
Now We Are In Trouble

In Dorne, Arishem could be seen Lazing around in the castle’s garden like the little prince that he was to Done.

Now Arishem was eight years of age and he seemed to be growing fast because now he was above 40 inches by 5 inches.

Arishem had just attended court meetings with his father and to him, it seemed like everyone was just so slow in doing their work

“I wonder why father still let Makari be a minister of the royal court after his betrayal towards father, mmh never mind I’ll remove him once I’m king” thought Arishem.

No one had told Arishem that Makari had betrayed Levi, Arishem had watched Makari’s memories without Makari’s knowledge.

Arishem's powers were getting stronger with every year added to his life but due to his father Azazel’s immortal blood running thick in his veins Arishem would stop ageing after a certain time in his life.

Levi had witnessed his son grow during these pas seven years of Arishem’s life, and he felt like his son was soon going to surpass him in swordsmanship because sometimes the prince could be hard to take down.

Today, was another training session between Levi and Arishem so Arishem was waiting for his father who was also his tutor to come for his training.

“Today we will be learning how to use daggers” said Levi.

Arishem quickly bowed but he felt danger beside him and he quickly caught the arrow that Levi had shot 1 inch away from him and that was when he realized that this was not Levi but a creature with the face and voice of Levi.

“Now that was impressive!” said the creature with the face of Levi.

“Who are you?” demanded Arishem with no hint of fear in his voice, he was exuding his powerful aura without even noticing.

“Oh master why do you and your son have to be the same” Magnus mumbled under his breath.

“Master Arishem I am Magnus servant of your immortal father master Azazel” replied Magnus

“Immortal father?” asked Arishem

“Yes master you have an immortal father. Haven’t you ever wondered why you were bestowed with so much…. “ Magnus was saying, before Arishem cut in

"Wait just stop using my Father, Levi’s face firstly” demanded Arishem

“Yes my Lord”, replied Magnus and with that, he morphed back into his usual dark hair, red eyes and pale-skinned appearance.

“Now speak” demanded Arishem.

"You were trapped in a reincarnation circle” Magnus was saying when Arishem cut his words short.

“Skip that part, I remember. So why didn’t Azazel come for me?” asked Arishem to Magnus

“Master I know you might be upset but those demons have the power to conceal their existence so it was hard for a master to find you due to your immortality, you were able to break free from the reincarnation circle. So master Arishem please I beg of you do not be angry at master Azazel” pleaded Magnus.

“I’ve heard what you have to say Magnus but I won’t forgive Azazel that easily” replied Arishem.

“I have to go now master, I have found the residing place of those demons now I just have to see what they are up to and report to master Azazel,” said Magnus.

“I’m coming with you” said Arishem.

“Master I can’t put you at risk right now because you have not fully mastered your powers and moreso, your earthly parents will notice that you are gone and master Azazel is not going to be happy” said Magnus.

“Come on Magnus there must be something you can do about not making my absence known in the castle I know you are powerful enough to do that and as for what Azazel think’s I don’t care how about that Magnus” said Arishem while wiggling his eyebrows at Magnus he knew Magnus would agree.

Magnus knew that if he disobeyed Arishem, he would be mad at himself and if he disobeyed Azazel by letting Arishem follow him Azazel would order Flamer to cook him in a pot of brimstone and fire meant for disobedient skeletons which Flamer would gladly oblige to.

Magnus made up his mind to obey Arishem and later face all of Azazel’s punishments.

“Okay master I will take u there but we will need to hide your presence and I don’t know how to do that since the power was also bestowed to me….."

Before Magnus could complete his sentence, Arishem had already transformed into his spiritual form.

“Then I guess that’s settled now it’s just to hide your absence here and…. I’ve done it now your mortal parents will still be seeing you and even touching you but all of it is an illusion so we need to be back before they notice the trick because you will keep repeating a few words several times at a certain point" said Magnus to Arishem.

“Azazel probably has the most skilled servant” smiled Arishem.

Magnus couldn’t say a thing because this was the first time this master of his was complimenting him until he heard Arishem laugh and say,

“Is that what you expected me to say?”

Frustrated, Magnus left with Arishem.

In a very dark and cold forest, where everything was quite but on closer distance you could hear the cries of newly birthed babies being thrown into what looked like a fiery furnace and a really big creature which looked like a cyclops and a werewolf stirring up the furnace.

There was a cave beside it which if one didn’t look closely wouldn’t notice that it was there.

Not too far behind this cave, sat Magnus and Arishem atop a tree both respectively in their spiritual forms.

“So when are we going in?” asked Arishem to Magnus.

“Patience master, soon, soon enough we will go in” replied Magnus and just as soon as the crossbred cyclops left the furnace area, Magnus jumped down the tree.

He was about giving his hands to his little master but the dark prince of hell had jumped off the tree as stealthily as a cat, so Magnus put down his hands, and led Arishem inside the cave.

“Salgurish, the devil’s minions are getting more powerful I heard even the devil’s servant evolved” said a frost demon with ice scales who was reporting to it’s master Salgurish who had antlers on his head and what looked like arteries in his dark red eyes, and his claws were being sharpened by the best blacksmith the crossbred cyclops.

Magnus and Arishem were behind a big vessel which was used to store stale blood for

Salgurish’s hellhounds.

Magnus was dragging Arishem so that they could leave but Arishem was persistent on not wanting to leave now.

So in the process of their spiritual ruckus, a mouse squeaked and unfortunately for them, it was a hellhound mouse which fed on living souls.

‘Now we are in trouble’ thought Magnus.