
Near the border

Another 10 days passed in the blink of an eye and I was finally getting close to the border between Vistill's and Perick's territories. During the past few days, my control over mana got a lot better, probably due to the skill I acquired. I shouldn't have a problem fighting or at least escaping from someone in the same stage as me, unless their skills are way better than mine. I decided to stay out of the villages for a while. With no strong Mortals around I'll only be wasting my time. 

'I also have to be wary of that old guy…' I was constantly on guard thanks to him and that made my senses always on the lookout for any danger, which heightened them by a notch, but there was one problem connected to it. 

'I am fatigued from the constant use of mana.' My combat ability was currently about 80% of my full power. I decided to visit a big-sized village near the border in order to rest. Of course, that was not the only reason. I decided it was time for me to break through to lv.7 by launching a surprise attack on one of the Late Mortal stage warriors there. 

There was also the problem of identification. If I used my real ID they would be able to recognize me. During my journey, I stumbled across a lot of wanted posters with a drawing of me in it. I didn't have the opportunity to learn a concealing skill either. My only option would be to cover my face and force my way by going past the guards. That alone was difficult enough considering they were both lv.6, the same as me, and probably had good skills.

I decided to stay a kilometer away from the village to recover my strength and then act according to the plan. I quickly found an area that looked okay and killed the beasts residing there to eat. By the time it got dark, I had set up a camp and was prepared to eat the raw animal meat. I began to think if I should light a fire to cook it first.

'No, I can't. The smoke will alert the village guards. There is a chance they might come and see if I am a threat to the village. I shouldn't take the risk-' 

That's when I came across a good idea. I gathered dry wood and lit a fire after about 10 minutes and then spread it to the forest. My plan was simple- start burning the forest, guards come to put out the fire while I sneak into the city, no one is hurt and I get it. The plan worked flawlessly and I was successful. I made my way to an inn nearby and went over to rent a room.

The owner was at lv.3, an old man in his seventies with a long white beard. I

"I want a small room to stay for the night. Here are 5 copper coins, don't bother me." I left after saying it and the old man seemed fine with it. He stored the money inside his bag and shouted in my direction.

"Your room is 1D. The room is the furthest to the right." 

I opened the door and was met by misery. The room was so dirty even a pig wouldn't live here. 

'Although I did say to give me a small room for only 5 copper coins, this is a bit too much isn't it?! Damn old man, you dare trick me! Hm, I'll let you go this time because my recovery is more important but this isn't over yet!' 

I hadn't felt this agitated in a while and found the feeling quite pleasant. I scattered the rubbish to one corner of the room and began meditating to relieve my fatigue. 8 hours later, I opened my eyes and went downstairs to leave. The old man welcomed me with a warm smile, which made me want to punch him even more.

"Young lass, did you sleep well?" I could feel the blatant mockery in his tone but decided to ignore it so as to not cause trouble. I glared at him and responded with a similar smile, I could practically feel the veins on my head about to explode from anger. 'Just wait until I kill a Late Mortal! No one will mind your death in that panic you old bastard, let me see how you escape!' 

"The room you gave me was quite to my liking, thank you for your hospitality! I will surely return the favor one day!" 

The old man raised one eyebrow in surprise and sent me off with that same annoying grin on his face. I made sure to remember where the inn was located so I could return later and 'return the favor'. I left to wander around the city and find information about the lv.8 warrior that led the village, presumed to be an old woman around 100 years old. 

I feel like I'm rushing the story a bit. If anyone read this (which I doubt) please tell me if the pace is ok or not!

Wezsiicreators' thoughts