

1948 Moscow, USSR

Soviet Russia is the most biggest and The most unknown land in history.

The Russian Scientists and the Most Supreme Leader Joseph Stalin. They were testing a new bomb named T-8000 but failed. It didn't explode instead made a huge portal the Scientists didn't abandon it they instead staying in area keep away from people staying in it.

2 days later

The Russian Scientist feel a little earthquake around the portal. But something come out from it.

A man with a horse but more is coming out from it. Men with swords and bows and then the man in the horse shows his huge flaming sword then burst it to the ground. It made a huge root spreading in the area. Then the Men open fire with their bows and arrows making a Rain of arrows in the sky. The Scientists ran away in the area but 5 scientists was dead because of the arrows. After many hours later the the Army of knights coming out of the portal and the huge root is growing bigger. The Army march to the city of Moscow. They have under siege Moscow with knight leaving many people dead. Joseph Stalin fled the scene then he command the Red Army.

Main Character

Name:Atyom Dragovic

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Birth day: April 16, 1928

Info: He was born in a poor family in Saint Peters Burg then he join the Red Army in 1940 he fight off the Germans to Battle of Stalingrad to Berlin. He achieve many medals after the war. He serve as sergeant of the 201st Red Army.

July 6 ,1948 after the seige

The Red Army use the Train to Moscow to transport the Red Troops in the occupied Moscow. In 7:34 Atyom and the Red Troops saw the huge burning fire of Moscow. The Train stop command by the General. The Red Troops come out of the train and they open 2 containers in the train. They are 2 Katyusha rockets then they aim at Moscow.

To be continued