
No Romance To Be Found

In the midst of a chilling night, Elena Wilson, a young and timid girl, finds herself in a harrowing chase, desperately trying to escape from an unknown pursuer. Lost in the alleys of a desolate street, she collides with a car, her heart racing as she braces for the impact. Miraculously, the driver of the vehicle manages to halt just in time, saving her from harm. As Elena regains her composure, she gazes up to meet the eyes of the car's owner, only to recognize the face that has adorned countless magazines—the enigmatic and successful billionaire, Elliot Wessex. Overwhelmed with both gratitude and trepidation, Elena implores him for help, hoping he could drive her to a safe place Little does Elena know that Elliot's desire to assist her is not purely driven by kindness. Beneath his handsome façade lies a some hidden motive. Drawn to Elena's beauty and vulnerability, he agrees to aid her in eluding her pursuer, embarking on a dangerous journey that illuminates dark secrets and tests the limits of trust.

Blue_Snowflake · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter 4

She then noticed she had nothing good to wear, only the dress that she was wearing yesterday which belonged to Elliot's sister so she went out to grab the dress to put it on again when she went out she saw another maids besides the rude maid in the room.

She greeted her with a genuine smile and introduced herself " Lady Elena, I'm Cathy, Master Elliot told me to bring a nice dress from lady Helen's wardrobe and asked you to wear it and join him for breakfast" Elena smiled and greeted back " Its good to meet you Cathy and thanks for bringing the dress." Elena understood that lady Helen must be the sister of Elliot, so she took the dress and went back to the bathroom and quickly put on the light pink dress and headed to the dining hall with the 2 maids and when she went to the dining hall escorted by the maids, she met Elliot and greeted him, he greeted back and told her to sit and have breakfast.

The maids served them breakfast. finished eating in silence and when they were done, Elliot extended his one hand at Elena ,

Elena hesitated for a moment, but eventually took his hand and they headed out the dining hall and butler Andrew followed behind. They went out of the house and Elliot's limousine was waiting for them as well as his body guards. As they stepped into the luxurious limousine. Elliot told Andrew " We will back before lunch Andrew,." Butler Andrew nodded and said ' Sure young master, have a safe journey, master and lady." One guard opened the door of the limo and both of them sat in the limo.

The car glided smoothly through the city streets, and Elena found herself stealing glances at Elliot, wondering if she should tell him about the maid's rude behavior. As the limo made its way through the bustling city, Elena couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The incident with the rude maid kept replaying in her mind, and she wondered if it was worth mentioning to Elliot.

So Elena spoke up " Sir, you know.." Before she could finish Elliot interrupted saying " Elena for heaven's sake , we are going to be married within 1 hour and you still address me as sir, what will people think I treat my wife as my worker? Elena call me Elliot, yes now continue what you were saying." Elena nodded and continued " Umm..Elliot, one of the maid was behaving strangely and rudely with me since I came to your home. She was glaring at me at the dining hall and then today in the morning when she came to wake me up she was giving me those dirty looks and gave me a fake smile as if she does not like me. It was quite unsettling to experience such hostility from one of the maids." Elliot looked at Elena with a bit of confusion, Elliot could not understand why would Sally behave rudely with Elena since everyone in the mansion knows Elena was the soon to be mistress of his mansion.

He told Elena not to worry " You should not think much about it. I will talk to Sally regarding her behavior." Elena asked him with confusion in her voice " Who is Sally?" Elliot replied " The maid you are talking about. I see you don't even know her name. You must be thinking how did I figure out you are talking about Sally because I saw Sally to wake you up in the morning from the dining hall when I was sitting there and I told one of them to wake you up. That's how I know it was her." Elena's mouth formed an O and nodded.

Elena stopped thinking about it since Elliot will see this matter and within few minutes the limo stopped In front of the bridal shop. 2 of the body guards opened the doors for them. When Elena stepped out from the car she saw the Body guards were standing in a line near them to protect Elliot. Elliot told her to follow him. They went in and all the staffs greeted them and asked them to show the most expensive Wedding gown. They showed few options and Elliot asked Elena to try them on and she did one by one and showed to Elliot and Elliot thought all of them looked great on her since she was the most beautiful but he thought the 2nd gown looked better so Elena put that on and Elliot purchased that and headed to the court.

After coming to the the court as they stepped out, Elliot hold her hand which brought her attention to Elliot Elena felt a sense of comfort and security as Elliot held her hand. As they walked towards the court entrance, Elena couldn't shake off the nervousness that had been building up inside her.

Elliot saw the marriage lawyer Mark, his family friend coming to them with a big smile and waved at him in return Elliot smiled and waved back and Elliot greeted him and said " Hey Mark, been a while." while Mark approaching. Mark greeted back and patted his shoulder saying teasingly " My little boy has finally stepped into adulthood, huh? It must be a big day for you and for this beautiful elegant lady what is you name, my dear?" His attention shifted to Elena and she replied softly smiling " It's Elena, good to see you. Mark chuckled and replied, "Well, Elena, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Mark, the marriage lawyer, I will be registering your marriage and also the family friend of Wessex. I can see why Elliot is so smitten with you." Elena blushed and thanked him for his kind words. As the conversation continued, Mark said " Oh, we will continue our conversation later now, let's hurry and finish all the procedure of your marriage. Let's us head inside my cabin."

Elliot again hold her hand and he thought to himself " I hope my mom wont make any issues with my marriage since she wanted me to marry her friend's daughter." Elliot closed his eyes and sighed and went inside the cabin of Mark. Then Mark asked them to sit. As Elliot sat down, he looked at Elena who seemed nervous, so he whispered some comforting words to calm her down " Hey, its ok, don't need to be nervous, you will be free after 2 years."

Elliot's words seemed to have no effect on her , she comes from a poor background and she had no idea about the etiquette that she needs to learn being the wife of a billionaire. while she was thinking all this, Mark cleared his voice and as Mark put the marriage paper in front of them, Elena's heart started racing. She knew that her life was about to change drastically, and she couldn't help but wonder if she would be able to adapt to the luxurious lifestyle that awaited her. She saw Elliot took a pen from Mark and signed on the marriage paper.

Elena's hands trembled as she reached for the pen, her mind filled with a mix of worries. She couldn't help but question whether she was truly ready for the responsibilities that came with being a billionaire's wife. As she carefully signed her name on the marriage paper, Mark clapped with a big smile and shook his hand with Elliot and Elena. Elena's heart raced as she handed the pen back to Mark. Elliot looked at Elena and puller her into a big hug and whispered " Smile, you are making at it obvious in front of Mark that something is off about our relationship. Smile." Elliot let her go and he heard Mark asking " I was wondering why didn't you family attend your wedding? Are they against yo marrying Elena?" Elliot laughed a little and replied " No, Mark. I just want to surprise them now please take few pictures with this camera that I brought with me." Mark took the camera and said " Gladly. Make some romantic poses you 2. As they stood in front of the camera, Elliot and Elena embraced each other, their smiles radiating joy. With every click of the shutter, their fake love story was being captured in timeless frames.

The camera became a witness to their fake affectionate gestures and tender moments. Then Mark asked with a mischievous grin "Now for the last photo please kiss your bride Elliot." Elena, blushing slightly, couldn't help but play along with Mark's mischievous request. But Elliot liked the request of Mark, he can finally taste her lips. He slowly pulled Elena close to him. Since Elliot was much taller than Elena he had to bend down to kiss her Elena felt her heart race as Elliot pulled her closer. The anticipation of their lips meeting sent a shiver down her spine and in that moment, she let herself surrender to the enchanting pull of desire. As their lips finally met, time seemed to stand still, and Mark took the last photo. Elena's mind was filled with a whirlwind of emotions as their kiss deepened. The taste of Elliot's lips was intoxicating, and she found herself losing all sense of reality.

As Mark captured their embrace in his final photograph, Elliot let go of her lips slightly grinning.

Mark gave back the camera to Elliot and they bid goodbye to Mark and stepped in the Limo. As the limo glided through the city streets, Elliot pulled his phone out from his pocket and dialed a number and called someone and when the phone was received he spoke up " Hey dad, I have a good news for you all, I just got married." Elena could not hear what was his father saying from the other side of the phone but Elliot replied " Sure dad, come over to my place with mom and the rest of my family to meet my beautiful wife, ok we will be waiting for you, bye dad." Elliot hung up the phone.

He turned to Elena, his new wife, and shared the news with a small sign. Elena asked with a trembling voice "Do you think they will accept me?" Elliot replied while cupping her cheeks Elliot looked deeply into Elena's eyes and reassured her, "My love, they will not only accept you but embrace you with open arms. You are beautiful, kind and humble and they will see that." Elena whispered back, "Thanks... Elliot, ummm...did you make up any love story about us for your family?"

Elliot replied Elliot replied with a mischievous smile, "Oh, you have no idea! I spun tales of our epic love, filled with grand gestures and romantic escapades, they will believe my story." He chuckled, knowing that his family would never suspect the truth behind his playful exaggerations. After 30 minutes later they arrived back to Elliot's mansion. As they stepped out of the limo.

Elliot couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. marriage went well and when they went in the mansion, the butler and the maids greeted them. Elliot then announced to them "Everyone, I have something to announce. We just got married few hours ago which makes Elena the mistress of this mansion."

Please let me know if the story needs improvement and id you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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