When he woke up, he had lost more than his memory. Meeting him, that girl had hope, while he just went with the flow. He would lead them and they would lead him. Their lamentations began when time had run out, so they searched for the light and were answered.
Only a month and a half had passed since the beginning of class, but it could be seen as if it were a coup d'état the student marches inside ARET parading with banners and banners.
- We want justice!
- The authorities and deans don't care what happens to the students!
- Punish the guilty!
They were one of the many voices that could be heard amidst the din. That day classes were suspended and only the protests of the students could be heard raising their voices for the victims of abuse within the facilities of the distinguished academy.
Inside an office where a man with a medium-long beard and an older appearance was watching the parade from his office window, several worried men entered.
- R-Rector, this has gotten out of hand! We must convene all the deans to discuss a solution before the news reports find out what is going on! - said one of the men.
The response was a laugh like that of a tender grandfather.
- R-Rector!
- I heard you ... Take care of this little matter with Vice Rector Almenara and the deans. In case you don't find a suitable solution, let me know.
- I- Understood.
Again the old man was heard laughing.
- It looks like this year is going to be very interesting to watch.
Those words would be some of the ones he would regret having uttered.
Among the comments and rumors, the latent opinion of eliminating the R class was heard; however, this was absolutely impossible, since ARET had been founded and transformed with the objective of studying, qualifying and training people who had those special abilities.
Therefore, everything was concentrated in a hatred for those two students found last night.
Driving down the road, Aren and Glen were talking inside a brand new black minivan.
- ... Shouldn't we have arrived yesterday?
- Sorry, but I had to run an errand ... that's why I suggested sleeping in a hotel on the way. I think we'll be in Zaragoza in about three hours. - Glen replied.
- I see... on the other hand, I still can't believe you got this vehicle. - Aren said looking out the window.
- Neither can I ... Princess Lisbeth and Duchess Sofia bought two minivans; one was to replace the one I had rented and the other was given to me as a thank you.
- ... Good for you. - Aren said without any bad intentions.
- ... By the way, is that really what you were looking for?
- Yes, no doubt about it.
- ... Well, I'll just take you there, then it's up to you...
Aren was silent.
- Oh, who am I kidding? I'm excited about what's going to happen, since things always seem to happen wherever you go.
Aren smiled slightly.
- But, don't forget what you promised me.
- Yes ...
That carriage continued on its way; however, neither of them noticed that they were being followed behind.
Inside an ARET auditorium, a sudden assembly was taking place where the different authorities had gathered to discuss what had happened.
Resembling a courtroom, the two young uniformed freshmen found themselves set up as criminals.
- What do they demand? - asked an older woman in formal dress.
- The expulsion of students Enrique Castro and Jorge Contreras. - said one of the student representatives.
- We can avoid expulsion through a reformation period where the two students undergo psychological evaluation. - said the woman.
- ... We will accept, only if the security personnel is sufficient to be able to protect the safety of the students; in addition to the formation of a team to investigate who else is complicit in the abuses that have been occurring to innocent students.
- ... On the issue of security we will do what we can, but we assure them of the other thing they are asking for.
Once a consensus was reached, both students were taken to a reformatory center for a period of two months and, as stated, a call was quickly issued to form a team of instructors to investigate what was happening within ARET because of the abuse cases.
All of this resulted in the infamy of the freshman R class increasing.
A bang on the table was heard reverberating throughout the room where Liam, Alexia, Remus, Carlo and Leandro were.
- It's no use getting angry and even less when we don't have proof. - said Remus.
- I know that...
- Don't try to meet him either. It will only end in a fight and remember that it is strictly forbidden to use our abilities even more in this situation. - commented Alexia.
- ... What do you think, Liam? - asked Leandro.
- ... Now that Anna's group is being especially watched, I don't think they will be able to continue the investigation ... If we go along with this, we may be set up just like them ... I propose to keep a low profile for a while and see what results the instructors bring back ...
- ... I think they all think the same. - said Leandro.
They all nodded.
- Well ... we will do nothing for the moment.
As if they had lost the battle, the young men withdrew from their search. However, before they left the room, another student appeared before them.
- Hello, Leo... Everything all right? - the teasing voice of the young man was heard.
The sudden surprise that everyone expressed on his face contrasted with the cool and haughty look of the one who was in front of them.
- You?! What do you want?! - exclaimed Leandro.
- Come on, is that any way to greet an old acquaintance?
Trying to calm Leandro down, Remus took the floor.
- Stop pretending... we already know you're to blame for all this, Richard.
That repeating student who from the first day of classes showed that haughty expression spoke up.
- Oh, really, what's your basis? What's your evidence? Did you confuse me with those two guys who were found guilty? - replied the young man sarcastically as he slowly approached.
- Don't be hypocritical, who else but us knows that twisted personality of yours. - said Remus.
- Oh, are you sure, aren't there two new entrants who are worse than me?
At first no one understood what he meant; however, within seconds, Liam remembered those grim-looking young men who entered with him.
The boy's thoughts were quickly interrupted by the shadow that appeared at the sight of that superb student standing just inches away from him and Leandro.
Having come close enough to Leandro's face, Richard confessed.
- But you know... Yes, it was me... the groups of bullies from the other specialties, the places where we beat them, even the trap we set for those two brats, everything was directed by me and what? - said that young man with a smile on his face as if he was genuinely proud of his actions.
Liam knew immediately that it was a simple provocation; however, he did not contemplate the fact of how everyone would react.
Incredibly they all controlled themselves with the exception of one.
A big punch landed on Richard's face and he fell to the ground.
- Leandro! Calm down!
- Can't you see that he is provoking you?!
Those were the words that could be heard while Carlo and Remus held the angry man.
A laughter that echoed in the room began to be heard from that unpleasant young man.
- Same as always ... few words and more action ... I'm glad you haven't changed, Leo.
- Don't call me that!
Rising from the floor and retreating with a smile on his face, Richard spoke.
- You know, even though I'm the one behind the abuses ... I have a lot of people backing me up, people that even I wouldn't dare to go against and they are already aware of you ... I give you a piece of advice: just have fun and leave things as they are. - were the last words of that guy who was leaving.
At that hour, the feeling of defeat was the only thing they all shared.
During his trip, a call was received on Aren's phone.
- Who is it?
- ...
The caller said Emily.
- ... Hello? - Aren answered.
- Where are you? - was what was heard from the phone.
- ... I'm in ...
- I want the truth.
- ... I'm with Glen, I'll put him on.
- What? - Glen reacted.
Receiving the call, the young man spoke.
- Hello?
- You're Aren's friend, Glen, aren't you?
- Yes... you are?
- This is Emily, his sworn sister.
Hearing this, Glen turned to look at Aren.
- ...I understand... How are you?
- Where are they? - asked Emily again.
- ...
Glen immediately tried to hand the phone back to Aren, but Aren wouldn't take it and handed it back to him.
- Are they there?
In the back and forth, Glen finally kept the phone.
- Yes ... we're on the Mudéjar highway ...
- What?! ... What are they doing over there? - Emily asked trying to stay calm.
- Running an errand ... just coming and going, nothing to worry about.
- Then why did Aren say the pathetic excuse that he was going to buy cigarettes when he doesn't smoke? Who taught him that?
Glen's poker face answered the young woman's question.
- Your turn..." said Glen passing the phone to Aren.
- Emily, you don't have to worry ... I'll be back early tomorrow morning.
- ...
Without answering, only a sigh was heard.
- Don't lie to me again...
- ¿?
- I think I told you, if you're going to do something even if I don't like it, don't lie to me...
- ... Okay.
- Take care of yourself.
- Yeah, I will.
The call ended.
- That was close... but why don't you want to tell him we're going to his old house? - Glen asked.
- ... it looks like he's not in good shape right now where we're going ...
- What do you mean?
- ...
Before he could answer, Aren received another call.
The contact said Russel.
- ... Hello?
- Master, how are you?
- I'm fine.
- Good to hear from you. On the other hand, about what you told me about your powers being gone, I would like to ask you not to go out carelessly ... if possible, wouldn't you like to move into my house?
- No, I'm fine...
Soon, the sound of the horn of a bus that passed close to where Glen was began to sound; obviously the speed of that transport was higher than allowed.
- Master, what was that?
- Nothing...
- Hey, you bastard! Learn to drive! - Glen exclaimed.
- M-Master?
- It's nothing. - Aren said.
After the call ended, the two spoke again.
- So, well... What's going on over there?
- It seems that ... Emily is fighting with her family. - Aren answered.
- Fighting? ... Ah! Surely she ran away from home ... she is the young heiress of the Gutierrez family, isn't she?
- Yes...
- I had heard some news... about her disappearing... But didn't her father die some time ago?
- Yes...
- Touchy subject... by the way, how did you get to know each other? Last time I couldn't ask you, but Daniel and Liam were also curious...
- That... was when...
For the third time, Aren received a call that interrupted him. This time the contact said Melissa.
- Orale! The song again?
Even without realizing it, as they drove along the highway, a car followed them from behind.