
No One Knows That She's a Psychopath

Alexa Smith is the CEO of Heavenly Paradise, an insurance company. She was born with a silver spoon and a secret identity that only a few know. She was a short-tempered psychopath, and she always make sure to get what she wants. She may be sweet, elegant, and gentle outside but who knows that there is a beast inside of her. One day, an unexpected killing may cause her a lot of trouble and pain in the ass as the detective in charge, Detective Kevin Roberts, suspects her as the killer. Will Detective Kevin unveil the truth behind Alexa's real identity? Or Alexa will be able to escape and get what she wants? Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All of the names, characters, places, events, and incidents are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to a real name, place, events, or incident are purely just a coincidence. Also, this story may or may not contain some mature scenes and words and many grammatical and typographical errors, so read at your own risk.

ACistus · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Their First Encounter

The guy in sweatpants starts to lay his hands on my lower body while the guy in the hoodie tried to touch my chest I said, "Wait a minute would it be better if we do it inside my car?"

They looked at each other with their perverted smiles and went inside my car. I entered after them. Locked the car doors and change the window glasses.

"So where do we start?" the hoodie guy asked.

"We'll start with you," I replied.

To make it believable I removed my top and revealed my breast—their shining eyes tell that they want it soon. I went on top of the hoodie guy and the funny thing is as soon as I was on top of him his thing went hard. He hurriedly grabbed my waist and push onto his but again I stopped him. I drink some water, and after it, I gave him what he wants—a deep kiss that he won't forget. Then, the sweatpants guy seemed cannot to wait and interrupted us. He started to lick my breast and I feel his tongue playing my nipples while the hoodie guy started to put his finger inside my pussy. I drink water again and continue what we're doing.

"Dude I feel dizzy do you?" the hoodie guy said.

"A little bit but I'm enjoying this" the sweatpants guy said.

After they spoke both of them were knocked out in my car. I put on my top back and dragged the two inside their car. I went to look for some big and hard rock. Opened the alcohol they bought at the convenience store earlier and throw some inside the car. Change the 'Park Mode' to 'Drive Mode'. Lastly, lock and close the car doors.

I just watched them as their car went straight off the road who knows how deep that cliff is—no one.

"People should respect others if they wanted others to respect them too and some people don't die unfairly because they die accordingly."

Before Timothy knows what happened I need to go to his party as fast as I can. Luckily, it only takes 10 minutes and I reached Timothy's party. Why even bother to host a party in the middle of nowhere.

"Yo Alex! What took you so long?" drunk Timothy said.

"Some raccoons meddle in the way," I replied.

"Where's your mom?" I asked.

"Nah, she's not here. I just used her as an excuse. If I tell the truth you won't probably be here right now," he said.

I slapped his head—who knows maybe he returns to his senses. "I need some air don't interrupt me okay," I said to him and left with a grin.

I went inside the house. Damn this spoiled brat literally gets what he wants. I went to the minibar on the third floor and as expected I witness a lot of shit. Couples making love anywhere, gays and guys flirting with each other, and many more insane acts that you won't imagine. I directly went to the counter to get some drinks when I also noticed that the guy making cocktails is hot.

"The name's Kevin. Kevin Roberts and you?" he asked.

"It's Alexa. Alexa Smith," I answered.

"Why are you not hanging with them? It's a party but you're not enjoying it," he said.

"Well apparently, the host used his mom and lied so that I can come. Actually, I hate parties. It's just too loud, and look at them," I said.

He smirked. "You're different," he added.

"Way too much different," I answered.

After the conversation, I continued to drink my cocktail and someone from the first floor hurriedly came and shouted—"The police are coming!"

All of them are hurriedly looking for a place to hide when the electricity just went out. Someone grabbed my hand and whispered, "Follow me." I went outside the house and saw the cop's cars already surrounding the whole house. "Stay right here," Kevin said.

I stayed as he said. He and the other cops went inside the house to get all of them including Timothy—poor Tim bawling like a child looking for his mom.

On our way to the prison, someone reported an accident, "All cops from Route 66 there's an accident nearby a car fell on the cliff. Please response," an officer said from the radio.

"We're on our way," the cop in the front seat said.

The cop started to drive the police car and went to the cliff.

"What happened here?" Kevin asked.

"Someone reported to the station that a car fell on the cliff. We revived the car and the passengers but they were dead," the officer said.

"And the caller?" he asked.

"We have his info and we'll work on it," the officer replied.

"Okay good! Let's go to the station, for now, we have a lot of guests," Kevin said.

We went to the station. All of them were imprisoned. Why not? They used illegal drugs and also smuggled items. It's not a party it's a negotiation.

"Alex let me out please help me," Timothy begged behind the bars.

"You know, I knew you would say that so I called your mom. Wanna know what she said?" I asked.

"For sure she said that you'll help me out," he answered.

"No, she said, 'Let him be imprisoned to learn his lessons', That's what your mother said so I'm sorry you should stay right here," I said.

"Boyfriend?" Kevin asked and gave me some coffee.

"Who?" I asked.

"The guy you just talked to," he answered.

"Timothy? No, he's a family friend more like a little brother. By the way, all of them were imprisoned except me. Why?" I asked.

"Because you didn't do anything wrong. As you said you were forced to be there. Right?" he asked.

"Right," I answered.

He smirked again. "So you're not going to bail him out?" he asked again.

"Nah, let him be. It's also her mom's decision besides he needs to grow up," I answered.

"Can I go home?" I asked.

"Yes, you may. Hope not to see you again. I mean, not here in the prison but I would like to see you outside the station," Kevin jokingly answered.

"Who knows maybe this station is the start of everything," I answered and left him with a smile and a wink. I looked back and saw him waving with a smile.