It's not just about their strength; it's about the moral erosion that can follow. If such beings are left unchecked, their influence could destabilize society, leading to widespread chaos and suffering."

Yura's eyes narrowed with determination. "I must remain vigilant. The balance of this world depends on my readiness to act, to safeguard it from those who might exploit its gifts and unravel the fabric of peace."

His thoughts drifted to the Goddess of Death, her haunting elegance as vivid as ever. He remembered how her gown cascaded around her—a tapestry of grandeur and decay, each ripple whispering ancient, untold secrets. The dark metal woven into her attire gleamed like polished obsidian, catching the light like distant stars scattered across a moonless sky. Her regalia, adorned with shimmering gems and diamonds, radiated a subtle, otherworldly power—each stone pulsing with a strange luminescence, hinting at forces beyond the mortal realm.

Yet, even as these reflections swirled through his mind, his mission remained at the forefront. The information he had gathered was invaluable, and his path forward was clear. As he drifted into sleep, his thoughts lingered on the hidden passages beneath the city, and the secrets they might unveil.

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