When he woke up, he had lost more than his memory. Meeting him, that girl had hope, while he just went with the flow. He would lead them and they would lead him. Their lamentations began when time had run out, so they searched for the light and were answered.
Only the sound of the birds could be heard together with the breezes of the wind blowing over the trees; the land far from the capital seemed to be full of life, although no soul could be seen.
A few steps interrupted the superficial calm, a young man with black hair that moved with the wind appeared in that scene. Walking alone for about half an hour, he seemed to be wandering aimlessly, but, at a certain point, he stopped.
- ... You ... What are you doing here? - asked the young man.
As if he had spoken to nothing, almost half a minute passed and no one else seemed to be in the place.
The young man sighed and continued walking.
The minutes passed, but now at certain moments you could hear not only the footsteps of the young man, but some strange sounds were heard following him.
The noise seemed to be clumsy, as it sounded like groans of stumbling. After the hour had passed, the young man again stopped.
- ...
The man standing in the middle of two small hills could not this time discern where those sounds from before were coming from; the road was one way, but there seemed to be no one.
The young man sighed again.
Suddenly, the sound of pebbles falling from one of the hills alerted the man.
- ...
It seemed to be a false alarm, but those stones were followed by debris that suddenly fell. It all caused dust to rise, clouding the man's vision.
The smoke screen made the young man's senses dull for a moment, but a strange noise caused him to react.
Trying to subdue whoever approached as if by instinct, the young man demonstrated certain self-defense skills; however, that was not the most surprising thing.
- C-Could you let go of me... please? - the familiar voice of a young woman was heard.
That silhouette, although hidden in discreet clothing, still revealed the woman's identity. She was the daughter of Count Beltran, Emily's uncle.
The young man sighed for the third time.
A small nest of birds that had just hatched could be seen focusing from the heights of a tree on a couple who looked uncomfortable.
- So... Why have you been following me? - Aren asked.
- You know ... I was just passing by.
- ...
- Well ... I'll tell you, if you tell me why you've come to this place too.
- ... ... No ... just go back the way you came. - replied the boy disinterestedly.
- Are you still talking to me like that? Being a kept man and now leaving without warning. I can imagine how worried Emily must be. - Melissa replied defiantly.
"Are you planning to blackmail me?"
- So, what do you say? - the woman asked with a smile.
- ...I'm just...visiting a place....
- Really? And is your visit related to my cousin's current situation?
"She's cunning."
- No, it's something personal ... Now it's your turn to answer?
- ... Well, I wanted to talk to you today in the morning, after we talked in the evening, I still had some questions, but, with Emily around, I didn't have much of a chance. So when I saw you leaving earlier today, I thought it was the right time. - explained the young woman.
- I see, but that conversation will have to be another time, goodbye. - Aren replied as he went back on his way.
- Oh, no problem with that; I'll accompany you on your little trip.
- ... Are you sure ... to go like this?
- What do you mean?
- Those clothes ... will attract attention.
As if Melissa was a little confused, she spoke.
- You don't seem to be from this country, don't you know about the current trends?
- ... I lived in isolation for a while.
The young woman sighed.
- Since the takeover of the Éber dynasty, the nobles and aristocrats have gone back to wearing what they used to wear in the heyday of the monarchic era, albeit with some changes. It is now a fashion for celebrities in Spain to wear the dresses of the nobles.
"I didn't know that...I should be more careful about what I ask." Aren thought upon hearing this.
- ... And the place where we are headed ... is it dangerous? - Melissa suddenly asked with some regret.
- I don't know ... it's the first time I go to this place ... On the other hand, I don't think you came alone, did you?
Melissa smiled.
- Maybe; I actually came in a car with a couple of trusted servants. You know, currently the situation in the capital is not very safe to say the least.
- ... ¿?
This was another piece of information that Aren was unaware of.
- So they don't know you've come either.
- And I hope you won't tell them anything about it. - replied Melissa.
Having walked for more than forty minutes, the young woman's tiredness and patience seemed to reach its limits.
- Ah! When will we get there? I'm tired of walking.
- If you want, you can go back.
- That's what you would like.
At that moment, a sudden voice appeared in Aren's mind; a voice he had heard in his nightmares.
You'd better watch where you're going.
The sudden voice made the young man confused, but he still showed no sign of disturbance.
- ... You ... Who are you?
Suddenly, there was the sound of a gunshot not far from them causing a flock of crows to take to the skies in shock.
The voice that seemed to belong to a girl was heard again in his mind.
Just get out of there and hide as soon as possible.
- W-What was that sound?! - asked Melissa who seemed dismayed by what happened.
- Melissa, follow me quietly. - was Aren's order.
- I-I-I understand.
That pair went running discreetly trying not to be heard towards a dense grove of trees that could hide them for some time.
Looking through where they were hiding, the sound of an engine could be heard.
- What is going on?
- I don't know... but the only thing I understand is that they are getting closer.
- Who?!
Suddenly a car appeared with great speed on that road where the pair had been. It seemed that they did not notice those who were hiding among the trees and bushes.
Will you go back or will you continue on your way?
The voice of that girl spoke again.
"There is already danger in returning ... ... ... I will continue onward ... though what do I do with her?" thought Aren as he looked at Melissa.
Take her or maybe you'd like to abandon her ... What do you decide?
"So there's only one option, huh?"
- Now what do we do, do we leave? - Melissa asked a little sweaty.
- No, we keep going. Anyway, there will be the risk of being found when we return ... but, more importantly ... do you have a change of clothes?
This question, which seemed out of place, made Melissa stunned.
A few minutes passed and a new set of clothes that made her look like an ordinary young woman could be seen being put on Melissa.
- Hahh...something was already telling me to get ready for this.
"She actually had another change of clothes under her dress...how convenient."
- So ... we've already walked for over two hours and only trees and grasses have we seen ... when will we get there? - asked the young woman seriously.
- I don't know.
Before they continued on their way, the sound of recent murmurings near them was heard; this made Aren alert.
- Wait... let's stop for a moment! - he said to Melissa who was already retreating.
- What's the matter now? I'm worried enough without something else happening.
The woman soon became sordid when she saw a few meters away from her the silhouette of a group of people who were standing on the plain at the end of the forest.
- You'd better get back ... you don't want them to know that one of the invited grand dukes is not present at the opening ... - spoke a purple-haired woman of beautiful appearance.
- Ha ha ... actually that does not interest me at the moment, besides I already have someone to replace me. - replied a woman of similar age to the other young woman only her hair was a pale gold, but her gaze was sly and almost mischievous; strangely beautiful.
- I see... since you don't want to tell me the reason why you are here and you don't want to leave either... I guess I will have to force you. - said the woman who had visited Duchess Sofia during her birthday and behind her was her guardian.
- Are you really going to make Bruno fight for you? ... Besides I'm not the only one who is skipping his duties. - said that blonde woman with a somewhat indifferent smile who, like her counterpart, had her own guardian who was a tall white-haired man with a confident but diligent look.
- I have no problem with that. After all, I am here to obey Miss Lisbeth's orders. - Bruno answered.
-Then, of course, I will also stand up for my lady. - replied the other bodyguard.
The tension seemed to increase between the two sides.
- Fausto, you don't need to fight... I propose a truce, everyone do their own thing without getting in each other's way. What do you think, Lisbeth? - said the woman with the sly look.
- Alison, stop pretending to have integrity. You know we're both here for the same thing. - Libeth replied with a smile on her face.
The woman named Alison began to laugh lightly.
- W-Why are the two of them in this place? - began to speak Melissa who seemed totally stunned to see such a scene.
- Do you know them?
- Y-Yes ... they are people ... very danger- ... I mean, 'important' ... I-I think we'd better go back ... - stammered the young woman.
- I don't think we can. - Aren replied with great naturalness.
- Why do you say that?
The sound of a gun ready to fire could be heard behind the couple. A nailed aged man appeared behind them.
- Please, don't resist and go out where I tell you to go.
Aren's and Melissa's faces were slightly worried.
That group of five people counting the two elegant women, their bodyguards and one more young man who seemed to be part of the blonde woman's side could hear the footsteps of several people leaving behind them.
- ... And they... who are they? - Alison asked, somewhat surprised.
Bruno stared at them suspiciously.
The pair that was caught began to approach the other group. As they got close enough, one of those present remembered something when he saw one of them.
"He... he is..." those words remained in Lisbeth's mind as she recognized the face of the long-haired man she had seen not long ago.
- Lady Lisbeth, is something wrong? - asked Bruno.
- N-No, nothing ...
"Yes ... although I don't want to admit it, I also had that reaction the first time I saw him." thought Melissa noticing Lisbeth's expression.
- Well, well ... you have arrived at a somewhat tense moment, my name is Faust River, who are you? - Alison's guardian introduced himself with great confidence in his smile.
Suddenly, that other young man who belonged to Alison's group approached her and murmured some things to her.
- Faust... - commented Alison.
- Hahh ... so there is no more time ... Mnm ... I would advise to take them with us ... We could get to know them better. - Said the male closing his eyes with an annoyed expression.
- Keep an eye on them, isn't it? - Bruno clarified those words.
Fausto smiled.
- Do you have any disagreement with this, Lisbeth? - asked Alison.
- No... things being as they are, it's better to go all together. Let's hurry, we'll talk on the way. - replied Lisbeth.
They all set off, even if it was an obligation no one objected.
"Hahh ... I've stepped into the lion's den ... Why did I have to follow him!" angrily, Melissa thought.
"... I'm never meddling in other people's business again ... even if it was to help a child." thought, at the same time, Aren.
Having walked for more than twenty minutes, in the distance a village of sorts seemed to be seen, but it was dilapidated and no villagers could be heard. Yes, it was uninhabited.
- Well, I am surprised that the lady of the Beltran house and her companion are in these parts, I could hardly recognize her in her present attire. - commented Alison.
- Y-Yes... I am equally surprised to see you, Duchess Minerva and, her majesty, Princess Lisbeth. - replied Melissa, revealing the identities of the pair of women.
- Oh, just call us by our names ... no need for formalities.
- I mean the same thing, it has been several years since we have seen each other, Miss Melissa. - added Princess Lisbeth.
- Changing the subject, the reason why you are here... - mentioned Bruno.
- Certainly, we are not out for a stroll; just like you, we are looking for something... - answered the long-haired young man.
- Aren! - exclaimed Melissa for thinking he was being rude.
- No need to hide it ... it would be disrespectful to try to lie to them.
- Well, taking your words, I'll rephrase my question ... Exactly where are you headed and what are you looking for?
The defiant and serious looks of both young men glanced at each other from the corner of their eyes as they walked; even the others could feel the tension.
- ... To tell you the truth, we are looking for an address ... but I don't know how to get there ... if you don't mind, could you tell us where it is? - Aren commented as he took out a piece of paper.
- S-Sure... let me see it..." replied Faust who was puzzled by the change in Aren's attitude who seemed to be humble.
- I see... it seems we are all going to the same place. - commented Bruno as he read the paper.
- Oh ... really ... and you don't know what you're looking for there? - asked Alison expressing a hidden distrust in her smile and look as well as her bodyguard.
- We just came on an errand for a 'friend' who passed away recently. - Aren replied indifferently.
- Oh... excuse me for my thoughtlessness. - replied Alison, but still maintaining her intentions.
The group had arrived at the abandoned town; a sign almost fell down and read: Welcome to Tres Cantos.
- Well, we have arrived ... It is really quite a dilapidated and old town ... everything is full of wild plants. Let's go to the central square and from there we will decide what to do. - Fausto spoke and everyone did this.
Having arrived at a small square, everyone could agree on how they would act.
- Well ... we will divide into three groups, each one will have about a couple of hours to do their business, be careful to find wild animals or other things on your way, do not approach them. - explained Fausto - Miss Melissa, for your safety you will be accompanied by Ernesto and Luis, understood?
- Thank you for your consideration, as soon as you finish with us, we will be waiting for you to come back together. - Melissa thanked, nodding her head.
"What a leash, huh?" thought Aren.
- That would be best; we'll see you later then. I hope you can find what you are looking for. - Lisbeth said as she said goodbye to the rest.
- I appreciate your consideration. - Melissa thanked again.
- See you, then.
Each group dispersed, each in search of their objectives.