When he woke up, he had lost more than his memory. Meeting him, that girl had hope, while he just went with the flow. He would lead them and they would lead him. Their lamentations began when time had run out, so they searched for the light and were answered.
Each footstep was heard in the surroundings, feeling as if it was moving away to some unknown place. Filled with relief, the hiding pair kept alert for any strange movement of the humanoid creature that disappeared in the middle of the dense fog.
It still seemed to be night, when the hidden pair tried to start talking, being sure that there was no longer the presence of that thing that was wandering around the place.
- What ... was that thing? - asked a woman.
- What do I know ... the thing is that it didn't catch us. - replied a young blond-haired man with dark circles under his eyes.
- Then why do you seem to know about it?
- ...
- Will you keep quiet?
- Well ... I saw him on the first day of the accident or, rather, at night.
- How so?
- I was one of the first ones to get out of this train ... when I was outside I saw a woman lying on the floor, she looked fainted ... the thing is that when I tried to see what had happened, I could see a fog starting to invade the whole place. When I noticed a strange sound, I ran inside the train to hide ... that's when I saw it. - explained the young man somewhat seriously.
The woman was totally attentive to what the blond man was saying.
- I saw the shadow of a person appear, but its limbs were very long and deformed ... it also seemed to have legs instead of feet. I realized it was a creature I had never seen before.
He fell silent as he finished speaking.
- But then, what happened next?
- What else do you want me to tell you, that monster took the fainted woman and dragged her into the fog and disappeared... happy? - answered that young man, somewhat tired and annoyed.
- ... Ok ... So what do we do now?
- We have to wait for the morning ... from there we will leave.
As if the woman was trying to stop thinking about it, she changed the subject.
- Well ... then ... What was that other thing you told me?
The young man's displeased look changed to an excited expression.
- Ah... yes...
Settling into the train, the two conversed in hushed tones.
- Primeval? Did you make that up? - the woman asked incredulously.
- Anastasia ... do you think I would do something like that?
The woman was silent looking at him with great certainty in her words.
- Well ... I know I've said nonsense before, but this is something true ... you remember about the research I did five years ago.
- Yes ... 'that research'. - commented sarcastically that woman named Anastasia.
- What?
- Let's just say that your research is not the most ... reliable.
- ...
- I'm just telling the truth.
The young man with dark circles under his eyes sighed and continued speaking.
- Well ... now I have found a sample to experiment and test my hypothesis.
- Hypothesis?
- Yes! About the existence of those beings called primordial! Although they were known by another name in the sources I have found.
- Hey... shut up. Can't you see we're hiding.
- Ah, yes. Sorry about that.
- So... are they an alien race or something?
- No... they've always been with us. You could say that humans and they are co-inhabitants of this planet. Legends say that they were considered as gods by us, but they refused to be called that and isolated themselves from the world.
- Yes... every time I listen to you, it makes me think you are crazier.
- Hey, do you want to listen or not? - asked the young man just before hearing the sound of a footstep echoing inside the train.
The two young men stood in stunned silence at the sound.
- O-Hey, Marcus... How did you survive last time? - asked Anastasia in fear.
- Even if I say so ... I don't think it will work this time.
The footsteps were getting louder and louder with every couple of seconds that passed.
- It really was a mistake to come here.
The fog again began to appear in that canyon where the wreckage of the train that had fallen on its journey to Madrid resided.
In a small isolated room, a light came on. A table lamp illuminated the room where there was only a table, two chairs and two people sitting on them.
- So ... you weren't able to see what happened after that light suddenly appeared before the explosion, were you?
- No... I already told you. - replied a young man with white hair and red eyes.
- What about what happened after the incident? - asked a male in his 30s wearing officer's clothing.
- Well ... when we regained consciousness, we learned that there were several casualties and almost no supplies left. I think they were going to resupply at the Zaragoza station.
- I see. - the officer noted on the tablet he was holding in his hands.
- Finally, I understand that they were led by a small group led by someone, wasn't it?
- Yes... Marcus was his name...
- I see, do you know anything about him?
- ... No... just his name... I didn't have much contact with him.
- I understand... well, I will tell him that unfortunately he was not among the survivors.
The white-haired young man remained silent, trying to appear surprised.
- Are you sure you don't know anything more about him?
- ... No, sir.
- Well, that's all. You may go, the officer at the gate will show you where to go.
- Thank you.
The young man got up and left the place quietly, or so it seemed, while the officer stood there staring at him as he left.
- Please proceed to the waiting room and do not worry about your luggage, as it is being sent to the Manster Hotel.
The young man nodded and went to the room where a few more people were gathered.
He noticed the presence of his acquaintances and joined them.
- And how did it go? - asked one of the group.
- Somewhat ... tired, but no problems.
Suddenly voices of relief and crying were heard. Inside the place, which was a large police station, the relatives and acquaintances of the survivors who had been taken to give their statements began to enter. Outside, the sound of vehicles and reporters who were recording live could be heard.
The subject was obvious, the crash of a train heading to Madrid was what was shown on the front pages of the newspapers in the city of Rivas.
- It seems that they let the relatives in ... anyway, let's go now," said the youngest of the group. - said the youngest of the group.
- Yes, let's go. - added another one of them.
The young men left the place towards the back of the police station where a large bus was waiting and was being boarded by some passengers.
At the door was a female officer who was guiding and answering all the passengers' questions.
-Good morning; please get on soon, as we will be leaving in 10 minutes. - commented the assistant to the group of young people who were heading for the bus.
The young people got on and, after a few minutes, the bus left the police station and drove through the city.
- Well, it seems that they are finishing reorganizing the trip to Madrid, but I have heard that we will go first to Zaragoza. - commented one of the passengers on the bus.
- But what are we going on? - asked another passenger.
- By train. - replied one of the passengers mockingly.
- Hey, don't joke like that!
Those passengers were still talking; on the other hand, the group of young people listened to what they were saying.
- What are you guys going to do? - asked one of the young men.
For my part, I'll take advantage of this time to give myself a well-deserved rest. I think we will stay for a couple of days in that Manster hotel ... when I go to Zaragoza, they will also pay for our accommodation. I think we will stay for a couple more days.
- I will also do the same as Glen. I still have time, the entrance exam is about two months away. - replied the youngest of the group.
- I think all the survivors who have not been picked up by relatives will do this. Besides, everything is free ... and what will you do, Aren.
A long-haired young man replied.
- ... I guess I'll stay ... I'm in no hurry.
- Then it's settled, we'll be together for a little longer ... won't we, Renato? - said the white-haired young man, while looking towards a corner of the bus where they were sitting as if cornered, to that young man who had an officer's suit, but with a somewhat resigned expression.
- Who knew you were an officer or something? Those clothes are pretty cool, huh? - Glen commented sarcastically.
- Y-Yeah ... whatever you say ...
The bus arrived at its destination.
It was a large building with five stars on top. A large park was in front of the establishment and flags on flagpoles of different nations were placed next to the hotel.
The interior was even more dazzling, the finishes were modern and luxurious, the reception was spacious and well decorated. On the other hand, the servants of the hotel were already prepared for their arrival and guided them through the facilities until they were shown to their rooms.
The place they were in seemed to be a duplex with enough space to accommodate about five people. In addition, their luggage had already been placed in the room.
It was already late in the afternoon and in that room was that group having a 'pleasant' chat.
- So the travel company is assuming the responsibilities and expenses, well it was the least they could do, right? ... On the other hand, we still have a pending conversation, don't we? - Glen commented in a somewhat annoyed tone.
- ...
In the meantime Aren and Liam were going out to go shopping at the store, as they seemed not to want to be cooped up in that place while they were talking to Renato.
- Don't forget that tomorrow we will receive a notification about the travel schedule. - commented Liam.
- Yes, yes ... and don't forget to buy me some snacks. - commented Glen.
The pair left the room.
- Well, then... shall we start? - Glen said as he smiled while hiding his intentions.
- W-Wait...
Meanwhile, Daniel closed the curtains so that no one could see what was going to happen in that apartment located on the fourth floor.
- B-Boys ... we have to talk about it ...
- Don't worry ... sure we'll talk ... - said Daniel as he approached.
- W-What are you going to do to me?
- Just settle the score... you know... for attacking us before.
- We're also going to teach them some manners.
As Liam and Aren left the hotel, they could hear some sort of piercing scream.
The two didn't turn around to look, they just continued on their way.
Walking through those unfamiliar, but cozy streets, Liam asked a question.
-You know, do I wish I could continue what we talked about when we met on the train?
It seemed like the perfect opportunity for the young man to absolve his doubts without interruption from others, and Aren knew it.
- About the photograph, right?
- Exactly ... you were in Luesia ... just like here in Rivas, it's a small town, but I'm well informed about what was going on there ... you were one of those identified as guilty of the kidnappings, right?
Aren was silent.
- And it seemed as if you had some knowledge about who that photo belonged to.
Liam's intuition, even as a child, was quite keen.
- What do you want to know? - Aren asked.
Arriving at a convenience store, they both stopped at the entrance in silence. After a few seconds they entered.
That place was well stocked and with some people inside. In the meantime, that pair of young people began to look for some snacks and food.
- You... are you part of Le Front? - asked Liam with great seriousness.
Aren didn't answer immediately, which filled Liam with concern.
- Oh, no.
Although he answered late, for some reason, his answer was convincing.
- So what do you really know about that photo? Who wrote what was behind the photo? Why were you blamed for the crimes of the disappearances?
Although the questions were definite, Aren questioned why he linked the disappearances in Luesia to that unknown organization.
- Why do you link what happened in Luesia to the organization you call Le Front? - Aren asked.
Then it dawned on Liam that Aren might not really know about it.
- B-about that..." Liam couldn't decide whether to talk more about it or keep quiet as a precaution.
Suddenly, Aren averted his gaze from Liam looking towards the minimarket entrance. However, Liam didn't seem to notice yet.
"Is it really true that he doesn't know anything? I know that in the end it seems those found guilty were falsely framed ... but then why does he have that picture ... what should I do?"
The boy's thoughts were disturbed by the exaggerated noise of some males who were in the alcoholic beverage area of the establishment. However, what frustrated Liam was that they abruptly bumped into him.
- Why can't they be quiet-...! - Before they could finish raising their complaints, Liam as well as Aren were perplexed by the scene displayed in front of them.
A group of young college men were naked daring each other to drink more alcohol while the bar workers tried to stop them.
The rest were just commenting and taking pictures of the event.
One of the photos showed the men drinking wildly, the employees trying to stop them, and Liam and Aren in the middle of them with a wild expression looking at the camera.