
No truth

Have you ever heard of Merlin? The great wizard? Well you shouldn't have anyways. At around this time Merlin should be getting breakfast for Arthur. I, like Merlin, have ...gifts. My father, Sir Merril, is a loyal night of Camelot. Killing anyone who practices sorcery is the law. My father has killed and turned in anyone caught using it. For every night he reminds me, "Sorcery is evil. If it is to reign over Camelot once more there would be doom." My father never knew of my gift, only mother. And as she promised, she took it with her to her grave never telling a soul. I have one question for you. Will you join me in this journey?

_princesscharming_ · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Bread bliss

After noticing him, behind him I see a knight holding a sword that was likely the one that sliced me.

I roll my eyes. "Of course it was Mr. Golden spoon. Tch you ruined my shirt. Are you aware of that?" I say pissed. Just seeing him got me in a bad mood, and last nights fight with father wasn't helping. "You better hold your tongue. The king could have you executed for speaking that way to the Prince. Also for you trying to kill him. Any man would be ashamed of these actions." Says the knight walking forward. I snicker. "Ya that's the thing. I'm not a man. Even if I were I wouldn't be ashamed of speaking to him that way. What's so special bout him?" I say standing up. I bite my lip the pain from the cut settling in.

The men look at me surprised. "Your a woman?" Arthur asks. I cock an eyebrow at him. "Why yes. You almost got defeated my a woman." I say trying to walk away but the knight grabs my arm pulling me back. "You move that hand or you'll lose it." I threatened glaring at him. But his grip only tightened and I knocked him over removing my arm from his grasp. "I didn't break it by the way. You should be fine." I say looking at the knight he groans getting up. I look at Arthur then at Merlin. He was standing by a tree looking at me as intrigued as I was. We stared at eachother while I tried deciphering what was the cause of my dreams of him.

I took in a breath looking at the prince who was taking aid of the knight. "May i go now? Or are other nights going to grab my limbs as well?" I ask sarcasm lining my every syllable. Arthur glares at me. "For doing what you have done you will be held in the dungeons. And then the King Can decide what to do with you." He says standing up getting all in my face. My jaw clenched as I fight the urge to kick his gut. "Then get on with it. I have a pretty busy schedule if you didn't know." I say stepping away. He cocks an eyebrow. "Like what going to buy dresses and brushing your friends hair?" He says mockingly. I glare at him for his stereotyping. "None that you would care for, as you make clear by putting me in a dungeon." I say. He rolls his eyes as I smirk glad to have pissed him off at least a fraction of what he does me. I take one last glance at Merlin before following Arthur. "Merlin she rides with you. I can trust you'll be able to do that much." He says and gets on his horse. I make my way to him but get pulled back by one of the knights. I from getting on the horse. I walk it to Merlin patting the seat in front of me for him to sit. He looks hesitant but does it anyways. We ride to the Castle silently.

We arrive at the gates when the sun reached the horizon, darkness engulfing the town. I get off the horse only for the guards to  immediately grab a hold of my arms. I snatch them back. "If you think I'm a dog that needs to be walked then you need your eyes checked. I can do this myself." I say walking ahead of them and towards the dungeon. "Stupid rich people." I mumble under my breath.

I enter the dungeon and they strap me to the shackles. "Oh gee this is the most expensive thing I've ever worn thanks guys!" I say giving them a tight smile. I see their shoulders moving as if laughing but if the do, they do so silently. "And it will be the last thing you wear if you don't keep your mouth shut." Says a voice. The knights turn and I was able to see Arthur at the door a smirk on his face. "Leave us." He says walking inside. I glare at him from where I sat. "Whats your name? We need it to contact your parents."  He says crossing his arms. I cocked an eyebrow. "Don't bother. My father wouldn't care if I got executed or banished from the land. And my mothers not here to care." I say leaning my head on the wall keeping my eyes on him. "Well we have to tell him at least. His daughter has gone missing without a trace. We must at least inform him." Arthur says trying to reason with me. I roll my eyes. "If you want him to know where his loving daughter is that bad, I guess I'll tell you. He's Sir Merlin, loyal night of Camelot, and savior to those who fear magic." I say dramatically. I laugh at the end. "I really don't know what people see in him, for them to call him a savior." I say smiling. Arthur looks at me bewildered. "But Sir Merlin has done a lot. He's killed all who are caught using sorcery." Arthur says confused. I look away from him observing the room I'll be staying in.

"Not all magic is bad. Life and existence in general is magic but people don't seem to fear it at all. They see something they don't know and fear kicks in. Killing seems to be the best option according to your father, Uther." I say, my eyes, dull and void, of emotion landing on Arthur once again.

"My father has made the right decision. Do you know what happened back then when Magic was everywhere?" He says his voice raising. "Yes, there was people dying left and right. But your father is doing the same. Why is he any better than those people from before? Just cause he has some gold and lives in a castle?" I say my face straight staring right into his blue eyes. "My father isn't wrong. Those people killed thousands. Though he's doing the same, he is killing those who are going to bring back magic. Death." He says getting closer his voice sounding more defensive. "Most of those people are innocent! Instead of giving them a fair trial he kills them on the spot! A lot of those people simply get framed! Just like my mother!" I scream at him my temper rising.

"How would you know? Your mother could have lied to you! Sir Merlin talks about her how she was crazy, mad even! He even spoke about you! That you were exactly like your mother!" He says only a few feet in front of me. His voice was really getting me. I jumped at him trying to do something, anything to him, but the shackles held me back. "You do not speak of my mother that way! You know nothing of her! Kill me for all I care but I never want you to speak of her that way again!" I say my blood boiling. He stands there unaffected. He turns around heading for the entrance. "Your father will be informed. You will be meeting with the king tomorrow at noon. If I were you I'd  prepare my plead." He says before leaving me to my misery. "Tch What an ass." I say. Pissed off. I lean my head back against the wall. Then I look at the door making sure the guards weren't looking. My eyes turn bright turquoise before m shackles undo themselves. I look at my wrists. They were turning purple with some red marks from earlier when I lunged at Arthur. I hear people speaking outside of the door and footsteps following. I hid my hands behind my back so they wouldn't see the missing shackles.

"Hello. This is your food for the day. I would savor it if I were...YOU!" I jump at the loudness of her voice, looking up to see the girl from last night. "Oh hi." I say calmly. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "You seemed like a complete angel yesterday." She says walking closer. "Oh dear prince got offended by the fact that a girl was about to beat him. And I may have said a few not so nice words. Just a few." I say making a crab hand, showing a small amount. She shakes her head smiling. "Arthur is... something." She tried covering. I nod. "That's for sure." I say and she laughs. She had brought me bread and cheese. I grabbed a piece of bread putting it in my mouth. I moan at the bliss. "Bread has never tasted so good." I say taking  another bite. She looks at me concerned. "Why so?" She asks. I clear my throat ready to explain.

"Because she has refused to eat the food I feed her at home." Says a voice I was hoping not to hear.